Maximum Sustainable Yield: The maximum number of deer that can be harvested from the population on a continual basis. The population level that produces the maximum sustainable yield is 50-60% of K [the carrying capacity] ... - Population Goals, Wisconsin DNR
So many interests and opinions on managing deer January 29, 2017 Maine, Press Herald
... Maximum sustained yield (MSY) refers to the maximum number of deer that can be removed from the population on a sustained basis. To achieve MSY, the population should be maintained at around 50 percent of the “carrying capacity,” – the number of deer the land can support indefinitely without harm to the habitat or the population...
What is the ideal doe-to-buck ratio for Maine’s deer herd? December 19, 2021 Portland Press Herald
... Biologists have determined that holding the herd at somewhere around 70% of biological carrying capacity produces optimum sustained yield ... social or cultural carrying capacity... often somewhere in the neighborhood of 50% or less of biological carrying capacity ... That’s the objective in many parts of southern and central Maine ...