Arizona Deer Population and Management ArchiveArizona Page

View the archive by scrolling through the window below or Load the Archive Document.  Historic deer hunt data is below the Archive window on the left column with links to sources.   

Arizona Deer Population and Management Archive

Annual Deer Hunt

1946 to 2016

2017:   20,313

2018: *

2019:  16,376

2020:  17,103

2021:  11,226 

2022:  12,006

2023:  13,684

*No survey in 2018 due to low hunter participation.  An estimate for mule deer provided.

Hunting Statstics

Annual Deer Surveys for

1948 to 2017



2020  Mule White


2021:  8022

2022:  9101

2023:  8,874