Deer Trapping for Deer Population Control
Deer are flight animals so when confined in a small area will often throw themselves against the trap until dead. Nets are often used.
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Lake Fork, Deer netting operation underway in Lake Fork neighborhood January 8, 2019 Texas, KLTV
... “We trap the deer under nets,” Russell said. “They are taken out, put in a trailer and then transported to a processor.”...
After controversial culling programs past two years, Lyndhurst killed no deer this year May 18, 2018 Ohio,
... Two years ago, more than 50 protestors held signs outside City Hall, then attended City Council meetings in which they let their anti-culling feelings be known. Many of those who protested were upset by the trap-and-bolt method the city was using... looking into the possibility of using a different method ...
Lyndhurst deer culling curtailed; mayor says it was handled in humane way March 11, 2016 Ohio,
... the procedure followed led to the killing of 13 deer ... The mayor said it cost the city $345 per deer killed in the past month... former Walton Hills councilman William Allen ... spoke of the screams from the deer and of how three men had to wrestle to the ground the deer -- already injured from its struggle to free itself -- before putting a bolt into its head...
Using sharpshooters and bow hunter, Lyndhurst has culled 37 deer this season February 5, 2020 Ohio,
... The method used in Lyndhurst during its first few years of culling -- the trap-and-bolt method -- brought criticism from some who often used the term “barbaric” to describe the procedure of trapping a deer in a cage and inserting a bolt through its head... Culling will continue through March ...
Contractors lured and trapped terrified “surplus” deer and pinned them to the ground. Men sawed off their antlers. They were hauled in a trailer for hours and finally shot in the head and butchered. February 16, 2016 Texas, YouTube Video
Lakeway suspends controversial deer control program for a year August 23, 2018 Texas, KXAN
... one of the most difficult situations that confronts Lakeway right now ... A program to trap and relocate the deer to Mexico was approved in 1999 after the herd was seen as growing too large, becoming a traffic hazard and nuisance. Two years later, Lakeway got approval to trap and kill deer in the city as a means of last resort. It started doing so in 2003...
Lakeway Wildlife Advisory Committee proposes hold on deer management program August 13, 2018 Texas, FOX 7 Austin
... Following years of controversy ... the committee voted unanimously to recommend the city suspend the trap, transport and process program ...
A central Texas woman freed deer captured by net. Now she's facing charges. June 7, 2018 Houston Chronicle
... They're hurting the deer!'" Beck wrote in a GoFundMe page to help cover her legal costs. "I ran outside and heard very loud, intense shrieks, similar to bleating sheep... I could see the blood and broken limbs," Beck continued. "Two deer were bleeding from their mouths, one from its eye, two other deer appeared dead ...
Lakeway woman charged after interfering with deer trappers June 5, 2018 Texas, FOX 7 Austin
... I've never seen a group of eight or so deer under a net like that and I've never heard them scream as much as I heard on that video,” ... During the video, Ashlea can be heard pleading for the trappers to stop ... she was arrested on two Texas Parks and Wildlife warrants...
Lakeway, Billboard, video spurs effort to halt Lakeway deer-management program March 14, 2018 Texas, Austin American-Statesman
......A billboard recently installed at the intersection of Lohmans Spur and RM 620 by Citizen Advocates for Animals is taking issue with Lakeway’s deer-control program... “When you listen to this video, you will hear the crying of the deer — and it’s not pleasant.” ...
Lakeway, Video of deer trapped in netting in Lakeway causes controversy March 14, 2018 Texas, KABB... a video sent to their board of directors shows deer trapped in the net calling out in distress and panic, some bleeding from the mouth and nose, some with broken bones and one or two that appear to be dead... the city of Lakeway has hired a contractor to lure deer into the net traps and "truck them 80 miles away to be shot in the head and butchered." ...
Lakeway group fights to stop deer killing February 17, 2016 Texas, KVUE
... Cross and other CALD members put together a petition, which calls for two demands: Find a way to control the deer population in a humane way that doesn't trap and kill the deer, Push for a deer census to calculate the population of deer in this community...