Colorado Population and Management ArchiveColorado  Page

View the archive by scrolling through the window below.  Historic deer hunt data is below the Archive window on the left column with links to sources.  

Colorado Deer Population and Management Archive

Estimated Annual Deer Kill

2000: 38,000

2001: 31,500

2002* 36,000

2003: 37,602

2004: 41,743

2005: 41,665

2006: 44,800

2007: 45,000

2008: 35,500

2009: 33,922

2010: 34,768

2011: 33,217

2012: 33,486

2013: 32,941

2014: 27,492

2015: 34,005

2016: 36,824

2017: 37,761

2018: 38,303

2019: 36,389

2020: 38,899

2021: 40,561

2022: 38,049

2023: 31,590

Hunting and populations statistics.

Deer Population Estimates, Post-hunt

2004   600,900

2005   613,450

2006   623,760

2007   538,770

2008   466,750

2009   460,520

2010   430,390

2011   417,950

2012   408,010

2013   390,660

2014   424,190

2015:  435,660

2016:  418,560

2017:  418,800

2018:  433,140

2019:  418,000

2020:  427,570

2021:  416,426


Hunting estimates are based on surveys of hunters, not reported kills as used by some states.

*2000 to 2002 data estimated from graph

Poor survival for mule deer fawns.  Results of the deer hunt are based on surveys of deer hunters.  Whitetails increasing west of I-25.  One half to one third of the herd size in the 1940s and far below the pre-settlement numbers.

Elk Hunt

2005   56,462

2006   56,933

2007   49,012

2008   45,271

2009   47,543

2010   48,018

2011   43,480

2012   43,490

2013   43,606

2014   41,900

2015:  44,852

2016:  39,306

2017:  38,555





Elk Population

2005   258,370

2006   271,840

2007   291,960

2008   283,210

2009   286,510

2010   283,430

2011   264,170

2012  266,300

2013   264,025

2014   278,490

2015  275,000

2016   277,750

2017   281,700

2018  286,680

2019  292,760

2020  293,590

2021  308,901 

2022  303,190

Moose Hunt

2021:  411

2022:  458

2023:  473

Moose Population

2021  3,505

2022  3,460