Canada Suburban Deer Management Archive - Canada

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Canada Suburban Deer Management Archive

A List of Articles in the Archive

3 Interior BC communities get provincial funding for urban deer culls December 11, 2016 British Columbia

Activist group sets sights on deer March 11, 2013 British Columbia

Activists call for boycott of farms that cull deer March 4, 2013 British Columbia

Activists threaten to boycott region if it culls deer February 19, 2012 British Columbia

Affectionate, docile 'John Deer' killed in the interest of safety September 13, 2013 British Columbia

All about animals [herding urban deer with dogs] April 23, 2012 British Columbia

An appreciation for deer November 30, 2011 Canada

Another way to say not tonight deer [repellet] January 6, 2012 Canada

Anti-deer cull protesters target municipal talks September 27, 2012 British Columbia

Anticosti island Quietly Cleared for Fracking June 5, 2013 Canada

Anticosti Island: The currse of Gamache September 22, 2011 Canada

Area deer committees will meet and swap ideas March 23, 2011

Atikokan, Growing in-town deer population has Atikokan Council worried July 28, 2014 Ontario

Atikokan, Tough winter has sympathetic residents feeding deer March 19, 2014 Ontario

Banff, Coyote takes down a deer in Banff backyard January 13, 2014 Alberta

Beacon Hill Park mulls rose garden fence to keep out deer March 28, 2013 British Columbia

Blainville, Quebec town overrun by deer after seniors set up feeders July 16, 2014

Boltgun killing of deer is not a kind death January 6, 2012 Canada

Buck BC's reckless deer slaughter January 6, 2012, Canada

Citizen committee could decide fate of deer February 19, 2012 British Columbia

Clayton City council reviews trial deer hunt results February 7, 2012 Canada

Coldstream's 'friendly deer' put down September 10, 2013 British Columbia

Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA pushing for changes to allow deer hazing (by dogs) June 19, 2013 British Columbia

Conservation officers can tranquilize deer July 23, 2013 Manitoba

Consultation needed on killing deer December 29, 2011 Canada

Costs to cull deer rise substantially May 14, 2015 British Columbia

Councillor wants deer feeding ban exemption July 18, 2012 Canada

Cranbrook 1st BC city with permit to kill deer December 14, 2011 Canada

Cranbrook applies for cull permit July 17, 2014 British Columbia

Cranbrook charges ahead with deer cull, despite unresolved legal challenge February 14, 2013 British Columbia

Cranbrook City staff hopes deer education will continue January 9, 2015 British Columbia

Cranbrook Committee offers solutions to urban deer issue February 22, 2011 Canada

Cranbrook Council approves Urban Deer Cull Strategy April 19, 2011 Canada

Cranbrook Council cancels controversial cull October 9, 2013 British Columbia

Cranbrook deer cull almost complete December 17, 2011 Canada

Cranbrook deer cull completed and comes in under budget January 22, 2016 British Columbia

Cranbrook deer cull on hold over court action fears October 5, 2012 British Columbia

Cranbrook deer cull resumes without notification January 12, 2016 British Columbia

Cranbrook deer survey available March 10 March 5, 2014 British Columbia

Cranbrook gets clicking March 17, 2014 British Columbia

Cranbrook Mayor pleased with deer cull verdict October 29, 2013 British Columbia

Cranbrook open to deer relocation March 8, 2012 British Columbia

Cranbrook still culling deer despite relocation program, activists say January 14, 2016 British Columbia

Cranbrook Sub-committee to draft urban deer cull strategy April 5, 2011 Canada

Cranbrook to survey residents on deer cull February 20, 2014 British Columbia

Cranbrook, Animal Alliance decries urban deer cull January 13, 2016 British Columbia,

Cranbrook, City acknowledges 20 deer culled January 18, 2016 British Columbia

Cranbrook, City awaiting word on provincial deer committee February 17, 2014 British Columbia

Cranbrook, Complaints prompt deer cull debate November 28, 2013 British Columbia

Cranbrook, Council authorizes 50 deer cull February 12, 2015 British Columbia

Cranbrook, Council eyeing deer cull permit March 22, 2016 British Columbia

Cranbrook, Critics of deer cull in Cranbrook August 11, 2012 Canada

Cranbrook, Deer complaints are up this week October 23, 2013 British Columbia,

Cranbrook, Deer cull proves popular option in Cranbrook May 14, 2014 British Columbia,

Cranbrook, Deer translocation not an option for now, says City February 25, 2015 British Columbia

Cranbrook, Deer traps stolen in Cranbrook February 11, 2014 British Columbia

Cranbrook, Protesters voice opposition to deer cull January 26, 2016 British Columbia

Cranbrook, Saboteurs foil B.C. city’s plan to kill feral deer and feed them to the poor February 27, 2013 British Columbia

Cranbrook, The deer debate must become public February 23, 2013 British Columbia

Cranbrook, Those mama deer protecting their babies June 24, 2013 British Columbia

Cranbrook, Urban deer coordinator program returns this year April 17, 2015 British Columbia

Cranbrook, Urban deer problem a regional issue March 10, 2015 British Columbia,

Cranbrook, Vandals damage Cranbrook deer cull nets February 21, 2013 British Columbia

Cranbrook, When Cranbrook's urban deer problem wasn't February 26, 2015 British Columbia

Cranbrook: Deer traps under construction September 27, 2011 Canada

Cranbrook: Alternative to current cull February 3, 2012 Canada

Cranbrook: Council puts deer cull to bed February 21, 2012 Canada

Cranbrook: Deer cull 2.0 April 24, 2012 British Columbia

Cranbrook: Killing Bambi: December 15, 2011 Canada

Cranbrook: These nets stop deer, not pucks November November 29, 2011 Canada

CRD 'forced' to control deer October 26, 2011 Canada

CRD directors urge quick action on deer to save farms December 13, 2012 British Columbia

CRD directors vote to leave deer management to municipalities July 23, 2015 British Columbia

CRD Has Not Posted Video from May 16 Deer Management CAG Meeting May 23, 2012 British Columbia

CRD looks to province for deer help September 6, 2012 British Columbia

CRD names 11-person deer advisory group April 26, 2012 British Columbia

CRD recruiting for citizen deer committee March 15, 2012 British Columbia

CRD says no to DeerSafe June 6, 2012 British Columbia

CRD seeking information on deer damage August 23, 2011 Canada

CRD, not municipalities, to devise next steps on deer November 29, 2012 British Columbia

Critics of deer cull in Cranbrook, BC say effort targeting wrong deer August 11, 2012 Canada

Culling deer won't reduce Lyme disease June 20, 2013 British Columbia

Data on deer shows no clear trend June 6, 2012 British Columbia

Dealing with deer ... January 16, 2012 Canada

Deer 'cull' means horrific death January 5, 2012 Canada, Victoria Times

Deer advisory group should seek balance May 17, 2012 British Columbia

Deer carcass found in Victoria Park possible coyote kill February 22, 2013 British Columbia

Deer causing rapid environmental change on BC's and Washington's Gulf islands ... January 17, 2011 Canada

Deer control September 10, 2012 Britiish Columbia

Deer cull on CRD radar for 2012 December 27, 2011 Canada

Deer culls loom in B.C. communities as politicians target urban bucks and does December 29, 2013 British Columbia

Deer deserve better treatment November 5, 2011 Canada

Deer discussion begins heating up February 8, 2012 Canada

Deer discussion delayed to March February 12, 2016 British Columbia

Deer fence works, according to farmers March 5, 2013 British Columbia

Deer hazing not an option, province declares May 4, 2012 British Columbia

Deer headed for UBCM debate September 18, 2015 British Columbia

Deer hunt considered 'viable' by city officials May 16, 2016 Ontario

Deer protection group wins right to lawsuit June 15, 2012 British Columbia

Deer protection groups opt for united front September 22, 2012 British Columbia

Deer season means rise in urban poaching November 20, 2011 Canada

Deer sterilization concerns Province May 1, 2015 British Columbia

Deer to be culled after video exposes attack on dog December 2, 2011 Canada

Deer translocation project still on pace: VAST Resources January 15, 2016 British Columbia,

Deer translocation study set to begin January 13, 2016 British Columbia,

Deporting deer: B.C. towns try innovative approach to removing unwanted ungulates December 26, 2015 British Columbia

Design and crop selection offer protection from invasive deer June 18, 2013 British Columbia

Developer's ecologist says observatory deer starving August 21, 2012 Ontario

Does the buck stop here? Better Urban Planning May 28, 2011 Canada

Dogs: Part two: A wildlife biologist's continued musings about urban deer issues November 23, 2011 Canada

Don't kill deer to save roses June 20, 2013 British Columbia

Dryden calls for public input on deer cull December 29, 2011 Ontario

Dryden looking into deer hunt January 3, 2011 Ontario, Canada

Durham residents asked to beware of migrating deer April 29, 2014 Ontario

East Kootenay deer translocation study about to begin February 12, 2016 British Columbia,

East Kootenay, All eyes on Kootenay urban deer-relocation pilot as alternative to cull July 19, 2016 British Columbia

East Kootenay, Deer on the move September 23, 2016 British Columbia

East Kootenay, More deer will be translocated from East Kootenay communities this winter December 20, 2016 British Columbia

Elk Valley Looking for a deer solution May 21, 2011 Canada

Elkford deer count needs volunteers February 13, 2012 British Columbia

Elkford Deer Cull December 30, 2013 British Columbia

Elkford deer cull January 3, 2014 British Columbia

Elkford deer kill permit revoked January 10, 2014 British Columbia

Elkford discusses deer management September 5, 2012 Canada

Elkford given go ahead to continue with deer cull January 20, 2014 British Columbia

Elkford Urban Deer Cull - final update from Council February 12, 2014 British Columbia

Elkford, Controversial deer cull carried out in broad daylight January 8, 2014 British Columbia

Elkford, Deer cull in Elkford suspended for one week January 8, 2014 British Columbia

Esquimalt, Pilot project to control deer births proposed in Esquimalt October 13, 2015 British Columbia,

Feeding deer is not real problem in area January 22, 2014 British Columbia

Fence out the deer and coyotes, say Okanagan fruit growers June 13, 2014 British Columbia

Fernie asks Ministry of Environment for help with urban deer October 31, 2012 British Columbia

Fernie, Deer safe from culls in Fernie — for now October 12, 2012 Canada

Fort Frances hopeful on deer fence March 8, 2011 Canada

Friendly deer sounds official's alarm September 8, 2013 Canada

Garden drone targets intruders April 1, 2012 British Canada

Gibsons: Deer maimed by loose dogs January 14, 2012 Canada

Grand Forks Relocation an option for deer problem? December 9, 2010 British Columbia

Grand Forks accepts deer plan June 15, 2011 Canada

Grand Forks approves deer relocation program January 3, 2011 Canada Urban

Grand Forks City Council [deer committee] February 8, 2012 Canada

Grand Forks City, Province divided on deer research June 16, 2015 British Columbia,

Grand Forks Deer Count September 16, 2010

Grand Forks, Consider careful the referendum question on the deer cull October 21, 2014 British Columbia

Grand Forks, Deer count coming, committee to work on fine structure October 15, 2013 British Columbia

Grand Forks, Mule deer populations struggle outside of GF November 15, 2013 British Columbia

Grand Forks: Deer committee has a draft management plan March 30, 2011 Canada

Grand Forks: Recent deer count shows stable numbers September 28, 2011 Canada

Grand Forks: Region deer committees looking into joint management project May 11, 2011 Canada

Grand Forks: Controversial deer management plan passes council June 16, 2011 Canada

Gulf Islands included in 'deer management' commission May 16, 2012 British Columbia

Hamilton Conservation Authority seeks input from Hamiltonians on deer management February 13, 2011 Canada

Hamilton, A cull not the solution for the deer hazard December 15, 2013 Ontario

Hamilton, Deer population drops at Iroquoia Heights October 21, 2013 Canada

Hamilton, Native deer harvest continues in freezing temperatures January 7, 2014 Ontario

Harbor city considers deer management alternatives January 3, 2011 Canada Urban

Humane solutions to dealing with problems of "urban" deer December 31, 2014 British Columbia

Hunters touted as answer to farmers' deer troubles February 28, 2013 British Columbia

Ideas of deer cull inhumane March 8, 2012 British Columbia

Inveremere: Property owner offers land for deer Febuary 10, 2012 Canada

Invermere battles deer lawsuit May 4, 2012 British Columbia

Invermere Councillors sign off on cull, relocation August 9, 2011 Canada

Invermere Cull expires, protection group talks to council March 16, 2012 British Columbia

Invermere deer bylaw in place April 26, 2011 Canada

Invermere Deer case dismissal cues important referendum November 1, 2013 British Columbia

Invermere deer cull falls short of goal March 19, 2012 British Columbia

Invermere deer cull on hold, Victoria group proposes new method April 24, 2015 British Columbia

Invermere deer cull slated to begin soon December 23, 2011

Invermere Deer cull underway in 3rd BC town March 2, 2012 British Columbia

Invermere deer cull upheld by BC Supreme Court October 25, 2013 British Columbia

Invermere Deer relocation likely on hold until 2013 March 1, 2012 British Columbia

Invermere deer relocation stalled January 11, 2012 Canada

Invermere Deer solutions group seeks cull alternatives March 23, 2012 British Columbia

Invermere DOI councillors will witness deer cull January 11, 2012 Canada

Invermere has voted on the deer cull. Now what? November 4, 2013 British Columbia

Invermere Injunction squashed, deer cull moves ahead March 2, 2012 British Columbia

Invermere loses court battle over deer June 11, 2012 British Columbia

Invermere suffers from deer poaching spree October 19, 2012 Canada

Invermere up in arms over cull of 'ninja' deer March 1, 2012 British Columbia

Invermere, Anti-cull group ordered to pay Invermere's costs February 5, 2014 British Columbia

Invermere, Appeal for support and funds to stop deer culling in British Columbia (BC) January, 2013 British Columbia

Invermere, Deer Culling fought in BC Supreme Court October 9, 2013 British Columbi

Invermere, Deer lawsuit battled out in BC Supreme Court October 25, 2013 British Columbia

Invermere, Deer relocation option gets cool reception January 18, 2013 British Columbia

Invermere, District of Invermere to apply for deer cull permit May 23, 2014 British Coliumbia

Invermere, No second deer cull on the way for Invermere December 28, 2012 British Columbia

Invermere, Windermere Rod & Gun club opposes deer cull, suggests relocation January 14, 2015 British Columbia

Invermere: 'Solution Group' offers up no-kill options for dealing with town deer March 6, 2012 British Columbia

Invermere: Court denies extension, cull moving forward February 26, 2012 British Columbia

Invermere: Court injunction halts Invermere deer cull February 13, 2012 British Columbia

Invermere: Cull the 'easy way out' of deer dealings March 14, 2012 British Columbia

Invermere: Deer issue packs Invermere council January 25, 2012 British Columbia

Invermere: Injunction halts B.C. deer cull plan February 12, 2012 Canada

Invermere: Injunction halts cull aimed at 100 deer February 14, 2012 British Columbia

Invermere: Relocation and cull urged for deer population July 19, 2011 Canada

Invermere: Residents divided as Invermere council readies to kill deer February 29, 2012 British Columbia

Iroquoia Heights deer won't be culled — for now June 23, 2011 Canada

Iroquoia Heights: Bambi Shmambi … deer are simply a pain June 1, 2011 Urban, Canada

It isn't the deer we need to manage May 18, 2012 British Columbia

Kelowna, A deer little problem October 21, 2015 British Columbia

Kennebecasis Valley Deer Survey April 22, 2013 New Brunswick

Kennebecasis, PETA takes aim at Kennebecasis deer hunting pilot project August 27, 2014 New Brunswick

Kennebecasis: Deer cull considered for Kennebecasis Valley September 29, 2011 Canada

Kenora City partners with MNR and OPP to address urban deer problem June 9, 2011 Canada

Kenora City to open deer hunt September 13, 2011 Canada

Kenora Greenhouse owners start petition calling for deer cull May 11, 2011 Canada

Kenora, City deer hunt to be extended by four weeks June 13, 2012 Canada

Kenora, City goes over survey data on 2014 urban deer hunt February 11, 2015 British Columbia,

Kenora, Council accepts urban deer report July 17, 2013 Ontario

Kenora, Deer dispatched downtown April 3, 2013 Ontario

Kenora, Deer numbers down in the region January 17, 2014 Ontario

Kenora, Deer tag sale? June 7, 2013 Canada

Kenora, Fifth year for special deer season August 11, 2015 Ontario,

Kenora, Growing interest in deer hunt September 30, 2013 Canada

Kenora, Many options for handling deer July 5, 2013 Ontario

Kenora, MNR says the whole community needs to work together to solve aggressive deer problem 4 June 26, 2013

Kenora, More dog attacks on deer April 12, 2014 Ontario

Kenora, More surveys needed for deer hunt February 20, 2013 Ontario

Kenora, Outcome of a deer hunt inside city limits will be disturbing September 19, 2013 Canada

Kenora, Petitions against urban deer grow May 24, 2013 Canada

Kenora, Targeted deer hunt about to commence August 22, 2016 Ontario

Kenora, Thunder Bay deer hunt numbers low February 21, 2013 Canada

Kenora, Wild dogs attacking deer in Kenora March 20, 2014 Ontario

Kimberely Restricted hunt in fall 3/16/2011 Canada Urban

Kimberely, Deer hazing trial a success: What next? (Dogs for Deer Management) May 31, 2013 British Columbia

Kimberely, Two B.C. men arrested for allegedly vandalizing deer traps amid activist movement against 'torture' February 28, 2014 British Columbia

Kimberley Council receives Deer Management Report August 29, 2012 Canada

Kimberley councillor responds to protesters December 16, 2013 British Columbia

Kimberley cull done after traps damaged March 3, 2014 British Columbia,

Kimberley Deer Committee recommends 40 deer be translocated this year January 22, 2019 British Columbia

Kimberley deer cull begins February 1 January 29, 2014 British Columbia

Kimberley Urban Deer Committee annual report February 17, 2016 British Columbia

Kimberley Urban Deer Committee delivers report, recommends controlled hunt April 13, 2011 Canada

Kimberley's deer cull goes on January 25, 2012 British Columbia

Kimberley's deer-hazing permit goes to the dogs over regulations April 9, 2013 British Columbia

Kimberley, Animal activists force town of Kimberley, BC to call off deer cull March 5, 2014 British Columbia

Kimberley, BC, councillors mull non-lethal method of controlling pesky deer April 2, 2013 British Columbia

Kimberley, How many deer is too many deer? August 16, 2012 British Columcia

Kimberley, Many humane choices in dealing with deer issue July 10, 2013 British Columbia

Kimberley, Men in disguises damage deer traps in B.C. Kootenay region February 28, 2014 British Columbia

Kimberley, No decision on second deer cull August 16, 2012 British Columbia

Kimberley, The situation with the translocation February 25, 2016 British Columbia

Kimberley, To do list for Kimberley deer management August 30, 2012, Canada

Kimberley: Deer cull key issue at Union of BC Municipalities meeting September 26, 2011 Canada

Kimberly No action on urban deer until fall March 23, 2011 Canada Urban

Kimberly: Cost of cull comes in at $100 per deer March 2, 2011 Canada Urban

Kimberly: Deer solutions not so simple (relocating deer costs about $400) January 12, 2011 Canada

Kimberly: The nuts and bolts of deer management April 14, 2011 Canada

Kimberly: Deer population management in Kimberley December 23, 2011 Canada

Kimberly: Living with deer in Kimberley February 7, 2012 Canada

Kootenay Boundary: No deer deal May 13, 2011 Canada

Kootenay city to cull urban deer September 26, 2011

Kootenay Communities Given Funding to Relocate Deer February 22, 2016 British Columbia

Kootenay deer cull faces international opposition January 20, 2012 Canada

Local farmer against culls urges others to work with deer, geese December 17, 2012 British Columbia

Makeup of deer advisory committee worries animal rights advocates May 11, 2012 British Columbia

Maple Ridge, Poachers target deer in Maple Ridge January 21, 2014 British Columbia

Marysville, Deer moved in Marysville on Wednesday (Dogs for Deer Management) May 29, 2013 Canada

Mayor seeks action on culling of deer November 10, 2011 Canada

Mayors will meet who face similar deer problems January 26, 2011 Michigan

Metchosin, Killing deer is not pretty, Metchosin mayor warns February 3, 2012 Canada

Minister in headlights of deer issue September 20, 2012 Canada

More deer found shot with arrows January 10, 2011 Canada

Mule deer translocation trial to begin this winter January 3, 2016 British Columbia

Municipalities asking MNR for urban deer tags May 16, 2013 Canada

Nanaimo City watching effects of Interior deer cull December 23, 2011 Canada

Nanaimo City: Bylaw reduces deer problem May 25, 2011 Canada

Nanaimo mayor talks sense about deer cull March 19, 2015 British Columbia

Nanaimo, Company says it has solution for deer September 19, 2013 Canada

Nanaimo, Deer Extermination in Nanaimo March 24, 2014 British Columbia

Nanaimo, Deer feeders say they will fight city's bylaw October 30, 2013 British Columbia

Nanaimo, No plans for Nanaimo to follow Oak Bay with cull to control deer March 12, 2015 British Columbia

Nanaimo, No solution in sight to dead deer on roads August 27, 2013 Canada

Nanaimo, Potential solution to deer dilemma might be too costly for Nanaimo August 30, 2013 Canada

Nanaimo, Survey suggests many Nanaimo residents believe deer population should be controlled May 2, 2013 British Columbia

Nanaimo: Project to track deer population trends planned October 18. 2010

Nanaimo: Run-ins with deer are continuing July 8, 2011 Canada

Neebing man fined $1500 for shooting deer in driveway August 9, 2016 Ontario

New Brunswick proposing changes to deer hunt March 24, 2016

Niagara, Controversial deer hunt will take place at Short Hills next month October 27, 2015 Ontario

Niagara, Where is the respect in deer hunt? November 2, 2016 Ontario

No clear solution to Victoria region's deer problem September 4, 2012 British Columbia

Nova Scotia deer herds may be growing August 6, 2014

Nuisance deer bow hunting rules raise safety concerns October 31, 2014 New Brunswick

Oak Bay Council seeking input on deer issue June 6, 2013 British Columbia

Oak Bay cuts $30,000 for deer management from budget April 26, 2016 British Columbia

Oak Bay deer cull expected to go ahead despite opposition January 3, 2015 British Columbia

Oak Bay Deer management money could be better used August 23, 2011 Canada

Oak Bay deer need birth control, not death penalty group says April 14, 2015 British Columbia

Oak Bay deer rally was peaceful November 28, 2013 British Columbia

Oak Bay denied funds for deer birth control December 11, 2016 British Columbia

Oak Bay earmarks $40,000 for managing deer January 27, 2016 British Columbia

Oak Bay eyes independent agency to survey residents on deer March 29, 2016 British Columbia,

Oak Bay faces deer dilemma; shoo them into Saanich, some say June 15, 2013, British Columbia

Oak Bay fine jumps for feeding deer February 20, 2014 British Columbia

Oak Bay gets permit for cull of 25 deer January 29, 2015 British Columbia

OAK BAY letter: Spend on roads not on cull July 1, 2014 British Columbia

Oak Bay mayoral candidates debate sewage, deer issues October 23, 2014 British Columbia

Oak Bay needs to be more clear on deer education May 8, 2014 British Columbia

Oak Bay residents stage demonstration against deer cull June 26, 2013 British Columbia

Oak Bay takes province to task over deer control February 13, 2015 British Columbia

Oak Bay's year of deer January 8, 2014 British Columbia

Oak Bay, New poll shows majority in favour of deer cull in Oak Bay November 1, 2016 British Columbia,

Oak Bay, 25 deer in Oak Bay is just the starting point January 20, 2015 Canada

Oak Bay, 25 Deer Sentenced to Death in Oak Bay – Write City Hall Now! November 18, 2013 British Columbia

Oak Bay, A voice from wilderness defends Oak Bay’s deer January 24, 2015 British Columbia

Oak Bay, B.C. fires back at SPCA over controversial Oak Bay deer cull February 3, 2015 British Columbia

Oak Bay, B.C. municipality turns to birth control to reduce deer herds April 16, 2015 British Columbia

Oak Bay, B.C. SPCA speaks out against Oak Bay deer cull July 4, 2013 British Columbia

Oak Bay, B.C. town considers deer contraceptive to control animals eating up gardens December 15, 2016 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Birth control back on the table for deer November 18, 2016 Canada,

Oak Bay, Children can’t fathom reasons for killing deer February 15, 2015 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Citizens group secures deer contraceptive vaccine June 26, 2015 British Columbia,

Oak Bay, Community divided over Oak Bay’s planned blacktail deer cull January 26, 2015 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Council's deer decision is disappointing March 30, 2016 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Dangerous deer dilemma July 28, 2013 Victoria

Oak Bay, Deer a shared responsibility July 31, 2015 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Deer Contraception Program Interview, June 30, 2015 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Deer Count in Oak Bay November 2, 2015 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Deer cull a pointless waste of money and life March 15, 2015 British Columbia,

Oak Bay, Deer cull in Oak Bay reflects badly on mayor March 18, 2015 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Deer deserve kinder fate January 8, 2015 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Deer meeting yields more decisions to make June 24, 2013 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Deer relocation and immunocontraception on the agenda for Oak Bay council meeting Janaury 25, 2016 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Deer report has no effect on plan to cull October 17, 2014 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Deer, feeding fine on the rise – but who will pay? February 25, 2014 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Deer-cull plan is ill-advised May 6, 2014 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Deer-cull protesters stalk Oak Bay mayor’s home November 23, 2013 British Columbia

Oak Bay, DeerSafe Victoria Rally, November 23, 2013 Youtube

Oak Bay, Divided council agrees to manage deer March 25, 2016 British Columbia,

Oak Bay, Dozens protest Oak Bay’s deer-cull push January 3, 2015 British Columbia,

Oak Bay, Editorial: Sterilizing deer is worth trying April 21, 2015 British Columbia,

Oak Bay, Fur flies over Oak Bay deer-cull protest at mayor's home November 25, 2013 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Group seeking to observe deer cull December 26, 2014 British Columbia,

Oak Bay, Let's be clear on deer cull decision December 5, 2013 British Columbia, Victoria News

Oak Bay, Many options available for deer management June 16, 2016 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Mayor says deer cull only option available January 20, 2015 British Columbia

Oak Bay, More Oak Bay deer cull concerns July 17, 2014 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Oak Bay deer cull is pointless and cruel January 28, 2015 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Oak Bay to pursue deer cull June 25, 2013 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Peace with deer possible, group says February 8, 2014 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Protestors gather as Oak Bay awaits permit for deer cull January 6, 2015 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Province promises to help tend its deer September 29, 2015 British Columbia,

Oak Bay, Questions need to be answered before deer cull takes place February 18, 2014 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Referendum should be held on deer cull December 18, 2013 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Regional Deer Management Strategy Update January 5, 2015

Oak Bay, Safety at the heart of deer control April 29, 2014 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Scientific approach could make us a leader on deer February 12, 2016 British Columbia,

Oak Bay, Silence surrounds Oak Bay deer cull March 7, 2015 British Columbia,

Oak Bay, Slow cars and save deer February 22, 2014 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Some wandering blacktail deer in suburban Victoria now destined for death November 13, 2013 Britiish Columbia

Oak Bay, SPCA wants deer cull off the table November 27, 2013 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Take long-term approach in reducing deer numbers July 11, 2013 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Theft of traps thwarts Oak Bay deer cull plan June 24, 2014 British Columbia

Oak Bay, There’s more to do before culling deer June 29, 2014 British Columbia

Oak Bay, To cull or not to cull is a legal question October 24, 2014 British Columbia

Oak Bay, To Cull or Not to Cull January, 2015 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Trapping deer is inhumane April 29, 2014 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Urban deer meat might not be healthful November 25, 2013 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Where’s the humanity? September 3, 2014, British Columbia

Oak Bay, Wildlife activists to cast eyes on deer cull in Oak Bay January 18, 2015 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Wildlife society aims to reduce conflicts with deer June 5, 2015 British Columbia

Oak Bay, Wildlife society seeks CRD cash for deer project July 28, 2015 British Columbia,

Oak Bay, Will 25 less deer really reduce crashes? January 8, 2014 Oak Bay

Oak Bay, ‘Nothing learned’ from Oak Bay deer cull: B.C. SPCA March 10, 2015 British Columbia

Oak Bay: Deer stories differ around municipality September 7, 2011 Canada

Oh deer...what has the community been up to November 24, 2011 BCLocalNews

Okotoks pushing for new ways to manage deer population May 29, 2015 Alberta

Okotoks, Deer reduction strategies explored February 19, 2015 Alberta

Okotoks, Residents' opinions sought on deer April 16, 2015 Alberta,

Parksville Deer feeding bylaw ready to pass March 9, 2012 British Columbia

Pelham, Family launches petition to stop deer hunt January 3, 2013 Canada

Pelham, Return of hunt draws protests, for and against November 27, 2014 Ontario,

Pelham, Short Hills deer hunt set to go ahead Thursday November 20, 2013 Ontario

Pelham, Shorthills deer hunt ends in controversy November 25, 2013 British Columbia

Pentiction: Deer cull plan triggers SPCA response September 1, 2011, Canada

Penticton considers cull of growing urban deer population November 5, 2012 British Columbia

Penticton continues to wait on deer cull February 19, 2013 British Columbia

Penticton Council reconsiders deer cull December 23, 2011 Canada

Penticton Councillor itching to pull the trigger on deer plan August 4, 2011

Penticton Councillor takes aim at city's growing deer population July 21, 2011 Canada

Penticton Deer cull on back burner in Penticton October 29, 2013 British Columbia

Penticton deer cull still under discussion September 21, 2013 Canada,

Penticton targets deer discussions September 18, 2012 Canada

Penticton, City nixes deer cull March 4, 2014 British Columbia,

Penticton, Deer continue to spring up throughout Penticton February 5, 2013 British Columbia

Penticton, deer cull on the agenda September 24, 2013 Canada

Penticton, Deer relocation stopped in its tracks March 5, 2014 British Columbia,

Penticton, Delinquent deer to be relocated February 6, 2014 British Columbia

Penticton, Not everyone wants rid of the deer March 18, 2014 British Columbia,

Penticton, Oh deer, you have to move February 4, 2014 British Columbia

Penticton, Urban deer management on the table February 3, 2014 British Columbia

Penticton: Deer plan under fire September 27, 2011 Canada

Penticton: Kimberley a model for city's deer control efforts September 8, 2011, Canada

Penticton: Controversial deer cull gets approval January 11, 2012 Canada

Penticton: Council adopts Deer Strategy September 20, 2011 Canada

Penticton: Counting deer to cull May 22, British Columbia

Penticton: Regulations complicate city's plan for deer hunt October 4, 2011 BCLocalNews

Penticton: Reporter helps with deer-count dud May 22, 2012 British Columbia

Penticton: There's deer in my yard [cull budget cut] January 19, 2012 British Columbia

PETA takes Grand Forks to task for proposed deer herd cull July 17, 2011 Canada

Point Pelee, Deer cull at Point Pelee set for Jan. 12-23 January 9, 2015 Ontario

Princess Falls, Deer remains dumped in Hamilton garbage bin: graphic content April 9, 2014 Ontario

Princeton's urban deer numbers questioned January 17, 2012 Canada

Princeton, Deer shot with arrows spotted alive near Princeton school January 23, 2012 British Columbia

Princeton, don't choose a deer cull January 23, 2012 Canada

Proliferation of urban deer misleading December 7, 2011 Canada

Province announces deer management funding September 24, 2015 British Columbia

Province needs to lead on deer January 26, 2011 Canad

Province should lead on deer issue September 25, 2015 British Columbia

Public input sought on CRD deer report November 26, 2012 British Columbia

Quispamsis: Some NB residents calling for deer cull September 27, 2011 Canada

Radium, Village of Radium weighs urban deer management options January 23, 2015 British Columbia

Rally will urge BC councillors to manage deer without culls September 25, 2012 British Columbia

RBG deer cull will not be open to non-natives October 26, 2013 Ontario

Reducing Deer with feeding ban may not help Lyme disease fight May 26, 2011 Canada

Resident pitches plan to keep deer in park August 14, 2015 British Columbia

Richmond Hill: Subdivision spurs clash over observatory's fate September 12, 2011, Canada

Rothesay considers deer cull to deal with overpopulation July 9, 2013 New Brunswick

Rothesay, Deer cull proposed for Kennebecasis Valley August 13, 2014 British Columbia

Royal Botanical Gardens Facing Backlash over Deer Hunt December 17, 2013 Hamilton

Royal Botanical Gardens, Controversial deer hunt is all about tradition November 15, 2013 British Columbia

Royal Botanical Gardens, Deer-hunting plan at RBG taking shape November 8, 2013 Ontario

Royal Botanical Gardens, Hunting good for Earth? I doubt deer agree November 27, 2013 Canada,

Royal Botanical Gardens, RBG awaiting numbers of native deer culled at Arboretum December 20, 2013 Canada

Saanich, Deer plan could be on its way to Saanich August 18, 2015 British Columbia

Saanich, Deer team meets Wednesday May 8, 2012 British Columbia

Saanich, District shores up deer plan August 21, 2013 British Columbia

Saanich, Hunting deer in the city a no-no, reminds police September 19, 2012 Canada

Saanich, Killing deer not a plan for the long term September 4, 2013 British Columbia

Saanich, Vaccine proposed to control Saanich’s deer population September 17, 2015 British Columbia,

Saanich, Victoria: Deer Attack Sparks Possible Deer Plan January 2, 2012

Saanich: Urban trophy-hunters take down another deer December 3, 2010

Saanich: Forget the flowers, let's save the deer January 14, 2012 Canada

Saint John, Deer-feeding ban cannot be enforced in Saint John May 7, 2013 Canada

Shooting no solution to problem we made June 7, 2012 British Columbia

Short Hills deer hunt cost taxpayers $24,600 March 18, 2013 Canada

Short Hills Provincial Park, Deer hunt opponents want support May 6, 2014 Ontario

Short Hills, Hunters get 3 deer in Short Hills harvest January 6, 2013 Canada

Short Hills, No more deer hunts December 5, 2013 Ontario

Short Hills, Residents concerned about Traditional Native deer hunt December 1, 2013 Ontario

Sidney Spit deer face 3-year cull August 23, 2011 Canada,

Simple fencing keeps out deer and rabbits March 22, 2015 British Columbia,

Sparwood Deer survey results May 1, 2011 Canada

SPCA firm on opposition to Oak Bay deer cull February 19, 2015 British Columbia

St. Andrews considers trucking deer to northern NB September 7, 2016 New Brunswick

St. Andrews deer problem may require new bylaw July 23, 2012 Canada

Stay out of the deer-control business, staff advise CRD July 31, 2015 British Columbia,

Stop killing deer for human mistakes in BC February 10, 2012 Canada

Talk to the deer April 3, 2013 British Columbia, Peninsula News Review

Tangled deer put down October 10, 2013 Alberta,

The [urban] deer hunt: opinions December 3, 2011 Canada

The Deer that were Here April 22, 2016 British Columbia

The political ecology of local environmental narratives: power, knowledge, and mountain caribou conservation R. Patrick Bixler July, 2013

The problems of gardening with deer March 22, 2013 British Columbia

Thunder Bay administration backs urban deer hunt but lacks data June 19, 2016 Ontario,

Thunder Bay Report will examine city's deer population July 26, 2011, Canada

Thunder Bay residents voice deer hunt concerns October 21, 2011 Canada

Thunder Bay sanctions first deer hunt within city limits August 28, 2012 Canada

Thunder Bay, City deer hunt information session set August 16, 2012 Canada

Thunder Bay, Controlled Deer Hunt will start September 1 in Thunder Bay August 22, 2012 Canada

Thunder Bay, Council votes down deer feeding proposal July 24, 2012 Canada

Thunder Bay, Deer hunt rules set August 21, 2012 Canada

Thunder Bay, Impact of deer hunting bylaw unknown, city maintains status quo June 22, 2016 Ontario

Thunder Bay, Residents voice concerns about Thunder Bay deer hunt August 24. 2012 Canada

Thunder Bay, Retailer sees bow hunt sales triple August 22, 2012 Canada

Thunder Bay, You Can Now Hunt Deer In the City of Thunder Bay August 29, 2014 Ontario

Thunder Bay: Deer cull the only way [?] November 21, 2011 Canada

Thunder Bay: Deer hunt proposed for city November 18, 2011 Canada

Thunder Bay: Deer whisperer' will defy feeding ban November 25, 2011 Canada

Thunder Bay: Heated deer-bate November 22, 2011 Canada

Thunder Bay: The deer hunt November 28, 2011 Canada

Thunder Bay: The hunt is on May 15, 2012 Canada

Thunder Bay]:City requests input on deer control October 17, 2011 Canada

Time to move forward on deer July 31, 2012 British Columbia

Truro woman vows to fight $233 fine for feeding deer in backyard May 11, 2015 British Columbia

Truro, No decision made on dealing with deer population in Truro January 12, 2015 Nova Scotia

Two members resign from deer advisory group July 25, 2012 British Columbia

Urban areas provide refuge for the deer September 12, 2012 British Columbia

Urban deer don’t attract cougars October 18, 2015 British Columbia

Urban deer need our protection June 29, 2011 Canada

Urban deer translocation project to begin December 23, 2015 British Columbia

Urban wildlife focus of upcoming workshop September 13, 2011 Canada

Urban wildlife: There are humane alternatives to ineffective culls June 11, 2013 British Columbia

Use a vaccine to control deer count December 14, 2011 Canada

Vancouver Island district mulls a cull of city-dwelling deer July 5, 2012 British Columgia

Vancouver Island, No room at the inn for adult deer January 24, 2012 British Columbia

Victoria groups still divided on urban deer issue March 29, 2013 British Columbia

Victoria overrun by deer as some locals propose cull November 1, 2011 Canada

Victoria, Citizens' group wants 'non-lethal' solution to Greater Victoria deer problem February 6, 2012 Canada

Victoria, Deer a problem mainly for gardeners July 5, 2013 British Columbia

Victoria, Focus of deer cull protest shifts to CRD April 14, 2015 British Columbia

Victoria, Urban deer in the spotlight January 31, 2012, Canada

Victoria: Restricting deer not an easy task (use fencing rules) March 13, 2011 Canada Urban

Watertown: Dogs enlisted to chase deer out of Waterton townsite June 6, 2011 Canada

We don't have the right to decide where deer go September 8, 2012 British Columbia

We need to learn to co-exist with deer October 5, 2012 British Columbia

Windsor, Deer population explosion within city causing number of concerns January 15, 2014 Ontario

Winnipeg City seeks to cut collisions with deer September 14, 2011 Canada,