Indiana Population and Management ArchiveIndiana Page

View the archive by scrolling through the window below or Load the Archive DocumentHistoric deer hunt data is below the Archive window on the left column with links to sources.    

Indiana Deer Population and Management Archive

Annual Reported Deer Hunt

1987:   51,778

1988:   60,230

1989:   79,318

1990:   88,763

1991:   98,683

1992:   95,314

1993: 101,214

1994: 112,416

1995: 117,729

1996: 123,086

1997: 104,937

1998: 100,461

1999:   99,618

2000:   98,725

2001: 103,163

2002: 104,428

2003: 106,986

2004: 123,058

2005: 125,526

2006: 125,381

2007: 124,427

2008: 129,748

2009: 132,752

2010: 134,004

2011: 129,018

2012: 136,248

2013: 125,635

2014: 120,073

2015: 123,664

2016: 119,477

2017: 113,595 

2018: 111,251 

2019: 114,882

2020:  124,180

2021:  112,481

2022: 121,854




Data Source IDNR

Deer Hunting Data

Some minor updates to total in 2015 to 2018