Surveys of Public Opinion on Wildlife Policy

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City Of Norwich Deer Survey Results July 25, 2024 New York, The Evening Sun

... The survey was open for approximately six weeks ... , 65 percent saw no problem with the deer, and 35 percent felt deer presented a problem. In reviewing the results, the committee has determined there was not enough response to continue...

Arlington to consider hunting and sterilizing deer, or fencing parks, to cull June 27, 2023 Virginia,

... Through Thursday, July 13, residents can take an online survey to share their thoughts on the four lethal and non-lethal methods on the table:

Solutions still being sought to address regional deer population June 25, 2023 Michigan,

... West Bloomfield conducted its own survey in November of last year, and according to Township Supervisor Steven Kaplan, there was an “astounding” response to it, with 1,569 residents taking part.  “We have an interesting dynamic,” Kaplan said. “I would say there’s a split in the community — 50% love the deer and 50% don’t want the deer.”...

Delay in cull of town deer population frustrates Truro mayor January 5, 2021 Massachusetts, The Chronicle Herald

... A survey conducted in conjunction with the public information session indicated that half of the respondents felt the growing population of deer was a problem but only half of those respondents, or 25 per cent overall, felt that lethal means should be used to reduce the number of deer. ...

South Euclid, Survey results start South Euclid's process of finding best means to control deer population October 29, 2019 Ohio,

... If asked to choose between using lethal or non-lethal means to control the deer population, 62.4 percent would choose non-lethal methods, compared to 37.7 percent favoring lethal means ... 604 people took part in the survey -- far more than in any other survey the city has conducted... using non-lethal methods (contraception and/or sterilization) was the top choice of 48.8 percent of respondents, while another 28 percent “somewhat” supported this method...

Avon Lake residents weigh in on city’s deer population September 2, 2019 Ohio,

... Of the respondents, 30.8 percent said increasing and 30.8 percent said decreasing. The rest indicated stable or no answer... Over the last month, how many total deer have you seen on your property?  Less than one per day, showing a decrease from the answer of slightly more than one per day in 2016, when a survey was last taken...

Truro deer management session draws large crowd June 20, 2017 Nova Scotia, Truro Daily News

... About 1,200 surveys had been completed online by early Tuesday afternoon ... it appears most people don’t want to see the deer killed ... “I live on Brunswick Street and sometimes I see them in my yard ...They’re beautiful and I love seeing them...

Avon Lake, Make Your Voice Heard On The Deer issue In Avon Lake May 31, 2017 Ohio, Patch

... an annual deer survey, to gauge residents' feelings on the matter... responses on the survey will be used to craft ordinances related to deer population control...

Magrath seeking input to control deer population May 30, 2017 Alberta, Lethbridge Herald

... town council is asking the public to be a part of the discussion through an online survey... “Members of the public can help by eliminating ready food sources and by fencing in their yards and gardens,” ...

Logan surveying residents on deer management program November 16, 2016 Utah, The Herald Journal

... Most respondents, 47 percent, said they don’t think anything needs to be done to reduce the number of deer in Logan, as opposed to 27 percent who do.  When asked if capturing and relocating deer is acceptable, 49 percent agreed and 32 percent disagreed. Nearly 60 percent said they are opposed to a program that euthanizes deer ...

Ann Arbor deer management: City criticized for survey stating killing is most effective option December 10, 2014 Michigan, MLive 

... A new online survey being circulated by the city of Ann Arbor seeks public input on options for managing the local deer population, including lethal and nonlethal methods... three of the survey questions start out by stating:  "Research concludes that lethal removal measures are most effective for managing a deer population," ...

Mail and Web-Based Survey Administration: A Case Study With Recreational Users of Virginia's Wildlife Management Areas  AL Carrozzino-Lyon, SL McMullin, JA Parkhurst - Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 2013

... Web-based surveys cost less, obtain responses more quickly, and provide more efficient data management compared to mail surveys; however, the potential inability to reach a random, representative sample of the public raises concerns about the validity and reliability of Web-based surveys. We surveyed recreational users of Virginia wildlife management areas with either a Web-based or mail instrument, based on user preference for contact. Response rates for both modes were comparable, but Web-based surveys were more complete and returned more rapidly than were mail surveys. The Web-based option was selected more often by younger, urban participants, and respondents who had completed more education. Attitudes toward land management practices and wildlife value orientations did not differ between Web-based and mail respondents. Surveys administered using only Web-based questionnaires likely are susceptible to demographic bias problems, but survey mode appeared not to influence the validity and reliability of attitudinal information from recreational users.

Mount Desert Island, Deer Survey Goes to Voters January 9, 2013 Maine, Fenceviewer

Selectmen here decided Monday to let the town's registered voters have their say on the issue through a 10-question survey designed to gather opinions about controlling the deer population.  The survey is to be mailed to everyone on the town’s voter registration list ...

Use of citizen advisory committees to direct deer management in Pennsylvania

Jeannine T. Fleegle, Christopher S. Rosenberry, Bret D. Wallingford.   Wildlife Society Bulletin, Article first published online: 30 NOV 2012, DOI: 10.1002/wsb.227


Effective deer management must consider diverse stakeholder values. From 2006 to 2011, the Pennsylvania (USA) Game Commission implemented citizen advisory committees (CACs) to measure deer–human conflicts and tolerance for deer populations in each wildlife management unit. There was a general lack of public interest in participating in CACs. Key stakeholder groups were often absent and CACs exhibited a strong hunter bias. Although the CAC process seemed to benefit those involved, the scope was limited and likely did not represent the values and attitudes of the entire citizenry within the wildlife management unit. As a result of this CAC experience, the Pennsylvania Game Commission moved to a citizen survey in 2011 to ensure all interests are represented as the future success of deer management depends on greater understanding of the values and attitudes of every stakeholder.

Rapid City Uses a Phone Hotline to Target Specific Deer Problems Rather Than Randomly Killing Deer

Rapid City, Wildlife hotline tracks complaints November 18, 2012 South Dakota, Rapid City Journal

... Residents can now call a city hotline to report wildlife concerns for animals such as deer ... The hotline is part of a revised deer management plan ... used to determine where to harvest deer within city limits, among other things. The lack of complaint tracking was part of what prompted revising the deer-management plan.

Mentor, City Of Mentor Asks For Residents' Help With Deer SurveyAugust 1, 2012 Ohio, 

... Mentor City Manager Kenneth Filipiak presented an ordinance to City Council that would, if passed, legalize the bow hunting of deer in Mentor....the city has asked its people how the deer in Mentor have affected their lives... The city manager added that the survey would supplement the information from the city's deer counts.... 

Improving the Effective Use of Public Involvement in Wildlife ... "

Many trends in the management environment are intensifying the difficulties of achieving effective public involvement in wildlife management. Increasing numbers of wildlife issues in Michigan reflects a national need to improve the effectiveness of the current approaches to public involvement as one step in achieving science-based resource management. This project will identify and address barriers to effective public involvement. A systematic means of selecting and implementing strategies to obtain and integrate public input in the decision-making processes will be developed and evaluated.

Developing Urban Deer Management Plans: The Need for Public Education 

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by D Green - Public participation in wildlife management: opinions from public meetings and randomsurveys. Wildlife Society. Bulletin 21:218-225. ..

Illinois deer study reveals human preferences May 31, 2012 Outdoor News 

... “Whether they hunt them, just like them or don’t like them at all, most people feel some sort of connection with deer,” said Rachael Urbanek, who led the study, “Ecological and societal impacts of suburban white-tailed deer: a case study in the Chicago Metropolitan Area,” ... Sixty-five percent of biologists indicated they had not surveyed local communities for their opinions on deer and deer management...The study looked at aerial and pellet-based distance sampling surveys... “... pellet-based may be advantageous due to less bias in density estimates, less-expensive survey costs, and no need for elaborate equipment,” 

'Participatory interdisciplinarity': Towards the integration of disciplinary diversity with stakeholder engagement for new models of knowledge production  L O'Brien, M Marzano, RM White - Science and Public Policy, 2013

...  Twenty-five stakeholders from the Deer Project talked about learning from up-to-date

research, about gaining an increased knowledge of issues of deer management and how the project made them consider their own management practices ... Calls for new models of knowledge production demand more interdisciplinary research in order to: develop holistic solutions, increased stakeholder participation, to consider a plurality of perspectives, and to support a more deliberative democracy approach... We conclude that participatory interdisciplinary approaches can quickly improve understanding and communication amongst both researchers and stakeholders involved in management, with less evidence of immediate instrumental benefits.

White-tailed Deer Surevy Results

by K Raposa Aug 6, 2005 ... Using a Survey to Gauge Public Opinion on the Status of the Prudence .....Human dimensions of suburban wildlife management: insights from ...

National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife The survey was conducted by the Census Bureau for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, which prepares printed reports in ...

Public Opinion Survey of Deer Management in Kansas File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Public opinion survey of deer management in Kansas 2007. 10. 14%. 86%. Yes No. 64%. 29%. 5%. 2%. I think deer are an important part of the wildlife .

Wildlife planning at the DWR - Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Sep 8, 2010 ... Citizen and constituent responses to a public opinion survey on resource conditions and wildlife management issues conducted by Utah State ...

BioOne Online Journals - Attitudes of the Michigan public and ...

by MH Koval - 2004 -

Wildlife and the American mind: public opinion on and attitudes toward fish and wildlife management. Responsive Management, Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA. 


Department”) to determine public opinion on wildlife species management, on funding ...The survey was conducted in March-April 2007. Responsive Management ...

BC Species at Risk Public Opinion Survey | Home

Jun 22, 2009 ... Results will also inform public discourse on provincial wildlife ... Managingfor uncertainty (i.e. public opinions on species at risk ...

Urban wildlife management Clark E. Adams, Clark dward Adams, Kieran Jane Lindsey - 2006 - Nature - 311 pages

.. roles in wildlife management decision-making. Academic personnel may be able to provide insight into public opinion through the development of surveys ..

Comprehensive Deer Management survey.pdf January, 2004 ... (Vermont)

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during public outreach meetings and surveys dating back to 1997. ..... WMUs, any wildlife management experiment must also consider science based issues related to deer .... (Circle the rating that best describes your opinion) ...

Public Opinion of Forestry 2009, UK  File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat -

Oct 22, 2009 ... In 2009, three separate public opinion of forestry surveys were ... places for wildlife', 'are places where people can relax and ..... Figure 6: Management of UK forests in response to the threat of climate change ...

Protecting Green Spaces in Urban Areas in Oil-Rich Alberta | LEAD ... 

Opinion polls show a high level of support for wildlife among Camrose residents. In a recentsurvey, 93% said they enjoyed wildlife at home or on an outing, ... a significant increase inpublic awareness of and involvement in wildlife ... have substantial experience in wildlife management and important connections ..


File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - by BJ Frawley - 2002 -

Opinion surveys are a management tool used by the. Wildlife Division to ... was compiled,publicly owned land and parcels within cities and villages were ...

Wildlife Biologist Often Ignore Surveys