Texas Deer Resistant Plants

Deer Resistant Plants UT Austin

Small trees and shrubs: berm (a good privacy hedge), boxwood, cactus, ceniza, century plant, dwarf Chinese holly, dwarf natal plum, Mexican fan palm, Mexican honeysuckle, Mexican olive, Mexican oregano, Mexican plum, nandina, oleander, pampas grass, pittosporum, pomegranate, primrose jasmine, retama, salvia greggi (also known as Autumn Sage or Cherry Sage, grows as a semi-woody rounded shrub and is native to central and west Texas), Texas mountain laurel, Texas sabals, Texas sage (Cenizo, soft silver, gray leaves)  viburnum tinus, vitex (Texas Lilac), yaupon holly.

Deciduous trees:  Wright's Bee Brush, Texas Vitex, Desert Willow, Texas Kidneywood, Texas Possumhaw, Crape Myrtle

Everygreens for tall privacy hedge:  Eleagnus, Leatherleaf Viburnum,  Yaupon Holly, Lorepetalum, Gray Bush Germander

Perennials: angelonia, angel trumpet, blue salvias, bouncing bet, fountain grass, iris, lantanas (all species), mexican wire grass mint marigold, muhly grass, pampas grass, pine muhly, rosemary, society garlic.

Annuals: snapdragons, vinca, zinnias.

Cover:  Bermuda grass,  Juniper, Rosemary, Society Garlic

For indigo blossoms, butterfly habitat, and deer resistance, few plants beat vitex and plumbago 

Drought-tolerant Deer Resistant Plants

Shrubs: Agarita, Cactus, Century Plant, Dwarf Natal Plum, Pampas Grass, Juniper, Lantana, Mountain laurel, Oleander, Prickly Pear, Plumbago, Pomegranate, Rosemary, Society Garlic,Texas Lilac, Texas Sage, Texas Viburnum, Yaupon Holly

Cover: Bermudagrass, Juniper, White Cloud muhly grass (Muhlenbergia Capillaris "White Cloud") bloom in fall with white blooms

Vines: Carolina Yellow Jasmine, Creeping Fig. Protect plants for three months after planting

Evergreen perennial: Echinacea, a Texas native will grow in full sun and partial shade.

Plants native to Central Texas: Lantana, Autum Sage, Mexican Feathergrass, Inland Sea Oats, Gulf Muhly, Greene Sotol, Softleaf Yucca, Texas Dwar Palmetto, Heartleaf Skullcap, Jimsonweed (poisonous),