Suburban Deer Wounded from Bow Hunting
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WDFW Police Seek Information on Wounded Deer in Aberdeen August 19, 2024 Washington, Big Country News
... After several days of searching ... They removed the crossbow bolt, which appears to have come from a pistol crossbow, and the deer recovered quickly, returning to its feet shortly after waking from anesthesia ... [Photo below from Big Country News]
B.C. conservation officers remove crossbow bolt stuck in deer's back for 4 weeks July 13, 2024 British Columbia, Victoria News
... a resident notified the COS about the deer bedding down in her backyard in the shade and they were able to successfully attend the property and help the deer... [Photo below from Victoria News]
Deer Walks Around With Arrow Straight Through Its Head December 17, 2023 Colorado, Whiskey Riff
... In this wild video, you can see a doe roaming directly in front of a trail camera, gnawing on a tree branch. However, the only issue here is that there is a whole arrow lodged in her head directly above her eye... [The post Deer Walks Around With Arrow Straight Through Its Head first appeared on Whiskey Riff]
Video Below: It’s hard to grasp that someone would actually shoot an innocent dear with a practice arrow. Thank god this hero came to save the day. December 3, 2022
Residents express concerns after deer found severely injured in south Charlotte neighborhood August 31, 2022 North Carolina, YAHOO!News
... “When she looked up, I noticed the arrow was full and through her head. It was very disturbing to see,” ...
Deer illegally shot through head with crossbow, TWRA investigating August 15, 2022 Tennessee, 10 News.
... The TWRA shared photos of a deer illegally shot out of season by someone with a crossbow. A photo provided by the wildlife agency shows a deer still alive with a bolt lodged vertically through its head...
Disturbing discovery of deer with arrow through head at Whitnall Park April 2, 2022 Wisconsin, CBS 5
... the Department of Natural Resources ... say the arrow came from a crossbow. They are aware of the specific doe and are monitoring the situation. They also confirm they've received reports of illegal hunting activity in Whitnall Park ... [photo below from CBS 58]
Deer with arrow in its side found wandering neighborhood in Washington, photos show February 11, 2022 Washington, News Tribune
... The deer was located and immobilized so that the injury could be assessed and the arrow removed. Once the arrow was safely removed the deer was set free in a more suitable location ... photo below from Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Police
'It's disgusting' | Neighbors react to deer shot with arrows in the Great Hill Greenbelt December 28, 2021 Texas, KVUE
... Texas game wardens are looking for more information after four deer have been seen with arrows sticking out of them in the Great Hills area... "You can see where it is in his thigh." ... [photo from neighbor below]
Deer Pierced By Arrow In Nevada City August 23, 2021 California, CBS Sacramento
..... a deer with an arrow through its side Saturday night out her window—and two coyotes closing in... (Photo below from CBS Sacramento)
Deer with arrow in its neck spotted in Cape Girardeau December 2, 2021 Missouri, KFVS12
... They said it’s not clear if the deer is connected with the ongoing managed hunt happening in city limits ...
Deer torture kills tiny fawn with arrow lodged in belly, the fourth deer injured in Bay Area subdivision August 11, 2021 Florida, WFLA
... Someone out there in this well-known, popular neighborhood is committing a crime, shooting arrows at deer, including a fawn that died after two days of suffering in the hot sun...
Reward offered for information on shooter after deer found with arrow through
neck July 30, 2021 Florida, WFLA
... One doe has been seen with an arrow through the neck. The other doe has an arrow through her leg and she has a fawn in tow... (Photo below from WFLA)
Deer shot with an arrow spotted in Uplands December 18, 2020 British Columbia, Times Colonist
... officers are hoping to locate and assess a buck that was seen on the Uplands Golf Club Thursday with an arrow stuck in its side... arrow protruding from the buck’s left side, near its front leg... (Photo below from Times Colonist)
Wildlife authorities seek help in catching poacher who left deer to die October 23, 2020 Colorado, The Gazette
... a deer that had been shot with an arrow. The wounds were too severe to save the animal, which had to be put down... An arrow protrudes from both sides of the torso of a deer ... (Photo below from The Gazette)
Deer dies 2 weeks after being wounded by arrow near Cherokee Park January 2, 2020 Kentucky, WAVE Louisville
... There are concerns in the Highlands about the safety of people and animals after a deer was hit with an arrow and wasn't found to put it out of its misery for a couple of weeks... (Photo below from WAVE Louisville)
Wildlife officers forced to put down deer shot with crossbow in Coal Creek Canyon December 18, 2019 Colorado, FOX31 Denver
... Colorado Parks and Wildlife officials say they were forced to put down a deer that was found walking around with an arrow in its head... (Photo below from FOX31, Denver)
Northern California Deer Shot In Face With Arrow Recovering After Help August 27, 2019 KFBK
... Yreka Police Lieutenant Chris Betts says officers were able to find the deer, sedate it, and remove the arrow, but unfortunately this isn't an isolated incident...
Buck Seen Thriving Two Years After Having Arrow Removed From Head January 20, 2019 Colorado, CBS Denver
... sedated the animal and removed the arrow. Then they gave it antibiotics, tagged it .... (Photo below from CBS Denver)
Local deer with crossbow through head spotted in the Brecksville-Broadview Heights area August 23, 2018 Ohio, WKYC
... sticking out of its head ... Officials believe the arrow went through the deer's left eye and throat area ... (Photo below from WKYC)
Deer shot in head with arrow near Roseburg July 7, 2018 Oregon, KGW
...The deer was found in the 800 block of San Souci Drive, west of Roseburg. The arrow was removed and the deer returned to its small fawn nearby... (Photo below from KGW)
Pender residents, COS help deer in distress November 2, 2017 British Columbia, CoastReporter
... A Pender Harbour resident spotted the young buck in their back yard Oct. 27 and called the COS. The arrow was stuck in the deer’s back just under the spine... (Photo from the Coast Reporter)
Pregnant Vancouver Island deer shot in the head with crossbow June 7, 2017 British Columbia,
... A Vancouver Island resident had become used to a pregnant deer visiting her yard ... "Yesterday, we came home and she had an arrow sticking out of her head ... (Photo below from
Magnolia residents concerned after deer seen with arrow... January 13, 2017 Texas, KPRC Houston
... People who live in a Magnolia neighborhood are trying to determine who shot a deer with an arrow after the deer as seen waking around with the arrow sticking straight through its neck... (Photo below from KPRC)
Seven Hills permitted hunters have started to cull the deer population November 21, 2016 Ohio,
... The legal deer hunting within the city limits has already produced a number of incidents with permitted hunters shooting the animal and the animal disappearing or dropping on property on which they have no permit to hunt...
Wild deer with arrow in neck spotted in Monrovia neighborhood October 14, 2016 California, FOX 11 Los Angeles
... he's called 'The Humane Society, police, and 'The State Department of Fish and Wildlife hoping one of them will find the animal and have the arrow removed... (Photo below from Fox 11)
PETA Loses Suit To Halt County's Bowhunting Deer Kill August 26, 2016 Maryland,
... the county’s deer population with bowhunting does not violate Maryland’s cruelty code ... last year, the hunt injured at least 91 deer. “Twelve were young animals, three were lactating mothers, and seven were wounded but never found and likely experienced lingering and painful deaths,” ...
Deer spotted with arrow through head in Chapel Hill October 20, 2015 North Carolina, 11abc News
... he contacted North Carolina Fish and Wildlife but was told if the animal wasn't suffering, there was nothing they could do. (photo by Brian Attis)...
Photo below from a YouTube video: Deer poaching in Shady Oaks San Antonio.. Aug 20, 2012
Activists petition state to save deer with arrow in face August August 29, 2015 New Jersey, Asbury Park Press
... Activists from around the world are calling on state officials to save a doe named Grace. For at least nine months, the deer has roamed the township with an arrow lodged in her face...
Wardens investigating live mule deer buck shot with arrow in Billings neighborhood November 5, 2024 Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks
... The buck is alive and not expected to die from the injury. Wardens responded to a report from a resident in the area on Saturday, Nov. 2, and found the buck with an arrow stuck in its back... The area surrounding the neighborhood is within city limits, where hunting is not permitted... FWP does not believe the arrow wound will be fatal for the deer and at this time are not planning to capture the deer to remove the arrow...[Photo below from Montana FWP]
Compassionate Man Rescues Young Deer Who Was Shot With a Practice Arrow March 24, 2024 New York, Laughing Squid [Image below]
... a young fawn who was deliberately shot with a practice arrow. Rocco skillfully removed the arrow ...
Deer running around with arrow stuck in it draws attention in Saanich October 30, 2023 British Columbia, Victoria News
... The blacktail deer was photographed on Sunday (Oct. 29) near McKenzie Avenue and Blenkinsop Road, and the photo shared on social media shows the buck standing roadside with an arrow hanging from its torso. The animal also appears to have a significant wound..,
Mill Creek, Group wants park board recalled over deer culling February 6, 2024 Ohio,
... “We had deer with arrows stuck in their shoulders and their being walking around people’s homes, around the golf course. We have hunters walking through people’s backyards,” said Chris Flak, with the Save the Deer group.
Youtube Video: "Save or Mill Creek Park Deer" group back in court. - February 5, 2024
A Petoskey deer has an arrow stuck in its shoulder. This resident wants to help August 25, 2023 Minnesota, Yahoo
.. she found the doe with an arrow from a crossbow stuck in its shoulder. “I was so shocked by it,” ... right now, the DNR does not currently have any availability to use immobilization drugs because the department’s veterinarian, a wildlife biologist, left and the role currently remains vacant... [photo below from Yahoo]
Injured deer prompts questions about Athens' rules June 28, 2023 Ohio, The Athens Messenger
... the city permits bow hunting on private property within the city limits during the legal hunting season... people walking in Athens' West Side neighborhood may have seen a doe with an arrow sticking out of its back... the doe recently died, leaving behind a fawn...
Deer found hurt in Charlotte were hit with arrows. Is it legal to hunt wildlife in the city? September 8, 2022 North Carolina, Charlotte Observer
... Another deer was euthanized earlier this year ... there have been three injured deer spotted in the Huntingtowne Farms area this year. They all seemed to be critically injured by a hunter’s bow and arrow...
Conservation officers watch out for deer with crossbow bolt in its neck August 26, 2022 British Columbia, Times Colonist
... The deer was spotted by a William Head Road resident who posted photos on a local community page, but removed them after getting what he called harassing comments from hunters ...The young buck is a regular early-evening visitor to the home ... Image below submitted to Times Colonist
Neighbors react after deer shot, 1 killed in Foothills community May 5, 2022 New Mexico, KRQE
... The Foothills community is outraged ... Two does were shot by arrows. “One went and jumped over a fence ... And that one had an arrow in its side,” said Gossage. “One staggered and fell on a property and it took about at least two hours to die.” ... [image below from KRQE]
Deer with arrows through heads horrify neighbors of south Charlotte greenway November 12, 2021 South Carolina, Charlotte Observer
... Residents have seen a doe and a fawn with arrows through their heads and posted photos of the deer on NextDoor...
Decision delayed on deer hunting in Oakland January 6, 2022 West Virginia, Garrett News
...Mayor Jay Moyer said he was approached by a former Oakland resident who called such an attempt by a West Virginia town “a complete disaster” that resulted in disagreements, wounded deer crossing property lines and entrails being left on people’s property... “It became ugly,” ... and the hunting ordinance was withdrawn...
'He's the deer of the year': Carrot on way to recovery after arrow pulled from head December 21, 2020 Ontario, The Guardian
... None of the team in the remote community of Kenora had ever undertaken such an operation, so a veterinarian 2,000 km away in Ottawa gave detailed instructions over the telephone. The arrow was removed without any bleeding ...
Carrot, a Canadian deer with an arrow through its head, is 'unifying people' December 18, 2020 New York Daily News
... Carver, who named the “very gentle and affectionate” deer, said he’s visited her and her husband since 2017 and last week showed up with a black arrow through his head. In 2016, the city passed a bylaw allowing residents to shoot deer with bows within city limits... (Photo below from Carrot's Facebook page)
Wildlife officials in Craig seeking person who illegally shot arrow into mule deer
January 1, 2020 Colorado, The Denver Post
... A wildlife officer on Tuesday afternoon responded to an injured mule deer in the 700 block of Barclay Street. The animal had an arrow embedded in its left rear hip... (Photo below from The Denver Post)
Doe with Arrow in Head Spotted in Gated Community October 28, 2019 Pennsylvania,
... Hunting is not allowed in the residential part of A Pocono Country Place, but right next door, there are state gamelands where people do hunt. The police chief tells Newswatch 16, it is possible that's where the deer was shot... (Photo below from
Wildlife officials in Craig seeking person who illegally shot arrow into mule deer
January 1, 2019 Colorado, The Denver Post
... A wildlife officer on Tuesday afternoon responded to an injured mule deer in the 700 block of Barclay Street. The animal had an arrow embedded in its left rear hip...
A deer struck by an arrow is running around Billings September 18, 2019 Montana, KRTV
... "It has an arrow stuck in the flesh on one shoulder," ..."It's a pretty nice buck and people have seen it in and around the neighborhoods underneath the Rims for quite a while."...
Deer becomes local legend September 6, 2019 Minnesota, Brainerd Dispatch
...anyone who sees it is likely to remember it because it has an arrow in its head. Since the 2018 archery season, Crosslake residents have been spotting a six point buck with an arrow sticking squarely out of its forehead ...
Deer found with arrow sticking out of its neck in Leavenworth August 21, 2019 Washington, IFiberOne News
... Crews were able to remove the arrow, which had a field/target point on it. The deer got up and immediately started feeding again ... (Photo below from IFiberOne News)
Poachers kill one deer, injure another with arrows in Colorado Springs-area neighborhood October 23, 2018 Colorado, Gazette
... A young buck, which was injured and still has an arrow in its front left leg, was reported by residents south of the Sunset Mesa Open Space, not far from the dead deer. State wildlife officials haven't been able to capture him... (Photo from the Gazzette)
Deer seen shot with arrow later found dead October 15, 2018 Oregon, KVAL
... deputies and state game officers found a mule deer buck dead on South 11th Street near Birch Street in the City of Elgin... (Photo from KVAL)
Deer shot by arrow spotted in Salem May 5, 2018 Oregon, KGW
... This time in Salem... the deer “has a little bit of a limp but it does move around and eat.” ... A hunter called them and said he’d shot a deer but couldn't retrieve the arrow or find the deer... (Photo fron KGW)
Authorities remove arrows from impaled deer May 3, 2018 Oregon, Oregonian
... removed arrows from the head and body of a pair of deer in the Shady Cove area ... reward for information leading to the arrest or citation of those responsible for the shooting has been bumped to $2,600... (Photo below from the Oregonian)
Oregon trooper finds living deer with arrows sticking through them April 30, 2018 ABC 7 News
... a $2,000 reward for information ... two deer that had arrows protruding from them... there might be a third deer with an arrow stuck in it... (Photo below from ABC 7 News)
Surgery goes well for injured deer January 30, 2018 Ontario, Haliburton Echo
... Her brow bone had sustained a fracture that will leave a lump. Although the deer did not lose the eye, it is too early to know if there was damage ... We will not know if the eye will be functional yet. It is heavily sunken due to the swelling so it was difficult to assess...
Help on the way for deer with arrow in head January 12, 2018 Ontario, Haliburton County Echo
... Permission has been granted to allow a veterinarian to tranquilize and assist a deer that has been spotted in Haliburton with an arrow in its head... if needed, the deer will be rehabbed by us for a bit until we are sure there is no sign of trauma or infection... (Photo from Haliburton County Echo)
Be On The Lookout For Injured Deer In Ocean Township January 9, 2018 New Jersey, Word on the Shore
... A deer shot by an arrow survived and is injured and on the loose in town... [Mayor Chris Siciliano said] he would like to find a "non-lethal method" for controlling the deer population and is not in favor of bow hunting...
Deer pierced by arrow wanders Moline November 8, 2017 Illinois, Quad City Times
... a large buck has been spotted by several Moliners, wandering ravine areas with an arrow protruding from its bloody shoulder. Some say the buck was the target of a poacher, but they have no way of knowing who the archer was. It sounds better to say, "It wasn't one of the city's licensed hunters. No, ma'am." ... (Photo below from Quad City Times)
Arrow removed from deer's neck; suspect still unknown February 24, 2017 Oregon, KGW 8 Portland... the deer was captured and the arrow was removed from its neck. The deer was released back into the wild...
$1500 REWARD: Deer Shot Through Neck with Arrow February 23, 2017 Oregon, 750 KXL
... An image of the injured doe was captured in a photograph that clearly shows an arrow protruding through her neck. The deer, according to the Oregon State Police, is thought to be caring for a yearling and is likely pregnant... (Photo below from KGW 8 Portland)
Hunting deer in town? Use common sense and don't February 4, 2016 British Columbia, Alberni Valley News
... BC Conservation has put out a public plea about shooting arrows at deer after a deer was found with an arrow through its ear ... this is the third deer that BC Conservation Officer Steve Ackles has discovered with arrow wounds ... (Photo from Alberni Valley News)
Long Island town's deer hunting law causes division November 23, 2016 New York, Daily Star
... homeowner Cindy Gavel of Asharoken says on Nov. 13 she witnessed a deer with an arrow sticking out of its back leap over the fence surrounding her property before dying on her land...
Archery hunting in Flagstaff to be scaled back May 21, 2016 Arizona, Arizona Daily Sun
... an archery hunter near the Flagstaff YMCA, which is an area off-limits to hunting, took aim ... and shot an arrow that lodged in the side of the animal’s head but didn’t kill him. For several weeks, Arizona Game and Fish officials searched for the deer with the arrow still embedded in his head until they finally found and tranquilized him to remove the arrow and treat his wound...
Port Jefferson bans bows and arrows to hunt deer in village December 27, 2015 New York, Newsday
... Mayor Margot J. Garant said ... “The bow and arrow can be a very deadly weapon ... We just don’t want to condone that in the village.” ... some residents have reported seeing deer apparently wounded by arrows wandering the community...