Nevada Deer Population    A state estimate of 68,000 mule deer in 2023 and 2024, 78,000 in 2022; 84,000 in 2021; 92,000 in 2020; 2018 and 2017; 94,000 in 2016; 99,000 in 2015; and 99,000 in 2014, down from about 112,000 in 2012 after several years of drought.  The population increased in 2016 and 2017 after three mild winters.  A recent record high of about 240,000 in 1988.  

Nevada Deer News

Prevalence and Diversity of Piroplasms in Free-ranging Ruminants in Nevada, USA - Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 2024

... Free-ranging ruminants in Nevada are infected with a high diversity of piroplasms, several of which are zoonotic or reported to cause disease in both wild and domestic ruminants...

Quarantine order issued in Western Nevada to curb deer disease spread August 7, 2024 Nevada, KRNV Reno on MSN

...  to prevent the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease ... comes after recent detections of CWD in a road killed deer near Bishop, California... as of Aug. 7, CWD has not been confirmed in Nevada..,

Evaluating mountain lion diet before and after a removal of feral horses in a semiarid environment - Ecosphere, 2024

... In December 2020, the Bureau of Land Management removed 455 horses from the Delamar Mountains, Nevada, USA ... The most common prey were mule deer (55%), feral horses (32%), and coyotes (4%). Twenty-two of 29 lions consumed horses ... Despite a 46% reduction in horse abundance, we found no evidence for prey-switching following the horse removal treatment...

God's dog or devil's demon: Maybe just grit  June 4, 2024 Nevada Current

... From 1945-1972, the federal government along with Western states attempted – and failed – to exterminate the coyote in the West by instituting a massive poisoning campaign on public lands using Compound 1080... a 5-year coyote killing effort during the mid-2000s south of Ely and northeast of Pioche ... After spending about $200,000 in 5 years to kill over 1,100 coyotes, the wildlife commission saw no measurable benefit to mule deer...

BLM issues analysis for proposed gold mine expansion in eastern Nevada May 31, 2024 Nevada, Lincoln County Record

... The BLM’s preferred alternative was developed in close coordination with the Nevada  Department of Wildlife (NDOW). It minimizes and avoids impacts to existing mule deer  migration corridors within the expansion area ...

Nevada Board of Wildlife Commission Approves 2024 - 2025 Big Game Hunting Tag Quotas May 11, 2024 Carson Now

... Mule deer fawn ratios observed during fall 2023 and spring 2024 are the highest they have been in a decade and indicate that populations are expanding. Commissioners approved mule deer quotas that were similar to last year except for more noticeable decreases in Management Areas 6, 7 and 10, where quotas were decreased by 35 percent..,

Regulators approve killing twice as many bears as originally allowed in Nevada hunt May 5, 2024 Nevada, Reno Gazette-Journal on MSN

... NDOW estimates the black bear population in Nevada at between 239 and 740 with 95% confidence, and growing at a rate of 5% annually... “That’s a real wide gap of confidence when we’re trying to estimate the population,” said Commissioner David McNinch ..,

Wolves Detected in Nevada for First Time in Eight Years March 28, 2024 Nevada, Center for Biological Diversity

... The Nevada Department of Wildlife has announced that it detected three animals thought to be wolves in northern Elko County. This is the first time that wolves have been documented in Nevada since 2016..,

Think you saw a moose in Nevada? You might not be moosetaken March 25 2024 Nevada, Mineral County Independent News

... Moose are relative newcomers to North America. They were the last deer species to cross into the continent before the Bering Land Bridge that connected to Asia flooded about 11,000 years ago... “The post-glacial-range expansion isn’t yet complete, and that is what we are seeing in Nevada right now,” McKee said. “Those moose are moving into the state and finding suitable habitat.” ..,

Nevada's first big-game moose hunt will be tiny as unusual southern expansion defies climate change March 23, 2024 ABC on MSN

... Wildlife managers say explosive growth in Nevada moose numbers over the past five years, increasing to a population of more than 100, justifies the handful of harvests planned...

The complex world of wild horses in the West January 9, 2024 Nevada, WSHU

...  Biologists warn that rising wild horse populations are wiping out the winter forage mule deer depend on for survival through the long, harsh Nevada winters... 

Deer trapped on ice in Elko County rescued December 31, 2023 Nevada, Reno KOLO-TV

... the buck had coyote bite marks on its flank and it had frost on its back and antlers ...  but not hindering him, and should hopefully heal up fine...

Nevada Wildlife Habitat Gets $1.3 Million Upgrade from RMEF December 6, 2023

... The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF) has injected Nevada wildlife habitat with a $1.3 Million upgrade through its fundraising and that of its partners...

Ruby Mountain protections: Where we've been, where we are going November 22, 2023 Nevada, The Nevada Independent

... the origin of one of the most important big-game migration corridors in the state ...  Sportsmen for the Rubies, a coalition of 15 Nevada hunting and fishing groups, has supported bipartisan efforts to pass legislation permanently protecting the Rubies since 2019 ...

Billionaire proposes massive Nevada land trade with federal government Octobeer 29, 2023 The Nevada Independent

... could permanently cement conservation easements and protect breeding grounds for species such as sage grouse and migration corridors for mule deer...  would shift more than 230,000 acres of federal land to the ranch while transferring about 84,000 acres of ranchland to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) ...

Nevada shows commitment to getting desert wildlife across the road safely October 27, 2023 Las Vegas Sun

... Nevada has more than 20 wildlife crossings throughout the state, including under- and overpasses. And out of the 22 bridges in the United States for animals, six are in Nevada ... Simpson and her cohorts “documented a 50% decrease in mortality with each subsequent migration (of deer)” within the first few years of the wildlife crossings being opened ...

Men convicted of using drone to harass mule deer, then killing animal illegally September 13, 2023 Nevada, 8newsnow

...  three men being convicted of several wildlife crimes after using a drone to harass a trophy-sized mule deer buck in an effort to drive it off private lands so they could kill it...

Fewer mule deer tags issued in Nevada July 17, 2023 KOLO TV

... With the drought last year, conditions were dire, and the underweight mule deer headed into what would be an historic winter. Many did not survive... 

Nevada hunting curtailed as excessive snow, extreme drought diminish mule deer, bighorn sheep herds June 19, 2023 The Nevada Independent

... The number of mule deer across Nevada plummeted this year as the deer, weakened by two years of successive drought, struggled to find food sources during one of the snowiest winters on record and the sheep battle widespread disease... Now, only around 68,000 mule deer are roaming Nevada, the fewest in the state in nearly five decades... During the 1990s, roughly 200,000 ..,

The Ruby Mountains Protection Act Passes Energy and Natural Resources Committee with Bipartisan Support May 19, 2023 Nevada, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership

... This area is home to one of Nevada’s largest mule deer herds, endangered Lahontan cutthroat trout, and a host of other wildlife including elk, bighorn sheep, and mountain goats...  also the source of one of the most important mule deer migration corridors in the state ...

BLM's new public lands rule good for wildlife, hunters, outdoor enthusiasts May 12, 2023 Nevada, The Nevada Independent

...BLM recently proposed to elevate conservation as one of the multiple uses of these lands ... Mule deer populations have been plummeting because their habitat has been under siege ... so much stress on mule deer that the Nevada Department of Wildlife is recommending a total of 10,783 deer tags for the 2023 season, compared to 15,210 in 2022..,

Feds sued over restoration plan in eastern Nevada March 23, 2023 Courthouse News Service

... The lawsuit claims the agency erroneously concluded that the project would have no significant environmental impacts, ignoring the harm to Rocky Mountain elks, pronghorn, mule deer, bighorn sheep, sage-grouse and sensitive fish and reptiles in the area...

Crossings eyed to reduce the number of collisions involving animals, vehicles March 20, 2023 Nevada, Las Vegas Sun

... The first wildlife overpass here was built in the early 2010s in northeast Nevada to help protect migrating mule deer ... Within the first few years of the wildlife crossings being opened, Simpson and her cohorts “documented a 50% decrease in mortalities with each subsequent migration (of deer).” ...

Sporting Groups Promote Wildlife Crossing Fund in Nevada Assembly March 10, 2023 Nevada, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership

...  the Nevada Assembly Committee on Growth and Infrastructure held a hearing on bill AB112 to establish a Wildlife Crossing Fund within the State’s General Fund... If passed, AB112 will provide needed funding for crossing projects that protect both people and wildlife...

In Nevada, $1,000 reward offered in search for suspect in deer poaching case  January 13, 2023 Fox News

... Authorities say a mule deer may have been killed illegally south of Elko near the Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge after dark on Oct. 1...

BLM seeds 1,900 acres of eastern Nevada's public lands January 4, 2023 Nevada, Lincoln County Record

... moderate to heavy pinyon-juniper expansion was reducing the proportion of younger sagebrush, grasses, and forbs ... reducing the tree cover benefits the herbaceous species, improving habitat for such obligate wildlife species as antelope, elk, mule deer ...

Creative Misdirection: One Day at a Presentation November 14, 2022 Nevada, Sierra Nevada Ally

... While mule deer numbers have declined from about 135,000 at the turn of this century to about 85,000 now, habitat changes and climate change are among other  critical factors identified by NDOW as reasons for decline.   Deer are browsers, horses are grazers.  They eat different things and live in different places...

Study: Nevada hunters generate millions in rural counties October 11, 2022 Tahoe Daily

... economic impact varies based on the type of tag issued. For example, on average across counties, an increase of 10 hunting tags for antlered mule deer will increase total economic output by nearly $4,500, but an increase of 10 tags for antlered elk will increase total economic output by $19,000...

Nevada's moose population grows to more than 100 August 24, 2022, Reno Gazette-Journal

... By 2018, the Nevada Department of Wildlife estimated there were somewhere between 30 and 50 moose in the state.  Now, that number is well above 100, according to NDOW Biologist Kari Huebner..,

How Nevada is leading the nation in reducing animal-vehicle collisions August 7, 2022 The Nevada Independent

... thousands of mule deer and other wildlife peacefully cross the road on their own private pathway — a 200 by 600 foot overpass carefully blended into the natural surroundings.  With fences surrounding the edges of the overpass and vegetation covering the ground, the animals are almost funneled into this bridge ...

Infrastructure law funds Nevada sagebrush restoration projects June 20, 2022 Nevada Current

... The highest funded single project— more than $400,000— is earmarked for sagebrush restoration in White Pine County for mule deer and sage-grouse, which would consist mostly of removing native pinyon-juniper trees and building fencing to protect springs from grazing cattle...

Nevada suffering downtrend in wildlife populations due to drought conditions May 18, 2022  Tahoe Daily Tribune

... “The current drought conditions are the worst experienced in more than 1,200 years,” ...  a few bright spots in terms of growth and herd performance ...  “ deer in area 6 and area 10 have observed above average recruitment ..,

... Recent decades have seen Northwest Nevada’s mule deer herds decline, resulting in fewer tags issued and low-quality hunt experiences. Several factors may be contributing, including predation, drought, wildland fire, invasive plant species, and competition from feral horses. A combination of these factors are likely at play, it is the Department’s desire to better understand the situation...

Wildlife in Nevada Face Increasing Threats From Suburban Growth and Busy Highways February 24, 2022 The Pew Charitable Trusts

... At North Valleys, the state is on the cusp of launching a multiphased highway improvement ... an excellent opportunity for Nevada to make travel safer for humans and wildlife by building a new wildlife overpass over U.S. Highway 395...  development, traffic, fencing, and other obstacles in this region will continue to make it difficult for mule deer and other wildlife to move between winter and summer habitat ...

Nevada's moose population is growing, wildlife officials say February 25, 2022 KRNV Reno

... We have been receiving moose sightings since the 1950’s, and now we have almost 500 confirmed sightings ..,

Support habitat for deer herds December 2, 2021 Nevada,  Elko Daily Free Press

... It’s no secret Nevada’s mule deer population has been declining over the last two decades due to a multitude of factors ... The Habitat Framework and Connectivity Plans also encourages — but does not require — private landowners to work with NDOW and land management agencies to improve habitat and make sure roads, fences, and other structures are not restricting the historic travel routes used by Nevada’s deer herds...

Putting a bounty on coyotes: Will it help Nevada's mule deer?  October 30, 2021 Elko Daily Free Press

... throughout Nevada, mule deer populations have fallen way down from the 1980s numbers. Brough said he is looking at several steps the county could take, including starting a coyote bounty program, to help get the deer numbers back up...

Rusch unveils 2021 deer season forecast  October 22, 2021 Nevada, The Ely Echo

... Rusch is forecasting a deer population that is below population goals across the area. Populations continue to rebound from the severe winters of 2013, 2014 and 2018, 2019 and 2020 ...

Wildlife crossings are found across Nevada October 15, 2021 Elko Daily Free Press

... Since that first wildlife crossing system on Ten Mile, 22 wildlife crossings have been constructed across Nevada. An underpass now crosses U.S. Hwy 50 in the Dayton area, along with two underpasses on the USA Parkway south of I-80. Collisions with wild horses have long been a big problem in these spots. As part of the I-580 between Reno and Carson City, four underpasses allow mule deer to cross safely...


Nevada’s disappearing deer  September 17, 2021 Elko Daily Free Press

... In Nevada, deer populations reached their peak around 1988, when there may have been more than 250,000 statewide. Now the statewide deer population may be around 90,000... mule deer populations ... throughout the state, as well as much of the West, have been declining,” Tom Donham, eastern region game division supervisor ..,

Nevada bear hunt faces calls to be canceled due to wildfires September 10, 2021 Yahoo News

" ... ending the bear hunt due to habitat loss is counter to the wildlife management science on carrying capacity," Department of Wildlife Director Tony Wasley said. "As counter intuitive as it is for some people to understand, the Department has implemented multiple emergency doe hunts for mule deer and pronghorn with the objective of keeping animal populations in sync with the capacity of the land to provide for them." ...

Nevada agencies to prioritize wildlife migration corridors August 31, 2021 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

... Sage grouse, pronghorn, mule deer and bighorn sheep are just a few of the species expected to benefit from a new executive order on wildlife migration corridors signed this week by Gov. Steve Sisolak...

Antler growth good indicator of mule deer buck’s health  August 11, 2021 Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal

... “Nutrition affects every aspect of mule deer population biology and ecology. Nutrition influences mule deer body condition, which in turn influences reproduction, recruitment, antler growth, home range size, seasonal movements, longevity, predator avoidance, and the ability to negotiate changing habitats... " [Mule Deer Working Group]

The carnage of coyote-killing contests July 21, 2021 Nevada, Sacramento News & Review

... Nevada wildlife officials are considering a ban on coyote-killing contests ... “We are there to protect the newborn fawn from coyotes,” ...  The state’s deer population has steadily decreased in recent years, a trend Reese blames on the canine predators...

Prey Specialization by Cougars on Feral Horses in a Desert Environment 2021, Nevada, Journal of Wildlife Management

...  we monitored the diets of 21 global positioning system (GPS)-collared cougars in the western Great Basin (5 males, 8 females) and eastern Sierra Nevada (2 males, 6 females) from 2009–2012. We investigated 1,310 potential kill sites and located prey remains of 820 predation events... Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) comprised 91% of prey items killed on the Sierra Nevada reference site but only comprised 29% of prey items in the Great Basin study area... Diets of cougars in the Great Basin were composed predominantly of horses (59.6%, n = 460 prey items; 13 individuals). Ten cougars regularly consumed horses, and horses were the most abundant prey in the diet of 8 additional individuals in the Great Basin...

Carson City dragnet for feral dogs June 23, 2021 Nevada, KOLO

... The deer population that roams here in this town has been attacked numerous times.”  In fact, last Friday night their crime spree resulted in the death of one deer and the mauling of another...

Study Urges Feds to Prioritize NV Wildlife Migration Corridors June 10, 2021 Nevada, Public News Service

... The mule deer population in Nevada has dropped 15% over the last decade - and now a new study is urging the feds to better protect migration corridors. Researchers from the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership say new Global Positioning System technology has led to detailed migration maps..,

Senate Joint Resolution 3 (SJR3): Postscript and Sayonara May 17, 2021 Nevada, The Sierra Nevada Ally

... Mule deer numbers are well below historic high levels in Nevada (and around the West) due to habitat and climate conditions. No one is postulating that wild horses and burros are the cause. Mule deer are browsers (bitterbrush being a favorite shrub); wild horses and burros are grazers, consuming grasses, and other vegetation not used by deer...

Royalty rates for leasing public lands are outdated April 6, 2021 Nevada, Las Vegas Sun

... Between 2014 and 2018, 70% of all acres leased in Nevada were leased noncompetitively, at the rock-bottom price of $1.50 per acre. To make matters worse, the vast majority of this land has low to no potential for drilling, which means little to no return for taxpayers but big risks for mule-deer and sage grouse habit ...

Killing coyotes: Nevada polarized over the growing movement to ban contest hunts March 26, 2021 Elko Daily Free Press

... “The commission has spent $4.4 million since 2000 killing coyotes, and you’ve killed over 10,300 coyotes,” Molde said. “Deer numbers in the same time have declined from 132,000 in 2000 to the present level of 93,000. So you’ve lost about 35,000 deer while spending over $4 million to kill over 10,000 coyotes..,

     Wildlife Commission votes to consider ban on killing contests March 21, 2021 Nevada Current

... Dr. Don Molde cited NDOW’s failed efforts to cull the coyote population near Caliente in a campaign to benefit deer.  Molde says NDOW spent $4.5 million to kill 10,000 coyotes, “lost 35,000 deer,” and has “more coyotes than they started with...

What is the worth of a bear's life? March 15, 2021 Nevada Current

... Game species in Nevada can range in population numbers from mountain goats and bears (300-400) to mountain lions (1,400), bighorn sheep (12,000), elk (17,000), pronghorn (29,000) and mule deer (93,000)..,

Hunters have 'stranglehold' on Nevada wildlife March 2, 2021 Nevada Current

... Nevada’s Department of Wildlife needs more oversight, says state Sen. Pete Goicoechea, who is sponsoring legislation to add two members to the Wildlife Commission... “If they (NDOW) don’t turn something around quickly, we are going to destroy our deer herds in the state. If they don’t shorten the season up and give these deer some relief, it’s going to be like it was in the 20s,” ...

Poacher sentenced after killing mule deer for antlers, leaving carcass in rural Nevada October 16, 2020 Nevada, Reno Gazette-Journal

... Nearly four years after illegally shooting a mule deer for its antlers and leaving the carcass to rot in rural Nevada, a Utah man has pleaded guilty in Lincoln County to unlawful possession of big game and wasting the edible portions of a deer...

Mule deer are on their spring migration March 21, 2020 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

... Each spring migration takes place any time from February through April, depending on the spring conditions. Most deer will travel over 100 miles this spring, one of the longest migrations in both Nevada and across the West.  A rough estimate of migrating numbers is 4,500 deer will likely cross I-80 east of Wells and 6,000 will cross Highway 93 north of Wells...

  Nevada Poll: Wildlife Crossings Span The Political Divide, Too March 10, 2020 KUNC

... A number of polls recently conducted across the Mountain West, including in Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming, suggest that the public widely supports protecting migration corridors.  And according to a new poll from The Pew Charitable Trusts, 93% of Nevada voters also want to protect wildlife migration routes...

Deer hunters save 'King of Carson,' Carson City's famous buck, from tussle with clothesline January 2, 2020 Nevada, Carson Now

... the King of Carson, the great wild buck who is often seen munching on the grasses along the west side, generally accompanied by a dozen or more does and fawns.  Last weekend, the Deer King found himself in a bit of a pickle after getting himself and his massive antlers tangled with what appeared to be a clothesline...

Resource selection of mule deer in a shrub‐steppe ecosystem: influence of woodland distribution and animal behavior  Sabrina Morano  Kelley M. Stewart  Thomas Dilts  Alisa Ellsworth  Vernon C. Bleich  November 6,  2019

... mule deer selected areas with low to intermediate tree cover (10% to 40%) during resting periods and avoided areas of productive shrub and forb vegetation and riparian areas, when surrounded by denser stands of pinyon–juniper cover. These results emphasize the importance of productive shrub and forb vegetation to mule deer inhabiting semi‐arid regions and suggest that low levels of tree cover are beneficial, especially during resting periods. Nevertheless, dense pinyon–juniper cover was generally avoided even in areas of high site productivity. These relationships lend support to the concern that increases in large, dense stands of pinyon–juniper reduce availability of summer habitat and alter patterns of resource selection for mule deer, a shrub‐dependent ungulate...

Nevada lawmakers approve gift of 160 acres to expand Mason Valley Wildlife area October 27, 2019 Nevada Appeal

...  the donation by Ritter Ranch will be converted from hay production and restored to natural habitat with native plants to provide upland habitat for mule deer as well as a buffer to the wetlands to the north...

Chronic wasting disease is coming to Nevada October 24, 2019 Elko Daily Free Press

... Almost all of Wyoming is known to be infected, as is much of Colorado. The closest known infection area is central Utah. Nevada hunters hunting in infected areas are advised to not shoot, handle or eat meat from animals that look sick or act strange... Last year, NDOW biologists collected over 400 samples ...

Once seen as frivolous, state officials view wildlife crossings as a way to save bucks — and drivers October 20, 2019 Nevada, The Nevada Independent

... By 2006, wildlife and transportation officials began to discuss a longshot fix: animal crossings... Nevada was an early adopter of the crossings. The state completed its first project on U.S. 93 in 2010 at a cost of about $2.2 million. Over the next four years, NDOT found that more than 35,000 mule deer used the crossings ...

As California Passes 'Roadkill Bill,' Nevada And Wyoming Remain Holdouts October 18, 2019 Nevada, KUNR Public Radio

... “Some of the game wardens were saying that there’s always a possibility that someone could try to cover up a poaching by making it look like roadkill,” said Aaron Meier with the Nevada Department of Wildlife. “But for the most part, there’s no real pushback for roadkill harvest...

State Works to Reduce Traffic Collisions with Wildlife October 15, 2019 Nevada, Public News Service

... wrecks involving animals have gone down as much as 98% in places where the diversions have been built, especially along Interstate 80 and Nevada Highway 93... Those corridors are essential to the wildlife. Otherwise it can really influence their ability to survive winters ...

CWD, Nevada fighting uphill battle to keep 'zombie deer' from entering state September 26, 2019 Las Vegas Sun

... chronic wasting disease ... has hit numerous states around the country, including Kansas, Colo­­rado and Wyoming. It’s crept into the eastern portion of Utah, the closest it has gotten to Nevada... The disease’s contagious nature led to the passage of a bill in the 2019 legislative session banning the bringing certain animal body parts in from out of state ...

Elko wildlife crossings win award August 13, 2019 Nevada,

... The wildlife overpasses are covered with native soil and vegetation to replicate the natural environment and encourage crossing by mule deer and other animals. In total, roughly 60 miles of eight-foot-high wildlife fencing was installed on both sides of the roadway to help direct animals to the crossings...

The West's worst fires aren't burning in forests June 13, 2019 Nevada, High Country News

... Historically, sagebrush habitat burned about once every century or less, but now it happens around every five to 10 years ... If sagebrush decline continues, the approximately 350 species that depend on it are in serious trouble... The fires also harm watersheds, cause erosion and destroy wildlife corridors used by pronghorn antelope, mule deer and elk...

Sportsmen groups launch campaign to safeguard the Ruby Mountains April 30, 2019 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

... “They are also the origin of one of the most important big-game migration corridors in the state, utilized by its largest mule deer herd ...

Public input sought on shed hunting regulation March 26, 2019 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

... a lot of people came to the board’s meeting last month and many said they would like to see the shed hunting regulation changed “because it isn’t working, in their estimation.” ...

Forest Service kills plan to seek oil, gas in Nevada's Ruby Mountains March 14, 2019 Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal

... “Public comments were nearly unanimous in favor of conserving the Rubies as an important place for wildlife, namely mule deer, sage grouse and trout,” ... the negative response to the proposal played a critical role in the decision to reject it...

News from past issues March 1, 2019 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

... “ — November, 1938. Of the 818 deer killed in Nevada during the 1938 season, survey of deer tags received by Nevada Fish and Game Commission shows three were killed in Lyon County. Figures show 187 tagged in Elko, 146 in Washoe, 126 Nye, 115 in Lander, 71 Humboldt, 55 Lincoln, 11 Ormsby, 73 White Pine, one Story, one Mineral, 10 Pershing, 4 Eureka and 10 Douglas.”..,

Moose-killing could become felony in Nevada under proposed legislation February 13, 2019 Reno Gazette Journal

... Under AB83 such a killing could be a category E felony or gross misdemeanor, similar to taking an elk or deer without a license and tag... there are records of moose sightings in Nevada dating back to the 1950s..,

Bill would prohibit oil and gas leases in Nevada's Ruby Mountains January 31, 2019, Reno Gazette Journal

... Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto wrote the bill ... a need to protect outdoor recreation such as hunting and fishing and habitat for wildlife including deer ...

Shed hunting closed through April January 15, 2019 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

... “The goal is to allow deer and elk herds in eastern and central Nevada to use their critical winter range habitats with minimal disturbance,” ...

Freedom of Information Act document reveals who shut down massive wind farm in southern Nevada December 8, 2018 Nevada Capital News

... conservation groups who were working to protect what some outdoor enthusiasts believe to be the most pristine wild lands of Southern Nevada ... not only bighorn sheep but also mule deer as well as smaller game ...

Washoe County Proposes Removing Half Its Wilderness Study Areas November 29, 2018 Nevada, Reno Public Radio

... a resolution that would remove more than 350,000 acres from wilderness study areas ... 100,000 acres in question borders the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge and is home to pronghorn, mule deer, and sage grouse...The proposal is still open for public comment...

Navy Proposes Massive Land Grab for Nevada Bombing Range November 17, 2018 Center for Biological Diversity

...  The U.S. Navy today released details of a plan to seize more than 600,000 acres of public land in central Nevada to expand a bombing range. The land under threat includes rich habitat for mule deer, important desert springs and nesting sites for raptors like golden eagles...The public has 60 days to comment ...

Highways made more friendly to Nevada's wildlife November 14, 2018 Elko Daily Free Press

... More than 35,000 mule deer used a safety crossing during their seasonal migrations across U.S. 93 during the first four years after they were installed, according to research conducted by the University of Nevada, Reno...

Biologists bail deer out of bucket-related jam November 13, 2018 Nevada, Reno Gazette-Journal

... The top portion of the food bucket came loose and got stuck on the deer’s neck.  It wandered around the area with the plastic cylinder around its neck  ...

Mule Deer in Nevada November 2, 2018 SoundCloud  [audio interview]

    Discussion of mule deer habitat and population trends.  Effect of wildfire.  Very few mule deer in the early 1900s, brought in from other states by railcar to feed the miners....

BLM removes Nevada sage grouse habitat from oil, gas lease auction November 2, 2018 Las Vegas Review-Journal

... withdrew hundreds of parcels in six states from its December lease sale ... “Elk, mule deer and pronghorn antelope need the same habitat the sage grouse do,” ...

NDOW sets up deer, elk check station in Wells October 25, 2018 Nevada, Daily Free Press 

... asking mule deer and elk hunters to stop by so that they may take biological samples from their animal’s head to check for chronic wasting disease (CWD)... has not been found in Nevada ...

NDOW biologists asking for hunters' help October 5, 2018 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

...  CWD has not been found in Nevada, but it has been confirmed in mule deer and elk in eastern Utah...

Idaho man arrested on Elko County poaching charges September 25, 2018 Elko Daily Free Press

... booked on $10,000 bail this month after an Operation Game Thief investigation determined that a deer was shot in Nevada and dragged across the state line into Utah, where his daughter had a tag...

Forest Service plan would open Ruby Mountains to oil, gas drilling August 2, 2018 Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal

... Conservationists, American Indian tribes and hunting groups are also concerned about the proximity of the proposed oil and gas development to the wintering ground for the state’s largest herd of mule deer and prime habitat for sage grouse...

Public Records Reveal Trump Administration Plans to Lease 54,000 Acres in Nevada's Ruby Mountains August 2, 2018 Center for Biological Diversity

... The Trump administration plans to lease all 54,000 acres of Nevada’s Ruby Mountains under consideration for oil and gas development, according to public records released this week.The records, obtained by the Center for Biological Diversity through a Freedom of Information Act request, show the U.S. Forest Service plans to auction public land for drilling and fracking that includes crucial winter habitat for mule deer ...

Wildlife act could bring $26M to Nevada conservation efforts July 5, 2018 Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal

... Introduced by Rep. Jeff Fortenberry of Nebraska, H.R. 4647 would amend the Pittman-Robertson Act and redirect $1.3 billion in existing royalties from the development of energy and mineral resources on federal public lands and waters to fund conservation activities for what the Alliance calls “a full array of fish and wildlife.”...

Leftover big game hunting tags available in Nevada June 13, 2018 Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal

... For those who are just looking to fill their freezer, there are 247 antlerless mule deer tags available in Area 6 and units 114-115. These any legal weapon hunts will be in November and December...

How wildland springs affect mule deer population dynamics ... May 30, 2018 Nevada,

... timing of green up, and the timing of the amount of green up in the spring, also had a big effect on survival of juveniles," Stewart said. "And juvenile survival is the life-history characteristic that varies the most, and has the biggest effect on changes in populations." ...

Changes in Nevada's big game tag draw result in controversy May 25, 2018 Elko Daily Free Press

... Nevada’s big game tag draw took place out of state May 24 for the first time this year ... NDOW uses a third party vendor to administer the draw through a random process. This year, almost 6 million random numbers for nearly 70,000 applicants ...

Shed hunting season now open May 3, 2018 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

... As shed hunting becomes more popular each year, mounting pressure from shed hunters has forced animals to move onto sub-par habitat and expend crucial energy reserves during critical winter months... 

Stand up if you love the Ruby Mountains April 21, 2018 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

... a proposal to lease land in the Ruby Mountains for oil and gas drilling has galvanized resistance from a variety of interest ... if the land is opened to leasing there would be separate environmental reviews before any drilling could begin. Hyslop says there are plenty of factors to consider, including winter range for mule deer and priority sage grouse habitat...

Proposed Oil and Gas Leasing Threatens a Legendary Mule Deer Hunting Destination April 19, 2018 Nevada, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership

... the Ruby Mountains in Elko County ... Parcels under consideration for leasing extend in places from the foothills to the top of the range, and several directly abut the boundary of the Ruby Mountain Wilderness... the Forest Service has extended the comment period on the proposed leasing until April 23, 2018 ... link to comment page

Forest Service Reopens Comment Period for Fracking in Nevada's Ruby Mountains April 9, 2018 Center for Biological Diversity 

...  The U.S. Forest Service has reopened the comment period for oil and gas leasing on public lands in Nevada’s Ruby Mountains after receiving overwhelming public opposition...  the crown jewel of Nevada’s Great Basin, a rugged mountain wilderness of trout-filled creeks and scenic alpine terrain, teeming with wildlife such as mule deer ...

  Deer rescued from hydroelectric power plant in Nevada March 30, 2018 Nevada, WRAL

... Eight deer have been rescued ...  swept down a canal and got trapped inside the power plant ... Two other deer died ...

Shed antler hunting banned until May March 6, 2018 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

... “As shed hunting becomes more popular each year, mounting pressure from shed hunters has forced animals to move onto sub-par habitat and expend crucial energy reserves during critical winter months,” ...

NDOT plans horse fencing for Highway 50 February 12, 2018 Nevada, Nevada Appeal

... a major fencing project along U.S. 50 through the Dayton corridor. "Multiple collisions involving ... He said that study will also deal with other wild animals including elk and deer ...

Proposed Nevada wilderness could be Trump-era first January 18, 2018 Reno Gazette Journal

... A bill that cleared the House of Representatives by voice vote on Wednesday would designate seven new wilderness areas covering more than 136,000 acres in the northern Nevada county... the terrain is habitat for California bighorn sheep, mule deer, upland game birds, raptors, antelope and mountain lions ...

Mine reclamation continually improves in Nevada December 22, 2017 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

...“One of the primary motivating factors for Bald Mountain’s concurrent reclamation efforts is to reduce disturbance within, and adjacent to, the designated Area 10 mule deer migration corridor at the mine,”  ...

1942 Deer Kill November 25, 2015 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

... The deer killed in Nevada during the past season as reported by the number of tags turned into the Nevada fish and game commission now totals 3,335. There were tags sent into the commission for 2,753 bucks and 582 does. According to the number of tags returned, there have been nearly twice as many deer shot during the past season as there were in the 1940 season, and more than 600 more than were reported killed in 1941. The largest kill was reported from Nye county, were 809 deer were shot; second largest was from Elko county with 589..,

Bears are reclaiming their historic Nevada territory new research shows November 24, 2017 Nevada, Ren o Gazette Journal

...  less than 40 years ago when bears were thought to have been banished from the entire state... the state is home to an estimated 500 to 600 bears ... what it might mean for other large animals like mule deer ..,

 Is NDOT fence a death trap for deer? November 21, 2017 Nevada, KRNV My News 4

... along I-80 in Verdi ... . NDOT will be repaving this section of I-80 next year, and as part of that work, they will consider installing more fencing to keep deer and other animals off the freeway...

Sportsmen groups oppose oil leases in Ruby Mountains November 2, 2017 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

...  a proposal that could allow oil and gas development on 54,000 acres of public lands on the western edge of the Ruby Mountains... would impact wintering habitat for Nevada’s largest mule deer herd ...

Nevada wildlife officials to mull regulating antler collecting October 29, 2017 Las Vegas Review-Journal

... State wildlife officials are considering banning shed antler hunting from Jan. 1 through April 14... aimed at helping the deer and elk population and habitat avoid disruption and strain during the lean winter months ...

Moose making themselves at home in Northern Nevada October 21, 2017 Las Vegas Review-Journal

... Until about a decade ago, the only moose seen in Nevada were individual animals that wandered in from Idaho, typically young bulls looking for love... moose are being seen five to eight at a time ..,

Groups arrayed to oppose opening Ruby Mountains to oil and gas leases October 20, 2017 Nevada, The Nevada Independent

... According to a public letter, the Forest Service is already considering stipulations to address sage grouse populations, Lahontan cutthroat trout corridors, migratory bird nests and an important winter range for mule deer...

Fracking pollution threatens Nevada's water, wildlife and communities October 9, 2017 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

...  Fracking poses major threats to Nevada, ... oil and gas development has caused widespread and significant declines in big game populations, including mule deer, in places like western Wyoming and northwestern New Mexico...

Environmental groups' lawsuit challenges sale of oil and gas leases September 11, 2017 Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal

... BLM offered nearly 200,000 acres of public lands in Nevada’s Battle Mountain district for fossil fuel development ...  at risk include mule deer, greater sage grouse ...

Good news for Ely area hunters: Deer and grouse numbers are up September 4, 2017 Nevada, The Ely Echo

... After two historically severe winters in 2013 and 2014 when there were hardly any fawns, this year there’s been young spotted deer being spotted all over... The 2016 and 2017 fawn crop is huge with adult does in excellent condition following the mild winters ...It was mild winter number three ..,

Reward of $20000 offered for information in disturbing poaching case near Pahrump September 1, 2017 Nevada, News3LV

... Last September, someone shot eight mule deer and left the animals to rot in the sun near Pahrump... Much of the reward money is coming from the hunting community ...

Court Sends Massive Nevada Groundwater Pipeline Project Back to Feds August 24, 2017 Nebada, Center for Biological Diversity

... The court ruled that the BLM violated federal environmental laws by failing to demonstrate how it would compensate for the destruction of thousands of acres of wetlands and sensitive habitat in eastern Nevada... significantly harm more than 200 square miles of habitat for sage grouse, mule deer, elk and pronghorn ...

Nevada calls emergency deer, antelope hunts due to fires August 16, 2017 Reno Gazette Journal

... fires already have destroyed more than 500 square miles of crucial winter range in Elko County ... issue 700 tags for female deer ...

Game Wardens Seek Information on Doe Mule Deer Poaching July 24, 2017 Nevada, KTVN

... l killing of a doe mule deer near Caliente around July 15th... near some irrigation ditches that supply water to farms...

Snowstorm and Roosters Comb fires to impact hunting July 22, 2017 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

... “We have to get up there and evaluate after the fire is over to see specifically what areas burned,” he said. “In years past we have done emergency doe hunts ...

Protecting Nevada's Natural Habitat During Fire Season July 18, 2017 KTVN

... The Long Valley Fire ... an impact to the mule deer winter range, year-round antelope habitat, sage grouse habitat ...

Fire impacting Mule Deer habitat July 13, 2017 Nevada, KOLO

... The 30,000-acre Long Valley Fire is burning in key mule deer winter habitat ..."They are leaving their summer range in the high elevations, coming down and expecting that that winter range will be there because it was there the year before," ...

Pequop overpasses to be done before winter June 22, 2017 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

... Almost 50 percent of accidents involving wildlife along I-80 in Nevada happen at Pequop ... mule deer cross the freeway on their spring and fall migrations... NDOW used GPS signals from collars on mule deer to determine the best sites for the latest overpasses ...

It's official: Nevada's getting new state parks June 13, 2017 Reno Gazette Journal

... The new park will cover about 12,000 acres and include approximately 28 miles of waterfront on the East Walker River... home to bighorn sheep and mule deer...

Nevada Water-grab Legislation Would Endorse Groundwater Depletion, Environmental Destruction May 16, 2017 Center for Biological Diversity 

... Assembly Bill 298 would pave the way for massive groundwater export projects that would harm desert water ... “Deer, elk, bighorn sheep ... all rely on sustainable flows from Nevada’s springs and wetlands,” ... the intent of this bill is to facilitate groundwater export by the Southern Nevada Water Authority ...

Bill gives Nevada wildlife officials flexibility in use of $3 predator fee May 4, 2017 Las Vegas Review-Journal

... At issue is the question how the Nevada Department of Wildlife should spend a $3 fee designated for killing predatory animals such as ravens, coyotes and mountain lions... 

Shasta Pack wolf spotted in Nevada April 1, 2017 Eureka Times Standard

... A single male wolf from California’s “missing” Shasta Pack, was spotted about 20 miles from the California border, in northwest Nevada in November 2016 ... OR-7 (original wolf from Oregon) travelled 4,000 miles to find a mate ...

Nevada “not happy” with Utah shed hunters March 24, 2017 St. George Daily Spectrum

... Utah Department of Wildlife Resources placed a ban on hunting sheds ... protect wildlife herds from being moved around in heavy snow  ... We have seen a 100 percent increase in Utah residents hunting sheds ... 

Legal rain barrels could catch hundreds of gallons of water in Nevada March 14, 2017 Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal

... The bill also formally recognizes the use of water collection systems known as guzzlers used in the outback to provide water for thirsty animals. Nevada has 1,725 wildlife guzzlers around the state. ... 433 are for big animals such as deer, elk, antelope and bighorn sheep...

Federal agency spends more than $100M to kill predatory animals February 25, 2017 Nevada, KLAS-TV

... Nevada Lawmakers are debating a plan that would remove hundreds of thousands of dollars from a program that targets predators such as coyotes, mountain lions, and bears... Wildlife Services is a welfare program for ranchers, and on top of all the other ones where the government comes in, they do aerial gunning, they use traps and snares ...

Use of hunting fee riles Nevada lawmakers February 22, 2017 Las Vegas Review-Journal

... The $3 fee ... generates roughly $500,000 annually. The goal was to boost Nevada’s declining populations of mule deer, bighorn sheep and sage grouse by better managing the predators ... bill seeks to lift a mandate that requires NDOW to spend at least 80 percent of those funds on the lethal removal ...

Antler shed hunters urged to respect deer and habitat February 16, 2017 Nevada,

... extreme winter conditions ... “Wildlife is stressed across Nevada, particularly in the winter range,” said Chief Game Warden Tyler Turnipseed. “It’s critical that shed hunters, hikers and anyone encountering wildlife give them plenty of space. Harassing wildlife is a crime.”

Conservation groups help NDOW with fire rehab January 5, 2017 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

... The Hot Pot Fire destroyed much of the Izzenhood mule deer winter range, including one of the last major stands of sagebrush... Snowstorm Forage Kochia is a new cultivar of forage kochia that grows much taller than other strains of forage kochia, making it available for wildlife when snows are deep...

Reward jumps to $18K in Spring Mountains mule deer killings December 21, 2016 Nevada, Washington Times

... an additional $10,000 reward for information leading to a conviction in the case of eight mule deer that were killed and left to waste near Mount Charleston...

  Reward in mule deer poaching case swells to $8,000 December 16, 2016 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

... The deer were killed and left to waste over the course of three weeks in September in Unit 262 near Mount Charleston. NDOW game wardens discovered several kill sites ...

     $5000 reward offered in mule deer killings in Southern Nevada December 14, 2016 KRNV My News 4 

... asking for help bagging the person or persons who illegally killed eight mule deer in Southern Nevada...

NDOW seeks help after killing and waste of trophy mule deer December 12, 2016 Nevada, KOLO

...  a mule deer was killed at the foothills east of Rose Valley in area 231 November 28. The head of the animal was partially removed ...

$12.4M easement OK'd for Jacks Valley Ranch December 7, 2016 Nevada, The Record-Courier

... More than 1,230 acres of conservation easement on Jacks Valley Ranch, located at the base of the Sierra, has been recommended for purchase ...  home to a variety of wild species, including black bear, mule deer and mountain lions...

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation funds Nevada wildlife habitat and hunting heritage projects December 2, 2016 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

... funding and volunteer manpower to modify 2.5 miles of existing fencing in the Thousand Springs drainage to be wildlife-friendly to aid elk, mule deer, pronghorn ...

Eight mule deer killed and left to waste, $3,000 reward November 22, 2016 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

... eight mule deer were killed and left to waste over the course of three weeks in September in hunt unit 262 near Mount Charleston...

Bobcats, cougars, and coyotes get a stay of execution in Nevada October 14, 2016 Nevada, The Verge

... study found that removing 78 percent of coyotes from a region didn’t significantly increase the survival of white-tailed deer born there over a three-year period... Wildlife Services agreed to stop killing predators ...  until they’ve conducted a new environmental impact analysis ...

What to ban next on federal land? October 7, 2016 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

... our Nevada mule deer population managed by NDOW that continues a “death spiral” under their mismanagement!  Let us shoot some more doe deer to build up the population ...

Nevada game officials schedule emergency mule deer hunts September 29, 2016 Las Vegas Review-Journal

...  “Since a large portion of this winter range burned, it will no longer support as many deer as it has in years past. If we have a severe winter this upcoming year, we may see a large scale die-off of mule deer ...We typically target adult females when trying to reduce the density ...

Commission Endorses Emergency Doe Hunt September 27, 2016 Nevada, Nevada Department of Wildlife

... Hot Pot and Izzenhood fires burned roughly 128,800 acres ... the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners have endorsed an emergency antlerless deer (doe) hunt proposed by the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) designed to reduce the size of the Izzenhood portion of the Area 6 deer herd and minimize deer malnutrition and starvation on the winter range ...

The Las Vegas Chapter of the Mule Deer Foundation Hosts Annual Conservation Fundraiser September 19, 2016 Nevada,

... directly benefits the future existence of mule deer, black-tailed deer and their habitats in Southern Nevada. Hosted by the Mule Deer Foundation’s Las Vegas Chapter, attendees will enjoy an evening of exceptional cuisine and conservation on Saturday, November 5th ...

Staying safe on Nevada roads during fall migration September 19, 2016 KOLO

...  building wildlife overpasses like in Eastern Nevada on Highway 93 and I-80; those have actually saved a lot of mule deer," Healy said. "In two different migrations, 7,000 deer used it going back and forth  ...

Mine makes way for wildlife August 26, 2016 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

... Bald Mountain Mine south of the Ruby Mountains has started expansion work ... Bureau of Land Management has approved an alternate plan that mitigates concerns about mule deer migration, including a major cut in the acreage that can be disturbed...The mule deer also will benefit from the mine’s agreement to backfill Redbird when the gold mining is over ... 

Area deer herd now on the rebound August 23, 2016 Nevada, The Ely Echo

... For the first time in 10 years we had back-to-back mild winters...  the number of fawns per doe is increasing ... he prediction for this deer season is an increase in the harvest, including bucks.  “But we’re going to be more conservative to allow for growth,” ...

Northeastern Nevada fires continue to burn August 11, 2016 Elko Daily Free Press

... Overland Fire ... burning in mule deer, elk and pronghorn antelope habitat ...

Witness to Nevada range conditions June 29, 2016 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

... There were lots of deer and Elko County was a destination for out-of-state deer hunters... The range sheep flocks began to disappear. With the domestic range sheep gone, predator control activities diminished. Trails grew up and brush became thick, old, and decedent.  Both mule deer and sage grouse are “disturbance species” that needed the browsing from livestock to create new growth on plants such as bitter brush...

Wildlife crossing project affects I-80 traffic June 29, 2016 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

... Interstate 80 travel lanes have been shifted in the Pequop Summit area between Wells and West Wendover as the Nevada Department of Transportation continues construction of two wildlife safety crossings... designed to reduce the chance of vehicle-animal collisions by carrying deer and other animals over the interstate...

Bald Mountain another step closer to expansion June 24, 2016 Nevada, Elko Daily Free Press

... The final EIS analyzes a number of alternatives that were developed specifically to address concerns about the potential impacts of the project on Greater Sage-Grouse, mule deer, wild horses ... final EIS is posted online at

The Buzz About Drones April 20, 2016 Nevada, Vegas Seven

...  the Federal Aviation Administration designated Nevada as one of six drone test sites in 2013, Las Vegas has become a hotbed for drone development ... people scavenging deer antlers in Utah are among the groups of people actually using drones to make money ...

Nevada Deer News and Information Archive by TopicPopulation and Management, Deer in the News, Disease, Suburban, Transportation

Nevada data:  High mule deer fawn ratios in fall 2023 and spring 2024 indicate the population is recovering.  The mule deer population declined significantly in 2023 as a result of a snowy winter following two years of drought that left them in poor shape.  The state estimate of 68,000 mule deer in 2023 and 2024 is down from 134,000 in 1999 and 240,000 in 1988 [Nevada population reports] - the lowest population since 1974.  The mule deer population fell by 12.8 percent in 2023 from 78,000 in 2022, and by 26 percent from 92,000 in 2020.

The population estimates (the data) in the chart above are from the Nevada Department of Wildlife, one of the best states for data sharing and transparency.

In 2024 the state issued "10,840 mule deer tags

for the 2023 hunting season. This was a substantial drop compared to previous years and was the lowest number of tags issued for mule deer since 1974."

In 2021 the state reported that "Nevada’s mule deer populations have been on a downward trend in recent decades largely due to lack of consistent precipitation, large-scale range fires, conversion of native shrubs to invasive grasses, and degraded range conditions from feral horses and burros." The population was about stable at 92,000 or 93,000 from 2017 to 2020. Detailed estimates of 92,000 in 2018 and 2017 after three mild winters. 

About 94,000 in 2015 and 99,000 in 2014 according to the Department of Wildlife, down from about 112,000 mule deer in 2012 as a result of the drought. Mule deer tags were reduced by 7 percent in 2015 in response. About 109,000 in 2011, up from 107,000 in 2010; but down from a record high of over 250,000 in 1988 (another estimate, Table 30, at 240,000) and the mid-1970s. About 130,000 deer during the 1998 to 2001 period. NDOW targets 30 bucks per 100 does.  The population dropped by about 15 percent over the decade leading into 2021.

Hunter success in 2015 was 47 percent, in 2014 was 44 percent, in 2013 about 41 percent.  Does were about 18 percent of the hunt in 2015, 16 percent  in 2014 and 10 percent in 2013.  Hunters purchased 20,998  in 2015, 22,643 mule in 2014 and 22,992 in 2013.  The 2015 buck to doe ratio was about 33 to 100.   In 2012, Scott Raine, the Wildlife Commission’s former chairman insists that the modeling used to estimate Nevada’s mule deer population is based on false assumptions or conjecture and that the numbers are far lower than cited.  “They’re just wild guesses ... We're over harvesting,”   An estimated 132,000 deer in 2000.  

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)  None detected in Nevada as of August, 2024, but positives found near Bishop California.

Wildlife Crossings  Nevada built its first in the early 2010s to protect migrating mule deer.

Nevada Population Estimate 1870 to 2003 and Buck Harvest 1929 to 2003 from the Nevada Department of Wildlife

History  In 1925, Nevada restricted the restricted the harvest of bucks to those with two or more points. From the late 1970's through the late 1980's, mule deer populations were increasing rapidly and  tag quotas were at all time highs. Mule deer populations began to decline in 1989.  After the severe winter event that occurred in 1992 - 1993 tag quotas were reduced. When mule deer populations failed to respond positively even 4 and 5 years after the winter conservative quotas were implemented, with post-hunt buck ratio objectives of 30 and higher. Over the last 30 to 40 years mule deer habitat has been on the decline.  Nevada's Mule Deer [PDF]  

Elk, Estimated at 17,000 in 2021.  Populations have grown since their reintroduction around 1990 with the 2004 population at about 7,300 and the 2014 population at about 17,500.  

Moose, A total of about 500 sightings  of moose from the 1950s to 2022.  A few have moved into the north from Idaho into 2017.  Sightings date back to the 1950s.  By 2018, the Nevada Department of Wildlife estimated there were somewhere between 30 and 50 moose in the state -  above 100 in 2022.  With over 100 moose in 2024, the state authorized the first hunt.

Mountain Lions.  Estimated 1,360 mountain lions in 2014.

Bear, an estimated population of 239 to 740 with 95% confidence in 2024, with 500 to 600 in 2017.  Bears were thought to be gone from the state as recently as the 1970s.

Wolves  Three detected in 2024 in Elk county, the first in Nevada since 2016.

Report Poaching:   Operation Game Thief at 1-800-992-3030. Tips can be given anonymously.  Rewards.

Other useful links:

- Nevada Department of Wildlife

- Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources 

- Current status of ungulates in sagebrush systems and 

- Helping Preserve Mule Deer Lands and Habitats.