Canada Deer News

B.C. brings in more restrictions to limit spread of chronic wasting in deer, elk July 19, 2024 British Columbia, Toronto Star

... updated hunting regulations will see mandatory testing for the disease in deer, elk and moose in certain zones in the Kootenay region.  Two deer in the Kootenay region were confirmed with the disease in January ..,

B.C. conservation officers remove crossbow bolt stuck in deer's back for 4 weeks July 13, 2024 British Columbia, Victoria News

... a resident notified the COS about the deer bedding down in her backyard in the shade and they were able to successfully attend the property and help the deer... 

Oh Deer! Alberta wildlife facility full of fawns after unintentional deer-nappings July 11, 2024 Alberta, CTV News

... "Fawns that enter AIWC’s clinic are typically orphaned or injured, but three of the current fawns were not in need of rescue and were unintentionally kidnapped from the wild,"...

Deer gives birth to triplets in B.C. backyard June 28, 2024 British Columbia, Global News on MSN

... Deer are common in their area so they didn't think much about it, however, just a few days later, they found the doe in their children's old sandbox, giving birth to three fawns...

Making the "Saskatchewan Five" June 6, 2024 WestCentralOnline

... The population for mule deer has been declining across the province, mostly due to severe winters, and drought conditions. As a result of this quotas surrounding antlerless mule deer are being reduced  ..,

Parks Canada deer hunt project to cost taxpayers $12 million May 22, 2024 British Columbia, Newsroom

... Parks Canada has earmarked $12 million for its controversial plan to eradicate a deer species and restore native vegetation on a tiny island in British Columbia ... Foreign sharpshooters armed with restricted semi-automatic rifles hunted the deer during phase one of the operations... a hit to taxpayers of $10,000 a head...

Deer population on the rise in New Brunswick May 7, 2024 CTV News

... From 2019 to 2022, the deer population in New Brunswick more than doubled, increasing from around 73,000 to approximately 155,000. Joe Kennedy, a deer biologist with the Department of Natural Resources, says the number is continuing to climb....

Montreal plans to hire professional shooters to deal with east-end deer overpopulation April 30, 2024 Quebec. CTV News

... The city said in a news release that there are currently 165 deer in parks with a capacity of 25, and the number is growing "at an accelerated rate."  The expert committee that looked into the deer population has recommended that the city commission "professional shooters" to reduce the herds ...

Habitat alteration or climate: What drives the densities of an invading ungulate? - Global Change Biology, 2024

... We leveraged a contrast in habitat alteration associated with the jurisdictional boundary between two Canadian provinces to evaluate the relative effects of spatial variation in habitat alteration and climate on white-tailed deer ... Our findings suggest that climate is the primary driver of white-tailed deer populations; however, understanding the mechanisms underpinning this relationship requires further study of over-winter survival and fecundity...

Ontario is surrounded by chronic wasting disease, but the fatal illness has yet to be detected  April 25, 2024 - CBC

... Ontario's Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has been monitoring for chronic wasting disease (CWD) since 2002. It's never been detected in the province, but cases of the disease continue to pop up through neighbouring Canadian  provinces and US states..,

Understanding drivers of caribou decline and feral horse dynamics in the Chilcotin Plateau of British Columbia. University of British Columbia, KG Tjaden-McClement - 2024

...  wildfire may be an important contributor to caribou decline in this population, emphasizing the importance of fire management going forward. I investigated the potential for competition between feral horses and two important native ungulates: moose and mule deer. Despite concerns about competition for wetlands and water resources, I found no strong evidence of competitive exclusion or avoidance by moose or mule deer in the presence of feral horses ...

Deer are expanding north, and that's not good for caribou: Scientists evaluate the reasons why April 25, 2024 Alberta, on MSN

... Over the past century, white-tailed deer have greatly expanded their range ... Climate change can create milder winters, while habitat alteration from forestry and energy exploration creates new food sources for deer...Areas with more deer typically have more wolves, and these wolves are predators of caribou ...

Large study shows caribou herds in Alberta, B.C., growing from wolf culls, cow pens April 23, 2024 British Columbia, The Canadian Press on

...a newly published study in the journal Ecological Applications... suggests western Canada's once-dwindling caribou numbers are finally growing.  But the same paper concludes the biggest reason for the rebound is the slaughter of hundreds of wolves, a policy that will likely have to go on for decades...

Three B.C. men fined, banned from hunting after killing pregnant deer April 18, 2024 British Columbia, Global News

... the men shot two deer, including one that was later discovered to be pregnant. The BCCOS said that there was no open season for deer at the time ...

Deer family appears to accept B.C. man as one of their own April 11, 2024 British Columbia, CTV News

... two-and-a-half years, beginning in 2018, he spent thousands of hours ...  he never fed them, and rarely moved. The deer just got closer and closer... “I was able to pet them ...

To Fight Chronic Wasting Disease, BC Begins to Harvest Deer April 2, 2024 British Columbia, The Tyee

... the government of British Columbia announced that it would be harvesting 25 deer in the Kootenays. This announcement came six weeks after chronic wasting disease — a 100 per cent fatal disease of cervids (deer, elk, moose, caribou) — was first detected in the province..,

B.C. First Nation tracking deer stress levels by studying their poop March 28, 2024 British Columbia, Williams Lake Tribune

... catastrophic wildfires in 2021 and 2023 burned shrubs, grasses and lichen ... leaving deer with little left for winter feeding... Skeetchestn can now use the samples to analyze if environmental factors ... are causing stress in the deer population and putting it at risk...

Cut vs. fire: a comparative study of the temporal effects of timber harvest and wildfire on ecological indicators of the boreal forest - Landscape Ecology, 2024

... We tested how disturbances influenced the recovery trajectory of ecological indicators of timber, biodiversity, and wildlife habitat through time following timber harvest and wildfire across the boreal forest of Alberta, Canada.  ... Basal area of trees and stems per hectare recovered more quickly in timber harvest sites when compared to wildfire sites, but as time since disturbance increased there were no differences in these attributes among timber harvest, wildfire, and caribou use sites...

Longueuil, Woman arrested in connection with criminal harassment of Longueuil mayor over deer cull March 25, 2024 Quebec

... alleged harassment took place during a meeting of Longueuil city council... After years of legal battles and bitter debate, the city of Longueuil has decided to proceed with a cull by crossbow of the deer herd at the park ...

How Wild Animals Actually Responded to Our COVID Lockdowns March 18, 2024 British Columbia, Scientific American

... as human activity increased in more developed areas, mammals such as deer were generally more active ... One possible factor would be that humans may act as “shields” against carnivores because the latter might be more skittish and retiring when humans are around—something herbivores such as mule deer seemed to have learned...

B.C. to kill 25 deer to test for chronic wasting disease March 13, 2024

... The animals will be collected from an area where two diseased deers were found earlier this year ...  in the Kootenay region ...

Orchard expansion in Canada's wine country stirs fears a key wildlife corridor will be harmed March 1, 2024 British Columbia, Washington Post

...It’s traveled by wildlife such as elk, moose, mule deer, white tailed deer and badgers — and grizzly bears have been spotted. The corridor is home to other animals and berries, plants and medicines used by First Nations peoples...

Town south of Calgary says it will not consider deer cull February 23, 2024 Alberta, Athabasca Advocate

... Diamond Valley, a town south of Calgary, will not cull its deer, nor will it even consider the idea ...  That is not the solution and I don't think that that's even part of the topic ...

This moose was seen walking in circles around a pole for 5 minutes February 16, 2024 New Brunswick, on MSN

... the moose in the video is likely experiencing "moose sickness," or neurological problems caused by a parasite that gets into the moose's spinal cord and brain...  It happens when the moose is feeding on vegetation and consumes a snail carrying the eggs of the parasite...

First Nations uneasy chronic wasting disease in B.C. deer will weaken food security February 15, 2024 British Columbia, National Observer

... Worried his people’s food security, traditional knowledge and culture will suffer yet another hit with the dreaded arrival of chronic wasting disease in their territory in the southern Kootenays...

Manitoba looking at next steps to curtail 'zombie deer' disease after case discovered near Winkler February 11, 2024

...  in Manitoba, after only four positive cases of chronic wasting disease were found among the more than 4,000 deer samples analyzed during the 2023 hunting season... Chronic wasting disease has been detected a total of 26 times in Manitoba since the first case here was discovered in 2021. The total includes 22 mule deer and four white-tailed deer,..

Linking weather conditions and winter tick abundance in moose  - The Journal of Wildlife Management, 2024 [PDF]

... Over the last decades, the number of moose (Alcesamericanus) infested by winter ticks (Dermacentoralbipictus)has increased in eastern Canada   ... Our results suggest that climate change may have a positive long‐term influence on winter tick abundance in the environment and thereby increase winter tick load on moose, which could lead to a significant decrease in moose body condition and survival...

Kootenay region site of first cases of chronic wasting disease in deer February 8, 2024 British Columbia,  Penticton Herald

... Anyone who sees a deer, elk, moose or caribou exhibiting any symptoms of chronic wasting — such as weight loss, drooling, poor co-ordination, stumbling, or generally sick with no obvious reason — is asked to report it the to the 24/7 Report All Poachers and Polluters Line (1 877 952-7277) or the B.C. Wildlife Health Program....

2 cases of 'zombie deer disease' have been confirmed in B.C... February 1, 2024 British Columbia, on

... The B.C. government says chronic wasting disease (CWD) has been confirmed in two deer, a first for the province... the two positive cases were both found south of Cranbrook ...

Latest case of chronic wasting disease detected in deer near Winkler, Man. January 25, 2024 Manitoba, Canada, Global News on MSN

...  detected chronic wasting disease in the southern-central region near the city of Winkler... first detected in Manitoba in 2021, with a total of 26 cases being identified. The latest case involves a white-tailed deer ...

Cancel Phase 2 of BC deer kill 'to avoid further embarrassment,' says group January 18, 2024, British Columbia, Castanet 

... The first phase of the deer kill, which cost $834,000 ... only 66 fallow deer were killed during the operation, along with 18 native black-tailed deer ... "Parks should acknowledge how few deer there are and cancel Phase 2,” ...

Oak Bay, Black-tailed Deer Population Density Estimate and Response to Immuno-Contraception Trial in Oak Bay, B.C.  Interim Report: December 2023  British Columbia

...  In 2019 and 2020, we administered IC to 120 female black-tailed deer, and applied booster vaccines in 2021 to 71 previously treated deer. We compared the adult deer population density in September 2018 to September 2021 & 2022 to evaluate the effect of three years of treatment with IC. Preliminary results indicate that mean population density estimates have decreased from 14.14 adult deer/km2 in 2018 to 9.82 adult deer/km2 in 2022. We anticipate further reductions in the adult deer population in September 2023 ...

Latest design has the Ojibway Park wildlife crossing spanning 4 lanes and costing $28M January 3, 2024 Ontario,

... It's meant to provide safe passage for local mammals such as deer and coyotes ... would create a vegetation-covered bridge for animals to cross from Ojibway to Black Oak Heritage Park, is in phase three of its environmental assessment..

Sidney Island, Difficulty killing last few fallow deer will determine project cost: Parks Canada December 22, 2023 British Columbia, Burnaby Now

... temporary fencing will create enclosed zones of 40 to 120 hectares across Sidney Island and professional ground-based marksmen will kill the remaining deer.  Most of the cost and effort will be dedicated to locating the final few deer, Parks Canada said...

     At least 20% of deer killed on Sidney Island were native black-tailed deer December 21, 2023 British Columbia, Squamish Chief

... Eighteen of the animals killed in the cull, which cost $834,000 and involved shooting from a ­helicopter, were native black-tailed deer, and three were not confirmed as either black-tailed or fallow deer...

     Parks Canada says 84 deer killed in $834,000 cull using helicopter December 20, 2023 British Columbia, North Shore News

... About 84 fallow deer were killed as part of a controversial Sidney Island deer cull that involved marksmen shooting from a helicopter ... Earlier this year, residents approved Parks Canada’s plan for deer eradication in a narrow 52% vote...

Longueuil, After legal disputes and death threats, Longueuil deer cull to go ahead in 2024 December 13, 2023 Quebec, Montreal News

... The city has considered other options, including sterilization, birth control or even transporting the deer to a refuge, but ultimately experts concluded the only viable short-term solution was to kill the animals...

Lack of snow in Sask. could be good for deer population December 5, 2023, Saskatchewan, battlefordsnow

... Over the last two winters, certain areas have seen numbers drop by over 25 per cent... 

Point Pelee National Park closed until Dec. 2 for deer cull November 24, 2023 Ontario, CKLW

... Point Pelee National Park is closed to the public while Parks Canada and Caldwell First Nation conduct a deer cull from Nov. 24 to Friday Dec. 1, 2023...

Sask. government encourages tipsters to report poachers, polluters November 19, 2023 Saskatchewan, Star Phoenix

... One of the commonly reported incidents in Saskatchewan is mistaken identification of species — hunters have been shooting mule deer instead of white-tailed deer ...  Wild game is shot off-season; carcasses are left to rot in the wild; hunters pursue their sport within 500 meters of occupied buildings ...  call the TIPP phone line toll-free at 1-800-667-7561 or report the violation online at ...

Semi-automatic assault-style rifles to be used for Sidney Island deer kill November 17, 2023 British Columbia, The Vancouver Sun 

... The cull, planned by Parks Canada and expected to last 10 days, is intended to eliminate European fallow deer — an invasive species — from the island, but will also see native black-tailed deer killed...

Montreal-area mayor targeted by death threats over plan to cull deer in local park November 16, 2023 Quebec, Global News

... the mayor was placed under intermittent police protection in September ... For years animal rights organizations and activists have tried to block the cull, arguing that the methods chosen to protect the park should favour keeping the animals alive...

Comment: Fast action needed to stop mass kill of deer on B.C. Island November 14, 2023 British Columbia, Vancouver Sun

... An Oct. 30 report by David Bird, an expert in wildlife management and emeritus professor of wildlife biology at McGill University, indicates that the population is already well-controlled, through safe and well-organized hunts. Bird — who is familiar with the island, hunting and the deer population — also says vegetation is recovering well. His most recent estimate is there are 100 to 200 deer...

Opponents stage protest as clock ticks down on B.C. island deer kill November 3, 2023 British Columbia, Global News

... Animal rights advocates and some residents of a small B.C. gulf island gathered Friday to protest a plan to clear the island of deer.  Residents of Sidney Island voted narrowly in February to support a Parks Canada plan to eradicate its entire deer population ...

Deer struggling to survive harsh winters November 3, 2023 Ontario,  Penticton Herald

... a shortage of deer in Thunder Bay’s rural stalking grounds haven’t been just imagining it. Provincial officials say the animals have been in decline within the city’s wilderness orbit for the better part of a decade, likely due to successive severe winters..,

Deer running around with arrow stuck in it draws attention in Saanich October 30, 2023 British Columbia, Victoria News

... The blacktail deer was photographed on Sunday (Oct. 29) near McKenzie Avenue and Blenkinsop Road, and the photo shared on social media shows the buck standing roadside with an arrow hanging from its torso. The animal also appears to have a significant wound..,

Watch a Coyote Attack a Whitetail Deer on a Golf Course October 30, 2023 Alberta, Yahoo

... a large coyote chasing what looks like a young whitetail doe through a manicured fairway. ...and catches up to the deer, it goes straight for the jugular... brings the deer down in a matter of seconds and starts thrashing at its throat while onlookers react with mixed emotions. " ...

Climate change alone cannot explain boreal caribou range recession in Quebec since 1850 - Global Change Biology, 2023

... . We paired historical range maps with global atmospheric reanalyses from different sources to assess the potential effects of recent climate change on the observed northward contraction of the range of boreal populations of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in Quebec (Canada) since 1850...  This relatively limited impact of climate reinforces the scientific consensus stating that caribou range recession in Quebec is mainly caused by anthropogenic drivers (i.e. logging, development of the road network, agriculture, urbanization) that have modified the structure and composition of the forest over the past 160 years, paving the way for habitat-mediated apparent competition and overharvesting...

Video Below:  A conversation with Alberta Conservation Associations' president and CEO Todd Zimmerling about Mule Deer in Alberta.

Skeetchestn wants limits on hunting mule deer after wildfire destroys habitat, reduces numbers October 3, 2023 British Columbia,

... “So even though they may look healthy, the populations are probably not as healthy as they were at the height of the mule deer population. That would have been decades ago, probably before a lot of the logging happened,” said Jules...

Plan to cull deer on Sidney Island, B.C. divides residents September 29, 2023 British Columbia, Global News

... “There’s a lot of risk, the aerial shooting; there’s a lot of disruption. They’re talking about getting waivers to hunt rules that let them shoot at night, semi-automatic weapons, use night lighting. They want to be able to use dogs that will chase these deer,” [Rob Milne, resident]

More than 5,200 hunters eligible to take part in N.B. moose hunt now underway September 26, 2023 New Brunswick,

... said the moose population has been stable over the past seven or eight years at about 31,000 animals.  Based on that, the department comes up with a percentage that can be harvested and issues that number of licences — usually ranging from 10 per cent in the south to as high as 15 or 16 per cent in the north...

Sask. hunters urged to submit wildlife samples for disease detection September 26, 2023 Saskatchewan, Global News

... The Ministry of Environment said it was focusing on certain wildlife management zones, but added that chronic wasting disease (CWD) was detected in 60 of the 83 zones in the province..,

Researchers say mule deer still affected by 2021 wildfires in Skeetchestn territory

September 22, 2023 British Columbia, Castanet Kamloops

... “It's the concentration of that fecal cortisol in the animal's poop that allows you to make some interpretation and say, ‘Yeah they were stressed’ ... Aside from a loss of vegetation from the wildfires, Freeman said the effects of the stress can also have physiological impacts on the declining dear population in the area...

Investigation Launched Into "Horrific" Video Of Police Officer Hitting Deer With an Ax September 13, 2023 Ontario, Yahoo

...  In the 10 seconds filmed, an officer can be seen swinging an axe at the injured deer before accidentally flinging the weapon across the street...

B.C. deer are stressed and under population threat due to the past wildfires in the Skeetchestn territory September 12, 2023 British Columbia, Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal

... Two years after wildfire scorched a swathe through the territory of the Skeetchestn First Nation, the community’s natural resource officials say a study shows surviving mule deer are still showing signs of stress... asking the public to stay away from the burns...

Court rules Montreal-area city can cull white-tailed deer population in local park August 31, 2022 Quebec, Global News

... Justice Bernard Jolin said Longueuil, Que., can move forward with a controlled crossbow hunt that would cut the deer population at Michel-Chartrand Park from more than 100 down to about 20...

Granted: elk winter range in West Kootenay to be enhanced as part of new funding cycle August 13, 2023 British Columbia, Yahoo News Canada

... The Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation (HCTF) and the Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC) will partner with the project — for $63,580 in co-funding — to enhance the elk winter range in the canyon, located just east of Golden...

Plan to eradicate fallow deer population on Sidney Island faces backlash August 8, 2023 British Columbia, Victoria News

... will involve contractor White Buffalo Inc. sending sharpshooters up in helicopters and on the ground to shoot as many of the invasive deer as possible... Along with wiping out the fallow deer’s population on the island, it’s expected the native black-tailed deer will also be eradicated during the process,..

Conflict of interest concern raised for Sidney Island deer-cull contract August 4, 2023 British Columbia, Times Colonist

... The contract was awarded to a company called Coastal Conservation, based near Salmon Arm, that specializes in removing invasive species from islands to encourage recovery of ecosystems. The company was also heavily involved in planning the project...

Parks Canada seeks public input on Sidney Island deer cull August 1, 2023 British Columbai, Victoria Times Colonist

... Parks Canada is seeking public feedback on its planned cull of invasive European fallow deer on Sidney Island, which is expected to also eradicate the native black-tailed deer in the short-term... Public feedback can be provided until Aug. 23 via

Manitoba investing addition funds to prevent spread of fatal disease in deer July 19, 2023 City News

 ... The province said the first case was detected in November 2021, and containment of deer affected is believed to have limited the spread of the disease to seven deer between Manitoba and Saskatchewan.... The province believes that if the disease continues to spread, it could become endemic and Manitoba could lose its entire deer family population...

Better wildlife management for today and tomorrow June 6, 2023 British Columbia, East Kootenay News Online Weekly

... Why have our mule deer populations dropped so much? Why are there so few elk left in the high country? Why are there more white tail (pictured) in town than in the bush? The answers will cost money and will require a wildlife management regime that is dedicated to growing wildlife populations, not to maintaining the status quo ...

How a B.C. First Nation community is reintroducing fire to manage the land May 30, 2023 British Columbia, The Globe and Mail

... “This is a fire-driven ecosystem,” Mr. Williams said. During his lifetime, he said, he’d seen elk and deer displaced from the area by logging, agriculture and unhealthy, overgrown forests, although the animals are now making a comeback. He expects they’ll get a further boost from the prescribed burn, which covered 1,200 hectares, or 12 square kilometres...

Prevalence of deadly chronic wasting disease in some Alberta deer hits 23% May 20, 2023 Yahoo News Canada

... Surveillance results put out by the province, collected during the 2022-23 hunting seasons, found CWD in 23.4 per cent of 2,457 mule deer, 8.3 per cent of 1,556 white-tailed deer, 1.6 per cent of 320 elk and 2.9 per cent of 175 moose...

Survey results suggest Okotokians are torn on local deer May 9, 2023 Alberta

...  question included in the survey regarded the "gentle stressing by canine" strategy that was presented to council in October. 54 per cent of respondents said they'd be in favour of considering the program if short-term strategies had no effect, with 46 per cent voting against it... The full report can be seen here...

Deadline for moose tag draw comes with signs that Ontario population is on the rebound May 1, 2023 Ontario,

... There were 2,930 moose shot by hunters in Ontario in 2022, less than half of the 7,342 reported following the hunt in 2006.  Snoek says after years in decline, the population has stabilized in the last five years, but climate change continues to pose a risk to moose in the north...

GSLR deer farm cleanup complete, says federal agency April 27, 2023 Quebec, The Review Newspaper

... Following the discovery of the disease [chronic wasting] in three animals from the domestic red deer herd at the Harpur Farm on Avoca Road in 2018, not only was the herd culled, but wild whitetail deer in a large area surrounding the farm were also culled to prevent any spread of CWD into the wild population...

Pincher Creek deer population calls for long-term approach, says wildlife expert April 26, 2023 Alberta, Yahoo News Canada

... the herd was somewhere between 30 and 40 strong in November 2018, when the town deployed a “strategic hazing program” where deer were scared off by a professional dog handler. The program lasted through the following April, temporarily scattering deer that encountered the on-leash dog and its professional handler...

Animal Alliance of Canada Opposed to Parks Canada Sidney Island Deer Eradication Plan April 21, 2023 British Columbia, YAHOO!Finance

... Fallow deer were initially introduced to Sidney Island back in 1908 for hunting purposes. With minimal predators on the Island, the population grew to approximately 3000 deer in the early 2000’s. At that time, approximately 2000 deer were killed and recent estimates by local residents suggest the population currently is around 300...

Sidney Island fallow-deer cull could lead to black-tailed deer boom April 16, 2023 British Columbia, Times Colonist

... A tour of the struggling forest understorey on Mayne Island, where fallow deer have been allowed free rein for a couple of decades, reveals fallow deer’s unselective and opportunistic diet choices. The species eats herbs, shrubs, ferns, leaves, seedlings, branch tips, and bark... Vancouver Island gardeners may find it hard to believe that our native deer are fussier and tend to damage natural landscapes less than fallow deer do...

N.B. DNR says mild winter will increase deer population April 14, 2023 New Brunswick, CTV Atlantic

... The latest provincial deer count from last summer found about 155,000 deer in New Brunswick... “In southern New Brunswick, with the milder winters, we’ve seen improved survival so deer populations have been growing steadily really over the last eight years.” ..,

Deer shot in front yard, northern hunter fined $8K April 14, 2023 Ontario, CTV News

... “Upon observing a large white-tailed deer buck bedded on someone’s front lawn, he exited his vehicle and while standing on the shoulder of the road, discharged a high-powered rifle across the residence’s driveway and killed the deer,” the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) said ...

Feeding white-tailed deer now prohibited in Quebec March 30, 2023 CTV News

... A new regulation that comes into effect Thursday in Quebec prohibits the feeding of white-tailed deer outside of hunting season, from Dec. 1 to Aug. 31, except on l'île d'Anticosti...

Chronic wasting disease found in white-tailed deer in Manitoba for 1st time March 6, 2023

... For the first time in Manitoba, chronic wasting disease has been found in white-tailed deer, after recently being detected in mule deer...The first sighting of chronic wasting disease in Manitoba was in a mule deer in late 2021. Since then, there have been a total of 20 positive cases...

Mass killing of fallow deer to go ahead on Sidney Island March 4, 2023 British Columbia, Victoria Times Colonist

... property owners on the island narrowly approved it... The cull and continued management of the black-tailed deer population ­represents the majority of the overall contract, about $4.5 million ...

Wildlife service to blame after deer shot 13 times in Longueuil: rescue official March 1, 2023 Quebec, Ottawa Citizen

... Quebec non-profit group Sauvetage Animal Rescue posted a video of the killing on Facebook Tuesday, sparking outrage over the way authorities handled the situation...   "It’s deplorable that the police are forced to do the dirty work that the wildlife service would normally do ..."

      Animal Rescue outraged after Longueuil police officer shoots wounded deer more  than a dozen times March 1, 2023 Quebec, CTV News

...  the deer had two broken legs ... the officer shot it 13 times in a half hour...  It was found that the animal was still showing signs of life for some reason that remains unexplained ...

B.C. residents to vote on plan to eradicate invasive deer February 14, 2023 

British Columbia, Keremeos Review

...  the issue of what to do with the invasive fallow deer population and native black tail deer population remains the most debated element of the wider restoration project on the island ...

Ontario Park Warden Jumps Into Icy Lake to Save Stranded Deer February 11, 2023 Yahoo News Canada

...  a buck and a doe had fallen into the ice-covered lake, about 150 meters (490 feet) from the shore ... “It was very rewarding to see them reach shore after about four hours they spent in the ice,” ...

Parks Canada monitoring Banff's declining elk population February 9, 2023 Alberta,

... 139 elk in 2022. That compares to 171 in 2021, 212 in 2020, 249 in 2019 and 267 in 2018.  While carnivores such as wolves and cougars are picking off elk and others are struck and killed by trains and vehicles, an acute clostridial bacterial disease discovered in some of Banff’s elk about three years ago continues to kill more individuals...

Caribou have been using same Arctic calving grounds for 3,000 years February 8, 2023 Science Daily

... Female caribou shed their antlers within days of giving birth, leaving behind a record of their annual travels across Alaska and Canada's Yukon that persists on the cold tundra for hundreds or even thousands of years. Researchers recovered antlers that have sat undisturbed on the arctic tundra since the Bronze Age...

Human impact on deer use is greater than predators and competitors in a multiuse recreation area - Animal Behaviour, 2023

...We found that the mere presence of humans was the most important determinant of deer return times in spring and autumn, whereas in summer, competitor (i.e. moose and elk) presence was most important. In winter, a combination of human presence and the number of predators (i.e. canids) was the strongest determinant of deer return times...

Population Explosion of Canadian “Super Pigs” Could Spread Into the Northern U.S. January 18, 2023 Field & Stream

... Wild boars were brought in from Europe to be raised on farms across Canada... early 1980s and ranchers soon crossbred the wild boars with domestic pigs... the hybridization resulted in bigger “super pigs” ... They can take down a whitetail deer ...

‘Death by a thousand clearcuts’: Canada’s deep-snow caribou are vanishing January 14, 2023 thenarwhal

... The B.C. government spends millions on extreme measures — like wolf culls and maternity pens — to support these mountain-loving herds found nowhere else in the world. Yet such efforts fail to offset the habitat destruction at the root of their disappearance ...

Urban deer make for interesting neighbours in northwestern Ontario cities and towns January 12, 2023 Ontario,

..due to a series of bad winters and habitat change, wild deer numbers are way down as compared to the peak population of the late 90s and early 2000s.  'Having urban deer is like having a source spot population where they can start to fill in once conditions get better," Ranta said. "So that's a net positive."...

Point Pelee National Park temporary closes for deer cull January 11, 2023 Ontario, Cottage Life

... To reduce the deer population, Parks Canada has partnered with Caldwell First Nation, whose traditional territory encompasses Point Pelee, to hunt the deer. “The population of White-tailed deer is reduced by means of an organized annual cull,” ...

Deer in B.C.'s Interior still getting tangled up near residential areas  January 10, 2023 British Columbia, The Weather Network

... A stag with garden netting draping from his antlers was spotted last Friday in the Lower Sahali neighbourhood of Kamloops ... "When he [Kamloops deer] tried to walk, he would step on it and stop — it was just the saddest thing to see." ...

Unstable funding threatens ‘zombie deer’ research in the Prairies January 9, 2022 Alberta, Toronto Star

... an important juncture in Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) research... for years, the prion centre received annually to the tune of about $500,000. That all but dried up in the summer of 2022... no longer going to be granted to them because the original intention was to study Mad Cow...

The problem with Thunder Bay's deer-feeding ritual January 7, 2023 Ontario, The Narwhal

... on tiny Mission Island ...  The animals know a human hand with a food offering will emerge from every lowered window. Feeding the deer is a longstanding ritual on the woodland-laden landmass, with little indication that a municipal bylaw prohibiting the act has existed for almost 11 years...

New mule deer season announced December 25, 2022 Canada, Winnipeg Free Press

... First detected in 2021 in Western Manitoba, the province had previously introduced more regulations for testing members of the deer family harvested by hunters. This year, seven cases of CWD have been confirmed near the Manitoba-Saskatchewan border. All have occurred in mule deer...

Majority vote by strata owners enough for Sidney Island deer cull, tribunal rules December 17, 2022 British Columbia, Times Colonist

... A mass killing of the deer is a touchy subject with strata owners, who have been split between those who favour the cull to get rid of the deer and others who want to continue reducing the animals’ numbers through seasonal hunting...

Black-tailed deer resource selection reveals some mechanisms behind the 'luxury effect'in urban wildlife 2022  Authorea Preprints

... Urban black-tailed deer occupied very small home ranges. Mean core home range size (50% isopleth) for the 20 collared does was 0.14 km (14 ha) (SD=0.07), and the mean outer home range size (95% isopleth)

was 0.64 km2 (64 ha) (SD=0.31). Female deer displayed high site fidelity over the two-year period, staying centralized during that time ... Deer resource selection analysis

Urban deer strongly selected large residential lots and areas of high vegetation productivity ...

Water rescue team helps deer that fell through ice on Ottawa River December 17, 2022 CTV News

... The Ottawa Fire Services water rescue team helped a deer get back to solid ground after it fell through the ice and into the Ottawa River ...

Province Advises Of Additional Actions to Help Prevent Spread of Chronic Wasting Disease December 15, Province of Manitoba News Releases

... First detected in November 2021, the Manitoba government has implemented significant new measures and resources to assess the disease’s prevalence in the province and contain its spread. Because of these activities, seven cases of CWD have been confirmed near the Manitoba-Saskatchewan border over the last year. All confirmed cases occurred in mule deer..,

Longueuil, Appeals court stops Longueuil deer cull December 14, 2022 Quebec, Montreal Gazette

... The decision does not address the merits of the case — just the refusal of the lower court to issue the injunction as it considers the matter. So it is a temporary victory for the SPCA and Sauvetage Animal Rescue ...

A Coyote Unexpectedly Attacked a Human in 2009. Scientists Now Know Why December 14, 2022 Canada, CNET

...  Taylor Mitchell was attacked by a pack of coyotes while hiking at the Cape Breton Highlands National Park in Canada [2009] ...  died from her injuries ... According to a paper ...  they seem to be hunting moose for their meals ...  these coyotes learned to attack larger mammals, like humans ...

Shifts in diel activity of Rocky Mountain mammal communities in response to anthropogenic disturbance and sympatric invasive white-tailed deer 2022 Global Ecology and Conservation, 2022

...  We found that contrary to our hypotheses, sympatric ungulate species maintained activity and temporal overlap with white-tailed deer in both landscapes. Predators did not match the temporal activity of white-tailed deer in the high-disturbance landscape as closely as in the low-disturbance landscape...

Penticton firefighters make frigid rescue December 8, 2022 British Columbia Mission City Record

... Three firefighters rescued a deer stuck in the ice on Okanagan Lake ... One rescuer made contact with the deer, covering its head with a blanket to keep it calm ...

Actor and activist Brigitte Bardot urges Longueuil mayor to stop deer cull November 17, 2022 Quebec, Global News on

... In an open letter addressed to Longueuil's mayor on her foundation's web page, Bardot is urging the city to reconsider the "cruel" crossbow hunt...

The Botstiber Institute for Wildlife Fertility Control will host a free webinar on November 17, 2022, at 2:00pm (EST) titled "Black-tailed deer in the city: A scientific approach to population control using immunocontraception."

Longueuil deer saga takes another turn as case goes back to court, again  October 26, 2022 Quebec,

...  plans to cull the deer were met with widespread protests. Over the summer, an online petition calling for the deer to be sterilized, treated and relocated garnered more than 2,700 signatures...

Okotoks' urban deer are living on citizens' dime: expert October 18, 2022 Alberta, OkotoksToday

... Aversion conditioning was one of the mid to long-term strategies identified in the 2022-25 Urban Deer Management Strategy and Action Plan which came out of the work completed during the Urban Deer Task Force's 18-month term... In this approach, a dog and handler would come upon a browsing deer and move close enough to get its attention. As the deer stutters or moves away, the person and dog would follow...

Longueuil to proceed with reduction of deer herd October 5, 2022 Quebec, Montreal Gazette

... The decision comes on the heels of a Superior Court decision Tuesday rejecting a call to stop Longueuil from culling the deer herd. Last week the animal rights organization Sauvetage Animal Rescue had gone to Superior Court ...

There is still time to reconcile forest management with climate-driven declines in habitat suitability for boreal caribou. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2022

... Many boreal populations of woodland caribou in Canada are declining, mainly due to the prevalence of anthropogenic disturbances which alter predator-prey dynamics. Climate change is expected to exert an additional negative influence on caribou populations in coming decades ... We show that reducing harvest activities in areas where habitat suitability is currently high could help maintain high-quality caribou habitat even under the most intense climate change scenario...

Animal rights activists challenge the Longueuil deer cull in court September 29, 2022 Quebec, CTV News

... "The argument I’m bringing before the judge today is that there's no need and no urgency to kill the herd of deer [...] when we have so many other plans to propose to save these beautiful animals," ... the Civil Code of Quebec considers animals to be sentient beings ...

Majestic moose; more reclusive than their deer friends September 18, 2022 British Columbia, Columbia Valley Pioneer

... for reasons unknown, over the last decade there has been a significant decline in their population in the central interior region of British Columbia. Studies show that the population of moose in this region have declined by approximately 27,500 since 2011...

Conservation officers watch out for deer with crossbow bolt in its neck August 26, 2022 British Columbia, Times Colonist

... The deer was spotted by a William Head Road resident who posted photos on a local community page, but removed them after getting what he called harassing comments from hunters ...The young buck is a regular early-evening visitor to the home ...

Canadians Study Brain Worms in Deer in Bid to Save Moose Populations August 25, 2022,Field & Stream

... Brain worm infections in whitetail deer, while common, are typically benign. But for moose, who are infected indirectly by the deer, they are devastating. The worms burrow into a moose’s brain ... Once numbering in the thousands in Nova Scotia, the province’s mainland moose population has fallen precipitously over the past century, barely cracking into the hundreds in recent years ...

Fawns on lawns: Oak Bay still seeks long-term deer management plan August 22, 2022 British Columbia, Victoria News

... Oak Bay’s immunocontraception program has cut deer numbers in and around the municipality by 40 per cent since it began in 2019... In terms of other options, culls prove largely ineffective and translocation merely moves the problem from one community to another ...


Controlled deer hunt will go ahead at Michel-Chartrand Park in Longueuil July 20, 2022 Montreal, CTV News

... The suggestion of capturing and moving the deer, as proposed by animal advocates, was turned down by an ethics committee from the Université de Montréal's veterinary school, saying there is a higher risk of death than rescue...

P.C. council looking at next steps for deer management June 28, 2022 Alberta, The Canadian Press 

...Okotoks ended up implementing a robust education program for residents and visitors, such as what behaviour inappropriately habituates wildlife (petting, feeding), what deterences can protect property (predator urine, water sprayers, plants to cultivate that deer won’t eat) and publishing information on deer behaviour (rutting season, information on fawns, how to tell when a deer feels threatened)...

Video below about Fluffy the deer in British Columbia - June 22, 2023

Longueuil suspends deer cull as legal challenge proceeds in court June 15, 2022 Quebec, CTV News

... The city had wanted to euthanize some 70 deer this fall, but an animal rights organization called Sauvetage Animal Rescue filed a lawsuit to put a stop to it, calling the city's plans "unnecessary and cruel slaughter" ...

Alberta deer populations could drop due to Chronic Wasting Disease June 11, 2022 Calgary Sun

... slowly, over time, affected deer populations do decline and particularly it changes in terms of fewer adults and older bucks and does,” said Pybus. “Eventually you get a declining local population.” ...

Citizen scientists sought for B.C. wildlife study June 7, 2022 The Boundary Sentinel

... The B.C. Wildlife Federation is looking for a few dozen more people who are willing to spend one day a year in the backcountry, locating and servicing the cameras, changing out batteries and collecting SIM cards full of images.  ...

Oak Bay's deer management research on international stage June 6, 2022 British Columbia, Oak Bay News

...Wildlife veterinarian Dr. Adam Hering presented Dr. Jason Fisher’s work, highlighting data around habitat use and the fawning rate reduction...  the immunocontraception application was showing a reduction in fawning rates by about 60 per cent after the first year...

Caribou threatened: the forestry industry proposes to bet on hunting predators June 3, 2022 Quebec, The Bobr Times

... The caribou are in decline in Quebec... “The CIFQ recommends prioritizing predator management measures to reduce early caribou mortality, before considering costly and highly disadvantageous road dismantling measures.” ...

B.C. conservation officer saves baby deer with emergency C-section June 2, 2022 British Columbia,

CTV News

... The adult doe had to be put down due to her injuries ... he knew that her heart would keep beating for a short period after... "... so I had a knife and just very quickly did a C-section and was able to find a fawn and pull it out," ...

Efficacy and ethics of intensive predator management to save endangered caribou - Conservation Science and Practice, 2022

... in Canada. Across multiple jurisdictions, large numbers of wolves (Canis lupus), and to a lesser extent bears (Ursus americanus) and coyotes (C. latrans), are killed through trapping, poisoning or aerial shooting to halt or reverse continued declines of woodland caribou ...

Animal welfare advocates ask court to stop cull of white-tailed deer living in forest south of Montreal May 18, 2022 Quebec, The Globe and Mail

... Lawyer Anne-France Goldwater, who has previously voiced her opposition to the plan, has filed a court petition on behalf of herself, a wildlife rescue organization called Sauvetage Animal Rescue ...

Rare white deer native to Europe pops up in rural south Ottawa May 17, 2022 The Weather Network

... A white fallow deer has moved into a field near the south Ottawa suburb of Manotick, to the delight of people living nearby...

Plan for fallow deer cull on Sidney Island in limbo after vote fails to meet threshold May 12, 2022 British Columbia, Times Colonist

... The vote threshold to proceed with the mass kill was set at 75% by the Sallas Forest Strata Corp., but the resolution only received 55% of the vote on May 4... The fallow deer were introduced on neighbouring James Island in 1902 by the owner at the time as prey for hunting parties...

Tame deer becomes celebrity in tiny BC town May 11, 2022 British Columbia, Alaska Highway News

... Fluffy ... was bottle raised after being left by her mother. There are no wildlife centres around that are allowed to take fawns and the conservation officers do kill them...

Parks Canada warns elk calving season underway May 12, 2022 rmotoday

... “Elk will be giving birth to their young and that’s a time they tend to have a heightened level of awareness and can display aggressive behaviour to people if they feel their calves are threatened,” ...

Toronto police 'humanely' euthanize deer whose leg got impaled on a fence in north Etobicoke neighbourhood April 21, 2022 Ontario,

...  a deer struggling to free itself after impaling its left hind leg on the spikes of a neighbour’s metal fence... We weren’t sure how long the animal was stuck, but it was suffering ...

Fired forestry professor continues ringing alarm bells on glyphosate usage April 16, 2022 New Brunswick, The Western Standard

... Cumberland, who was formerly the chief deer biologist for New Brunswick, claims the heavy use of glyphosate in forestry has devastated the province’s white-tailed deer population, which has plummeted by over 70% since the mid-1980s...  claims he was fired for expressing his views on the forest industry’s use of the herbicide glyphosate ...

Oak Bay deer research continues, with lower fawn numbers noted April 11, 2022 British Columbia, Oak Bay News

... a report prepared for Oak Bay Council ... found that after a single year of IC treatment of 60 urban female black-tailed deer – estimated to be at least 63 per cent of the female population – Oak Bay saw a 58 per cent reduction in fawns for 2020...

COVID-19 confirmed in deer in New Brunswick; first case in an animal in Atlantic Canada April 7, 2022 CTV News

... The federal agency says the virus was detected in a free-ranging white-tailed deer in the Saint John region of New Brunswick.  Environment Canada has reported 56 cases of COVID-19 involving animals, including 13 pets, 40 wild animals and three mink farms ...

After harsh winter, emergency deer feeding underway in northern Ontario March 18, 2022 The Weather Network

... Deer will be fed a mixture of corn and oats... previous emergency deer feeding efforts have demonstrated this mixture is readily accepted by deer, will improve their condition and avoids the problems that are encountered when deer are fed a diet of pure corn...

Deer overpopulation means tough choices in Quebec March 1, 2022 Global News

... The government estimates the number of deer in Quebec at 250,000, largely concentrated in the south of the province, where densities in some places can reach 15 animals per square kilometre ... A tough, snowy winter can wipe out about 40 per cent of a herd through starvation ..,

New Coronavirus Lineage Discovered in Ontario Deer March 1, 2022 New York Times

... Scientists have identified a new, highly mutated version of the coronavirus in white-tailed deer in southwestern Ontario ... the lineage is unlikely to evade human antibodies...

Some hunters deterred by growing CWD rates in province February 16, 2022 980 CJME

... Chronic wasting disease (CWD) ... In the first 15 years — between 2000 and 2015 — Stasiak said about 500 total cases in the province were recorded. She said the same total has now been seen each year for the past three years...

Quebec to develop a plan to control and cull the white-tailed deer population February 12, 2022 CTV News

... The City of Longueuil had planned to cull half of the white-tailed deer population in Michel-Chartrand Park, or about 15 animals.  The city, however, backed down after the idea sparked outrage and even led to threats against the mayor...

Rare piebald deer a winter favourite at Cape Breton Wild  February 2, 2022 Nova Scotia, CTV News Atlantic

... “Alan” is a piebald white-tailed deer ... abandoned by his mother because he had contracted tendons in his hooves ... He couldn't stand on his hooves, so we had our vet come in, had to do some surgery on him and some physiotherapy... now he's standing on his hooves, and he's doing great."...

Longueuil deer killed in the fall February 1, 2022 Quebec, The Bobr Times

... At least sixty animals will have to be euthanized ...The City faces strong challenges to its decision to go ahead with euthanizing animals ... 

Pointed fence ban closer at Vern...on council in wake of deer impalements January 23, 2022 British Columbia, Castanet

... This follows discussion at council's last meeting in the wake of several deer impalements on pointed fence posts last year...

With COVID-19 now detected in Ontario deer, wildlife experts seek to fill research gap January 23, 2022 CBC News

... research is underway after the discovery of five white-tailed deer in southwestern Ontario that tested positive for COVID-19.  The Ontario Ministry of Northern Development, Mine, Natural Resources and Forestry confirmed these are the first cases reported in free-ranging wildlife in Ontario...

Town of Truro, N.S. looks at ways to manage growing deer population, including deer cull January 20, 2022 Nova Scotia, CTV Atlantic - CTV News

... Starting this week, four provincially certified crossbow hunters will embark on a deer hunt in Truro to track and kill 20 female deer... During the 2020 municipal election ... 53 per cent of those who voted (2,311 votes) said they were in favour of the cull, versus 1,728 who opposed the hunt...

Plan to use crossbows to kill nuisance deer in Nova Scotia town challenged by critics January 16, 2022 Infotel Kelowna

... "There been a lot of property damage, and it's not just gardens," said Mike Dolter, Truro's chief administrative officer. "Trees are getting eaten ... people are throwing carrots out the window ...

'Good God, it's cruelty': conservation officers in helicopters hunting diseased deer  December 17, 2021 Manitoba, Winnipeg Free Press

... Manitoba Conservation is being accused of using Rambo-like tactics to kill deer in the battle to find chronic wasting disease, by swooping in on the animals in a chopper and shooting them with semi-automatic weapons...

Vernon looks to ban pointed fences after deer impalements December 14, 2021 Britiish Columbia, Castanet

... The amendment comes after parts the city faced issues this year with wildlife getting impaled on spiked fences. In October, residents in the Middleton Mountain area mourned the death of a fawn they had watched since it was born...

Second Deer Infected With Chronic Wasting Disease Detected In Manitoba  December 10, 2021 Pembina Valley Online

... a second deer infected with Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) has been detected in Manitoba ... Starting Dec. 13, a carefully coordinated effort to significantly reduce the deer population in the CWD containment zone will begin ...

Chronic wasting disease ravaging deer population near South Saskatchewan River December 1, 2021 Canada, Yahoo News

... Chronic wasting disease is devastating deer populations near the South Saskatchewan River Valley, with as many as 70 per cent of male deer testing positive for the fatal nervous system disease...

Covid Detected In 3 White-Tailed Deer, Confirms Canada December 2, 2021 NDTV

... the samples were collected in early November from the free-ranging animals in the Estrie region of Quebec along the border with the United States...

Montreal-area city revives plan to kill majority of deer herd in local park November 29, 2021 The Canadian Press 

...  A city south of Montreal has revived a controversial plan to kill most of the deer living in a local park, about a year after it backed off from a similar initiative because of public pressure...

Urban deer in Greater Victoria community to be put on birth control  August 24 2021 British Columbia, 

... Esquimalt will be the second Greater Victoria community to use birth control to manage the population of urban deer as part of a research project...Jason Fisher, adjunct professor at the University of Victoria's School of Environmental Studies, is leading the Esquimalt Deer Research ...

Courtenay manure pit in deer rescue meets requirements, district vice-chair says August 21, 2021 British Columbia, Times Colonist

... The big pit of liquid manure that trapped a young deer, prompting a Courtenay man to jump in and save it, meets all provincial requirements and doesn’t have to be fenced,..

Alberta uses hunters to reduce deer numbers in effort to slow spread of debilitating disease August August 16, 2021 CTV News

... Matt Besko, director of wildlife health and licensing for Alberta. "The entire population prevalence rates are somewhere between 12 and 14 per cent." ... A recent report from the Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute warned the disease poses a risk to the agriculture industry and human health...

Woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus) avoid wellsite activity during winter, Alberta, Global Ecology and Conservation, 2021

... Woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus) are threatened in Alberta in part due to the development of oil and gas resources... Caribou may benefit from management practices that include i) seasonal timing restrictions on drilling, ii) reductions of human activity at wellsites, whether in duration or intensity, iii) land-use planning to coordinate the placement of wellsites to minimize impacts to caribou and their habitat, and iv) prompt and effective restoration of wellsites to match original habitat conditions once production has stopped...

Some deer may have resistance to CWD August 5, 2021 Alberta, The Western Producer.

.. “It just fits in very nicely with data from the field that suggests 96S animals are less susceptible to CWD.”  The results, published in Nature Scientific Reports, offer some hope that wild populations may become more resistant to CWD as susceptible animals die off ...

Longueuil running out of options to control population of white-tailed deer in local park July 27, 2021 Montreal, Global News

... An animal-rescue group is trying to save a population of white-tailed deer population that has outgrown a Montreal-area park ... every solution ... has been turned down...

'A Very Long Way From Home': Deer Wanders Down 'Industrial' Street in Vancouver July 27, 2021 British Columbia, YAHOO!News

...  “The Vancouver Police were able to gently corral the deer in an alley and a conservation officer was able to tranquilize the deer to relocate it...

B.C. forests are 'bonfires waiting to go off' — are more fires the solution? July 26, 2021 British Columbia, NSNews

... Indigenous communities have used fire for thousands of years to ‘garden’ forests... would set fire to the land to open up clogged waterways for spawning salmon or clear foraging areas for moose and deer. The net effect, agree oral histories and forest ecologists, was to suppress mega-fires with low-intensity burns...

Sask. professor studies how boom in moth population threatens caribou July 23, 2021 Canada, CTV Toronto

...  spruce budworm outbreaks happen every 30 years and have similar effects on disruptions such as logging and forest fires.  The results of the moths killing forests leads to a “flush of vegetation of benefit to moose.” McLoughlin says more moose means more wolves which in turn, will threaten caribou...

Esquimalt launches birth control study for urban deer July 19, 2021 British Coliumbia, Victoria News

... Esquimalt will begin the work of vaccinating does with immunocontraceptives this summer ... Before the study, a survey was sent to local households, inviting residents to weigh in about their own experiences and location of deer interactions. Together, these steps helped inform the immunocontraceptive plan...

Esquimalt proceeding with birth control study on deer June 30, 2021 British Columbia, Saanich News

... The research is being done by the University of Victoria Applied Conservation Macro Ecology Lab.  This summer, a capture team consisting of a wildlife veterinarian and field technicians will tag 20 female control deer using darts...

Twenty-two cases of fast-spreading deer disease confirmed on islands  June 16, 2021 British Columbia, Times Colonist

... the remains of 36 deer were examined and 22 were found to have adenovirus hemorrhagic disease (AHD) ... first emerged in California in 1993 ... B.C. hadn’t recorded any cases of the disease before last fall ...

Management‐mediated predation rate in the caribou–moose–wolf system: spatial configuration of logging activities matters - Ecosphere, 2021

... wolves were more successful when forest management required an extensive road network resulting in relatively high habitat fragmentation. Caribou agents experienced lower mortality in landscapes with low densities of road and disturbance-related edges ...

Public Can Weigh In On Deer Eradication Plan For Gulf Islands May 31, 2021 British Columbia, National Parks Traveler

... Parks Canada is seeking public input until June 17 on a plan to eradicate invasive deer on Sidney Island in Gulf Islands National Park Reserve ...

Proposed deer eradication on Sidney renews ethical questions May 23, 2021 British Columbia, Victoria News

... the animals were not part of the island’s historic ecology; their presence has crowded out the black tail deer, which have historically lived on the island ...  it is easy to see how the prospect of killing and processing an unknown number of animals could give the public pause ...

    Parks Canada seeks feedback on proposed invasive deer cull on Sidney Island near Victoria May 19, 2021 British Columbiua, CTV Edmonton

... Parks Canada is inviting public comments from now until June 17, which it says it will carefully consider...

Extent and direction of introgressive hybridization of mule and white‐tailed deer in western Canada May, 2020, Evolutionary Applications

... We observed overall hybridization rates of ~1.0%, slightly lower than that reported by previous studies, and found white-tailed-like hybrids to be more common than their mule deer-like counterparts...

To restore Sidney Island’s ecology, a push to kill hundreds of fallow deer May 16, 2021  British Columbia, Times Colonist

... The fallow deer were introduced on neighbouring James Island in 1902 by the owner at the time as prey for hunting parties... invaded Sidney Island in the early 1960s, when ponds were dug and the first standing fresh water became available to sustain them...

Coalition calls on BC to invest in wildlife stewardship May 14, 2021 British Columbia, Wildsight

... We now have several red-listed species, record low salmon and moose populations, and declining mountain sheep and mule deer populations in parts of the province...

Okotoks council approves deer management strategy May 12, 2021 Alberta, Calgary Herald

... begun a temporary fencing pilot project to allow homeowners to further cordon off their properties to keep deer out... “I know a lot of the residents in town enjoy having them there ... other actions that will be taken as part of the management strategy include prohibiting intentional and unintentional feeding, education, hazing, speed zonechanges ...

Habitat protection alone won't save endangered caribou in BC, recovery program director says May 2, 2021 British Columbia,

... A report published earlier this week said the province's approach of preserving caribou habitat has been failing and the caribou population will become extinct if changes aren't made soon...

Visiting hunters did terrible harm to Okanagan wildlife in the early 1900s April 25, 2021 British Columbia, Castanet

... Big game abounds in caribou, white and black-tailed deer [in 1891] ... over the next few years hunters came from far and wide ... In a 1912 Vernon News special holiday edition, pioneer Mr. Leckie-Ewing noted big game in the Okanagan had decreased significantly ..,

Gaspé caribou, the last of herds that once roamed the Maritimes, face extinction April 18, 2021 Quebec, Yahoo News

... Overhunting and other factors wiped the herd out of existence in New Brunswick in the early part of the 20th century.  And, if things don't change soon, scientist Martin-Hugues St-Laurent believes the last herd will be gone before the middle of this century...

Longueuil looks to manage deer herd that roams between hunting grounds and playgrounds April 17, 2021 Quebec, Yahoo News

... one of the leading activists who fought to save the deer is tasked with following through with his promise to relocate the animals, but his first proposal was rejected by an ethics committee over safety concerns...

Pesky urban deer prompt Alberta town to seek ways to control population April 14, 2021 Alberta,

... allows people to raise their backyard fences up to about 2.3 metres (7.5 feet) which will keep the deer out ... This way we get to preserve our gardens, the deer are deprived of food, the deer aren't hurt, doesn't cost the council a penny...

  Nova Scotia man pulls off daring deer rescue in frigid water  March 23, 2021

... "We weren't going anywhere, so towing the deer didn't seem like an option," ... hauled it into the canoe ... For a good five minutes, it stood on the shore, shivering, its legs splayed out...

  Running deer stops to share apples with man snacking in the forest  March 21, 2021 Ontario, Yahoo

... There is a beautiful forest in Ontario, Canada where the deer cannot be hunted. They have no reason to fear humans ... After several apples, the deer casually ...

 walked away. Declining caribou population victim of ecological chain reaction March 18, 2021 British Columbia, Science Daily

... . "Caribou are declining across Canada and have been recently lost in the Lower 48 States," ... "We found that increased deciduous vegetation on the landscape, which moose like to eat, increased moose populations, which increased wolves, and in turn, means declining caribou," ...

Declining Vancouver Island cougar populations linked to wolves March 1, 2021 British Columbia, lakecowichangazette

... deer populations on Vancouver Island were spiking, but began to decline through the ‘90s, around the same time wolves began to recolonize the land... this factor could have also impacted cougar density on the Island, as they had less to eat, and wolves will tend to eat some cougar cubs...

Assessing Ungulate Populations in Temperate North America February, 2021, Canadian Wildlife Biology and Management

... we review major methods for estimating both absolute and relative abundance of

ungulate populations across temperate North America, where season and habitat provide a further challenge to selecting and developing an appropriate survey method for a given species...

Fate up in the air for Longueuil deer after relocation plan is nixed February 19, 2021 Quebec, Global News 

... Everything from the way the animals were corralled to the mode of transportation was concerning and endangered the animals, the ethics committee said... Sauvetage Animal Rescue is expected to submit another proposal next week...

Dead deer found in Kelowna neighbourhood February 13, 2021 British Columbia, Global News

... In the video, a man appears on the resident's property in broad daylight, armed with a loaded crossbow, allegedly trying to track down a wounded deer...  It’s not only harmful to wild life but it also jeopardizes public safety...

Westside deer impaled by fence believed dead January 5, 2020 British Columbia,

... Just days after issuing a warning about deadly fences, conservation officers responded to yet another impaled deer.  A wrought iron fence with pointed pickets ...

Westside woman angry, deer gets impaled by wrought-iron picket fence December 5, 2020 British Columbia, Castanet

... “This morning my son started screaming because the deer was hung up on the fence and the mother deer was in my yard crying. ... It’s not something little like they break their leg. They're disemboweled ...

Two deer were euthanized this week after getting entangled in wrought iron fences December 31, 2020 British Columbia, Castanet

... a doe impaled in a double top railed wrought-iron fence in the Carrington Road area of West Kelowna.  Just days before on, Dec. 26, officers pulled down another deer speared by pointed pickets rising above a top rail on a wrought-iron fence ...

'He's the deer of the year': Carrot on way to recovery after arrow pulled from head December 21, 2020 Ontario, The Guardian

... None of the team in the remote community of Kenora had ever undertaken such an operation, so a veterinarian 2,000km away in Ottawa gave detailed instructions over the telephone. The arrow was removed without any bleeding ...

  'Carrot the magic deer' unfazed by crossbow bolt through head December 15, 2020 Ontario, CTV News

... when Carrot came to their property in Kenora, Ont., Carver’s husband saw the bolt first and rushed inside in tears to tell his wife...  the bolt appeared to have missed any vital arteries or organs. “He’s still completely affectionate, and forgiving ...

Evaluating the Mechanisms of Landscape Change on White‐Tailed Deer Populations

M Laurent, M Dickie, M Becker, R Serrouya, S Boutin - The Journal of Wildlife …, 2020, Alberta, Canada

... Changing climate and anthropogenic landscape alteration are hypothesized to facilitate white‐tailed deer expansion... Winter deer density was best explained by snow depth only, whereas spring density was best explained by both habitat alteration and the previous winter's snow depth...

  Deer shot with an arrow spotted in Uplands December 18, 2020 British Columbua, Times Colonist

...  officers are hoping to locate and assess a buck that was seen on the Uplands Golf Club Thursday with an arrow stuck in its side... arrow protruding from the buck’s left side, near its front leg...

Short Hills deer harvest in its eighth year December 17, 2020 Ontario, The Voice of Pelham

... approximately 50 to 70 Indigenous hunters entered the park last Thursday. As light faded late in the afternoon and they exited the park, hunters were met by a small throng of fewer than a dozen well-behaved protesters ...

Vets want province to prohibit restocking on Sask. deer, elk farms that report chronic wasting disease November 28, 2020  Saskatchewan, 

... The province of Saskatchewan says it's not planning to change legislation for farms that raise animals such as deer or elk, despite a call from veterinarians to prohibit restocking on farms where chronic wasting disease cases have been reported...

Longueuil mayor backs out of deer cull operation at Michel-Chartrand park November 23, 2020 Quebec, Global News

... The operation was underway Monday afternoon, with traps placed across the park and police officers patrolling the area.  In a Facebook post published late on Monday, Parent said she was forced to change her decision ...

     Quebec city set to kill white-tailed deer relents, will move to relocate them instead November 23, 2020 Quebec, The Canadian Press 

... Goldwater, an animal rights activist, urged the city to meet with her to discuss the situation. She said the animals will be treated well and examined from "the tip of the ears to the tip of their hooves" before they are sedated and transported to a sanctuary... These deer are semi-domestic ...

     Longueuil deer cull triggers protest November 14, 2020 Quebec, Global News

... "The Miller Zoo wants to take them, the animal rescue is willing to catch them and transport them," ... "We know that it's possible to move these animals because we do this many times and we have a place for them," ... the city would not change its plans despite the zoo's offer...

Longueuil, Online petition to save Longueuil deer from planned cull gains steam November 13, 2020 Quebec, Global News

... An online petition opposing the City of Longueuil’s decision to capture and cull half of the white-tailed deer living in Michel-Chartrand Park has collected more than 28,000 signatures ...

     Quebec town to cull half of the deer population at local park November 11, 2020 The Star

... The City of Longueuil says the deer population in Michel-Chartrand Park is twice the roughly 15 deer the park can support... there were about 32 deer in the park as of 2017 ... An online petition opposed to the cull has been circulating ...

Province tracks potential deadly deer virus outbreak on Gulf Islands October 10, 2020 British Columbia, Coast Mountain News

...  has killed more than 60 deer on two Southern Gulf Islands.  Although Adenovirus hemorrhagic disease (AHD) is suspected as the cause, further testing is required to confirm a definitive diagnosis...

Oak Bay, Deer contraceptive program in Oak Bay deemed successful, but challenges remain October 4, 2020 British Columbia, CHEK

... the project has managed to vaccinate approximately 75 per cent of Oak Bay’s deer population with birth control.  “I’d say 70 to 80 per cent of the vaccinated does will be effectively contracepted so that means only 20 to 30 percent of them will have fawns compared to 95 per cent will have fawns without the vaccine,”  [ wildlife veterinarian Adam Hering] ...

Adenovirus hemorrhagic disease, New deer disease suspected to have killed over 60 deer on B.C.'s Gulf Islands  British Columbia,

... The cause of death is suspected to be adenovirus hemorrhagic disease (AHD), a virus that was initially discovered in California, but has so far never been recorded in B.C...

2020 Canadian hunting forecast September 25, 2020 Outdoor Canada

... White-tailed deer numbers are up just about everywhere ... elk numbers are stable or growing, moose and mule deer populations are up or recovering from recent declines  ... Saskatchewan:  Thanks to the recent mild winters, mule deer numbers have grown throughout much of the province ...  white-tailed ... deer populations are up ... Manitoba: white-tailed deer numbers are up ... Ontario:  preceding severe winter. This past winter was about average, however, and that should help improve populations ..,

Cranbrook, City to lobby provincial government for urban deer population management September 15, 2020 British Columbia, Cranbrook Townsman

... Wildlife officials penned a letter to council expressing concerns over the potential spread of Chronic Wasting Disease in local deer ... The City of Cranbrook has conducted a number of culls over the last decade to manage the urban deer population, however, results have varied ... spent over $100,000 to remove 150 deer ...

Truro to vote on crossbow cull of growing deer population September 11, 2020 Nova Scotia,

... Shrubs are damaged ... two years ago ... a couple hunters who had left the hunting area and seeing people walking through the park with crossbows made people "very uncomfortable" ...

  Oh, deer! Thousands of animals safely crossed Okanagan Connector last summer September 9, 2020 British Columbia, Vancouver Sun

... The number of safe crossings done by mule deer alone along Highway 97C (the Okanagan Connector between Kelowna and Aspen Grove), using 11 underpasses and one overpass between April and October last year, was more than 3,700...

Mule deer and bighorn sheep benefit from wildfires September 7, 2020 British Columbia,

... There’s a lot of plants that are dependant on fire to regenerate. Fire clears out smaller shrubs that become less edible for some species, while allowing other plants to grow that are often more nutritious for sheep and deer, he said.  “Fire isn’t such a terrible thing if we can find a place on the landscape for it to go,” ...

CWD, Mandatory sampling program for deadly deer disease September 4, 2020 British Columbia, Alaska Highway News

... The province is continuing a mandatory sampling program for Chronic Wasting Disease this fall for deer harvested in the Kootenays...The disease has not yet been detected in B.C., however, 64 animals in the area around Libby, Montana, have been discovered with the disease since June 2019 ...

Seasonal and inter-annual variation in diet for gray wolves Canis lupus in Prince Albert National Park, Saskatchewan  JR Shave, SG Cherry, AE Derocher, D Fortin - Wildlife Biology, 2020

... The Sturgeon River plains bison (SRPB) population in Prince Albert National Park, Saskatchewan is one of only a few populations of plains bison in their historical range in Canada and have declined around 50% since 2005... We found the percentage of bison (median range: 26–39%), deer/elk (21–24%) and moose (16–33%) consumed in the summer was consistently high, compared to winter when white-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus comprised the highest percentage of wolf diet (40–49%)...

  Conservation officers locate and free deer caught up in wire fencing in the BC Interior August 25, 2020 British Columbia, Kelowna

... officers in Grand Forks received a call about the animal ...“The deer was safely sedated and the wire fencing removed,” ...

Canadians join lawsuit to overturn opening Alaska wilderness to energy drilling August 24, 2020 Red Deer Advocate

... “No one should stand by idly while the birthing grounds of the caribou are sold for oil and gas,” ... The herd returns every year to calve along an ecologically rich strip of Alaska’s north coast...

Large‐scale prion protein genotyping in Canadian caribou populations and potential impact on chronic wasting disease susceptibility August 2020, MI Arifin, A Staskevicius, SY Shim, YH Huang… - Molecular Ecology

... Reindeer carrying at least one allele encoding for asparagine (138NN or 138SN) are less susceptible to clinical CWD upon infection by natural routes, with the majority of prions limited to extraneural tissues...

New data reveals how mule deer use wildlife crossings on Hwy 97C August 16, 2020 British Columbia, Castanet

... The potential for at least 3,700 collisions between vehicles and mule deer were avoided on the Okanagan Connector last year, according to new data from the Ministry of Transportation... the province has compiled a year's worth of data collected at 11 wildlife crossings ...

Comparing Survival and Movements of Non‐Urban and Urban Translocated Mule Deer  CA Wright, IT Adams, P Stent, AT Ford - The Journal of Wildlife Management, 2020 British Columbia

... Annual survival of translocated deer was 0.48 and was significantly lower than survival of non‐urban deer, which was 0.77. We observed 20 of 57 collared translocated deer return to a town after translocation... 

Province Consulting on Further Steps to Protect Ontario's Deer, Elk and Moose Population July 15 2020

... The Ontario government is seeking public input on a proposal to increase protections for the province's wildlife populations from Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)... While it has not been detected in Ontario, it is important for hunters, wildlife management and the general public to remain vigilant...

Fire suppression efforts, timber extractions and highways changing life for declining mule deers July 14, 2020 British Columbia, iNFOnews

... Roughly 100 mule deer are wearing tracking collars as part of the Southern Interior Mule Deer Project, an ongoing study to understand the drastic decline in mule deer populations ... 

 Evaluating the Extent of Hybridization between Mule and White-tailed Deer in Western Canada  T Russell - 2020

...  We observed overall hybridization rates of 0.3-1.1%, slightly lower than reported elsewhere in the greater hybrid zone. The admixed individuals are independent of geographical factors and no significant association between hybridization and CWD infection status was found. Although the two species often exist in sympatry and share similar diets and life history traits, interspecific gene flow appears to be prevented by a number of pre and postzygotic barriers to reproduction, including fine-scale habitat segregation and severe underdominance of hybrid offspring...

Industry, mild winters clear way for white-tailed deer 'invasion' in Alberta's boreal forest  July 3, 2020 Alberta,

... white-tailed deer continue to migrate north in Alberta's boreal forest — bolstered by milder winters and human development that cuts through the vast wilderness ... their populations are thriving, often at the expense of other species, including fragile populations of woodland caribou ...

Mother deer will leave babies for up to 12 hours a day July 1, 2020 British Columbia, BC Local News

... Mother deer will leave their babies for up to 12 hours a day so even if the mother is not around it has probably not been abandoned unless you see a dead mother nearby...

Integrated Population Modeling for White‐Tailed Deer in Saskatchewan, Canada

DJ Messmer, AE Henderson, TM Whiklo, KR Conkin - The Journal of Wildlife …, 2020

...  Our approach modeled demographic processes for age‐specific (0.5‐, 1.5‐, ≥2.5‐year‐old classes) populations and was fit to count and recruitment data via models that allowed for error in the respective observation processes...  In years with colder than average temperatures and above average snow depth, recruitment was depressed, whereas the negative effect of snow depth reversed in years with above average temperatures...

An empirical analysis of hunter response to chronic wasting disease in Alberta

JK Pattison-Williams, L Xie, WL Adamowicz, M Pybus… - Human Dimensions of …, 2020

... Results indicated that hunters are continuing to apply to hunt mule deer in areas with CWD and this relationship is not statistically impacted by the increasing prevalence of CWD. This outcome may be because CWD prevalence in Alberta is relatively low (but increasing), which is consistent with the literature indicating that few hunters avoid CWD zones until prevalence increases dramatically...

Province’s $1.2-million fence project to keep wildlife off Coquihalla Highway begins next week June 20, 2020 British Columbia, Chilliwack Progress

... The Coquihalla Highway sees around 160 wildlife crashes each year, 75 per cent of which involve deer. The new fencing  ... will redirect animals to existing wildlife underpasses...

Edmonton, Deer-impaling fence will be modified June 18, 2020 Alberta, CTV News

... Three deer and a moose have impaled themselves while trying to jump the spiked fence in recent years...The City will be proceeding with ordering the materials needed to retrofit the fence ...

Another deer dies, impaled on iron fence in Cameron Heights June 13, 2020

...  "The deer was just screaming." Wieschorster said they tried to lift the deer off the stake, but it was too heavy to move... "We've already had three deer and a moose that have been impaled on this fence ⁠— the suffering is really quite gruesome." ...

Oak Bay deer project off to promising start June 9, 2020 British Columbia, CHEK News

... “The only fawns we’ve seen have been from our control group of deers. So that means they’re the does that did not receive the contraceptive”  ... Sixty female dear were given birth control, while a control group of 20, tagged with pink collars were left alone...

Chronic wasting disease continues to expand westward threatening deer populations May 26, 2020 Alberta, CTV News

... Alberta recorded an all-time high number of cases of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in 2019, finding infected deer further west than ever before... Mandatory testing of deer heads from hunters last year turned up 1,158 cases ...

B.C. Conservation reunites young deer with family on Vancouver Island May 22, 2020 British Columbia, CTV News

... concerned citizen picked up the deer after spotting it alone near a busy roadway...

'Probably the biggest mule deer project to ever occur in this province' May 21, 2020 British Columbia, 100 Mile House Free Press

... The project looks to identify the effect of wildfire on mule deer habitat selection and population growth ... We are looking at mechanisms that limit mule deer abundance in Southern British Columbia ... If mule deer are doing well, it typically means that a lot of other species are thriving as well ...

Residents show love for deer in Oak Bay survey May 10, 2020 British Columbia, Oak Bay News

... As for the deer population, 54 per cent of respondents believe the number of deer should be permitted to increase. One third are OK with the current population...

Deer fence issue emotional for one Kelowna councillor  May 5, 2020 British Columbia, Castanet

... "Tragically, I spent a number of years working with a wildlife recovery centre and in the environment, and I had two personal incidences with deer hung up on these poles," said Hodge.  "I can tell you right now, it takes one experience like that for you to say they should never be allowed...

Oak Bay ups deer management budget to $96,100 for 2020 February 25, 2020 British Columbia, BC Local News

... The deer vaccination program will continue in Oak Bay in 2020 as the province approved $42,366 in funding ... In 2019 more than 650 Oak Bay property owners volunteered access to their properties so the Urban Wildlife Stewardship Society crew could tag and inject does with the immuno-contraceptive...

 Anthropogenic Disturbance and Population Viability of Woodland Caribou in Ontario

JM Fryxell, T Avgar, B Liu, JA Baker, AR Rodgers… - The Journal of Wildlife …, 2020

...  Our results suggest that increased wolf predation risk due to anthropogenic disturbance is of sufficient magnitude to cause appreciable risk of population decline in woodland caribou in Ontario...

Trap vandalism impacting urban deer cull February 7, 2020 British Columbia, Kimberley Bulletin

... Seven out of 10 traps available from the province have been damaged enough to make them unusable, while game cameras set up to monitor those traps, given vandalism to clover traps during deer cull efforts in the past, were also stolen...

Chronic Wasting Disease contained in Québec, but the disease is difficult to eliminate February 8, 2020

... found on a domestic deer farm in Avoca, Québec in the Laurentides region in the fall of 2018... mule deer at the Metro Toronto Zoo died from an unspecified disease in the 1970s. Samples of tissue from the dead deer were re-tested many years later and found to be CWD...

Spiked fences dangerous to deer, other wildlife: BC Conservation Officer Service February 6, 2020 British Columbia, BC Local News

... BCCOS said spiked fences can cause animals to suffer as they struggle to free themselves and in many cases, they die stuck on the fence or officers are forced to euthanize them...

Chronic Wasting Disease measures have worked, according to Québec government January 28, 2020 The Review Newspaper

... Wildlife management officials in Québec are claiming progress has been made with operations to detect and control Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) ... no cases of CWD have been detected in the 1,358 tissue samples taken from whitetail deer ...

Wildlife centre warns about dangers of wrought-iron fences after deer dies January 29, 2020 Ontario,

... a deer was attempting to hop over a wrought-iron fence near St. Peter's Seminary when its back legs were caught and impaled in the structure... due to the extent of its injuries, it was put down shortly after...

  Deer rescued after falling through ice on Skaha Lake January 20, 2020, British Columbia, BC Local News

...  its tail was bitten off - on the ice ... The deer had likely been chased by a coyote, which was spotted...  the deer was taken to safety & released into the wild (its injuries weren’t critical) ...

Kimberley's annual deer count January 9, 2020 British Columbia, Kimberley Bulletin

... Of the 69 deer counted, there were 28 does, 28 fawns and 12 bucks, and one unclassified... “We use the same method annually. At this time, the trend indicates the population is stable. The counts are conducted by knowledgeable volunteers, usually during November or December while snow is on the ground...

  Saskatchewan conservation officer frees deer locked with another buck January 4, 2020 Global News 

... the live deer couldn’t get free from a dead buck that was partially eaten by coyotes...

B.C. conservation officers rescue deer entangled by toboggan: ‘Thankfully it was not injured’ January 3, 2019 British Columbia, Global News

...  a hiker in the Williams Lake area came across the deer, whose antlers appeared to ensnared by a toboggan...

Richmond man fined $8K for wounding mule deer doe in stomach with crossbow December 27, 2019 British Columbia, 

... shot the doe in the stomach with an arrow, causing it to flee the property ...  did not have a licence to hunt mule deer.... The mule deer doe had two fawns ...

Ontario takes proactive approach to deadly deer disease December 20, 2019 The Hamilton Spectator

... the Ontario government announced on Thursday that it has a plan in place to deal with chronic-wasting disease (CWD) — if it rears its head in the province.  The fatal brain disorder that mostly affects deer and elk has been found in 2018 on a deer farm in Quebec, close to the Ontario border...

Growing White-tailed deer population prompts possible antlerless LEH for 2020 December 18, 2019 British Columbia, BC Local News

... The proposal targets several management units around Quesnel, Williams Lake and 100 Mile House, and is in response to the growing White-tailed deer population in the Cariboo region ,,,

  Cranbrook deer died painfully when trap collapsed: animal welfare group December 16, 2019 British Columbia, CTV News

... An animal rights organization in Cranbrook says a deer suffered unnecessarily when a cage-like trap that was supposed to hold it until morning somehow collapsed and, they believe, slowly suffocated the deer..

Deer that may have been hunted in area known for chronic wasting disease located  November 21, 2019 British Columgia, Victoria News

... the animals thought to be harvested south of Calgary by Nanaimo hunters have been located and the investigation continues...  an area in Alberta known for cases of chronic wasting disease...

UWSS science-based Oak Bay Urban Deer Research Project Update November 11, 2019 British Columbia, Oak Bay News

... Dr. Adam Hering, along with Dr. Jason Fisher and his team of grad students, other wildlife biologists, students and community members from Oak Bay and beyond, sedated and then administered an immuno-contraceptive to 60 does...

Cranbrook residents rally against plans for deer cull November 5, 2019 British Columbia, Global News

... Cranbrook residents are protesting the city’s plan for an urban deer cull. Council says it’s a public safety issue...

Oak Bay, Modern deer hunters fire birth-control darts November 3, 2019 British Columbia, Times Colonist

... Hering is the lead wildlife veterinarian of the Oak Bay Deer Project,.. attempting to reduce the number of wild deer in the municipality... dart projector — a modified rifle capable of firing vaccine-laden darts ... immunocontraceptive ... We have vaccinated 60 does and there are another 17 with GPS collars...

The evolution of Cranbrook’s deer herd October 30, 2019 British Columbia, BC Local News

...  15-20 years ago, there was no urban deer herd... Then came the big fire season of 2003, when wildfires burned all around us, driving fleeing wildlife in our direction.   ...  demonstration, trained dogs, keeping a respectful distance, would herd the deer out-of-town (the demonstration in this instance used ducks instead of deer, but the point was made). I always thought this method had potential, but in B.C. it is still not permitted...

Slowing down wolves to protect boreal caribou populations: a spatial simulation model of linear feature restoration  MC Spangenberg, R Serrouya, M Dickie, CA DeMars… - Ecosphere, 2019

... In Canada, boreal caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) are declining in numbers, in part due to increased predation by wolves (Canis lupus). One management option to reduce wolf–caribou interactions and thus protect caribou is to remove man-made linear features (LFs), structures such as roads, trails, and cut lines, which are used by wolves as traveling paths... 

This part of BC has the highest concentration of cougars in the world October 18, 2019 British Columbia,

... According to the University of Victoria, roughly 4000 of the solitary creatures live in Canada ... on Vancouver Island ... around the 600 to 800 range, but population estimates are difficult ... the Island puma population is considered healthy, and their primary prey, the black-tailed deer, is plentiful..,

Oak Bay goes non-lethal in deer-control experiment; contraception for 60 does October 16, 2019 British Columbia, Times Colonist

...  the immuno-contraception vaccine — called porcine zona pellucida — causes the production of antibodies that prevent fertilization of eggs... the potential to be a significant solution for any municipality across North America looking to co-exist with urban wildlife,” said Kristy Kilpatrick, president of the non-profit Urban Wildlife Stewardship Society ...

     Oak Bay, Urban deer get birth control to curb overpopulation October 13, 2019 British Deer News, YAHOO!

... study into deer contraceptives ... For the study, 20 female deer won't receive any birth control. Another 40 to 50 does within the population will receive the contraceptive shot...

Chronic wasting disease threatens the Kootenays October 11, 2019 British Columbia, Columbia Valley Pioneer

... an imminent threat to Kootenay ecology, particularly as hunting season continues along the U.S. border. CWD is present, and under heavy surveillance, in Alberta and Libby Montana, 60 km south of the B.C. border...

Caribou numbers up 49 per cent after four-year wolf cull October 8, 2019 British Columbia, Vancouver Sun

... The population of three mountain caribou herds in the South Peace region has risen by 49 per cent just four years into an experimental wolf cull program ... the report concludes “it is highly recommended that wolf reduction continue to be implemented” until the herds are self-sustaining...

Province won't relocate nuisance deer, says minister October 7, 2019 New Brunswick,

...  Mike Holland says the solution will not involve relocating wildlife...the Union of Municipalities of New Brunswick passed a resolution, proposed by the Town of Saint Andrews, saying that because the province is responsible for wildlife management it should "immediately intervene to capture, relocate and reintegrate nuisance urban deer found in non-huntable locations."...

Edmonton, Nearly a year later, residents still waiting for developer to fix fence that impales deer October 5, 2019 Alberta, YAHOO!

... Two deer were euthanized after they were impaled on spikes that run along the top of the fence... About 1,800 people signed the petition...  the city has approved spending $60,066 toward a retrofit to the ornamental fence ...

Oak Bay,Deer decked out for colourful contraception campaign September 30, 2019 British Columgia, Oak Bay News

... Spearheaded by the Urban Wildlife Stewardship Society, orange-vested teams have successfully immuno-contracepted 55 deer in less than three weeks... The colour-coded tags match a simple, coloured collar ... The identification collars fit high on the doe’s neck, and more snugly than the GPS collars, minimizing chafing noticed from some of the GPS collars...

BC makes CWD deer head submissions mandatory September 26, 2019 British Columbia, Western Producer

... Hunters in British Columbia’s Kootenay region are required to submit deer heads for testing of chronic wasting disease following the discovery of nine cases along the Montana border...

Municipalities, landowners, not pleased with Québec deer management plan September 16, 2019 Quebec, The Review Newspaper

... In response to the discovery of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in a domestic red deer herd in Boileau in 2018 ...  measures to maintain a low-density deer population in the southern Laurentians in order to reduce contact between animals and prevent any undetected cases of CWD from spreading...

Oak Bay deer contraception program underway September 6, 2019 British Columbia, Victoria News

...  the owners of about 600 Oak Bay houses have signed up to volunteer access to their property... The crew and veteranarian are visible in their yellow vests. They start at dawn and work until about noon...

Pictou County's 'significant' deer problem September 4, 2019 Nova Scotia,

... white tailed deer populations were at their highest in 1954 and 1985. Their numbers dropped off significantly in the years after both booms, and each decline was followed by a period where the populations leveled off.  According to the DLF website, the province of Nova Scotia is capable of supporting a herd of approximately 100,000 deer in the pre-hunting season...

Chronic wasting disease in the deer and moose population August 30, 2019 Quebec, Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs - Gouvernement du Québec

... Québec is engaged in an active fight against the disease. It has set up a network to monitor and analyze animals in the wild. No animals in the wild cervid population have tested positive for the disease to date...

Hunters call for steps to stop 'Zombie deer disease' epidemic August 19, 2019 Saskatchewan, Yahoo News Canada

... In 2018, hunters harvested 34,930 white-tailed and mule deer in Saskatchewan, according to government records. Of those, only a small fraction of heads were submitted for testing — 2,000 samples or roughly six per cent.  Of those, about 17 percent of the submitted samples tested positive for CWD ...

New Brunswick turns to bow hunt to control deer in populated areas August 13, 2019, Alaska Highway News

... hunts have killed 476 deer so far, but Kennedy said more deer are migrating into the communities and reproducing at a rapid rate... "The latest number provided by the department is that we have over 20 deer per square kilometre,"...

  Deer shot after being found with crossbow bolt in its leg August 2, 2019 British Columbia,Times Colonist

... had to be shot by Victoria police Friday morning after it was found with a crossbow bolt in its leg ... the bolt was in a joint of one of the deer’s hind legs...

Expand Oak Bay deer birth control across region, say Victoria mayor and councillor   July 30, 2019 British Columbia, Times Colonist

... we’re all saying we’d like to get on board with what Oak Bay is doing now, which is the immunocontraceptive program, because we see that as the way of the future,” Desjardins said... Researchers collected data on population density and distribution by putting radio collars on 20 does last year, and setting up 39 remote cameras ...

A Surveillance and Response Plan for Chronic Wasting Disease in British Columbia C Nelson, HM Schwantje - 2019

... (the Plan) provides a framework for the CWD technical and working groups... The objectives of the Plan are to: 1) assess the risk of CWD for B.C.; 2) guide the provincial CWD technical and regional working groups; 3) provide management guidelines to prevent disease entry and to ensure early detection; 4) provide recommendations for ongoing education ...

Oak Bay residents eager to sign up for deer control July 17, 2019 British Columbia,

Times Colonist

...  More than 150 quickly responded to a request from Oak Bay Mayor Kevin Murdoch this week to register their properties so they’re available to those administering the immunocontraception vaccine to deer... it’s hoped as many as 80 female deer will be given ... vaccine ...

    Oak Bay to launch new deer contraceptive program in September July 16, 2019 British Columbia,

... “Immuno-contraception (IC) is a type of vaccine that induces the animal to produce antibodies that prevent fertilization and the formation of an embryo,” explains the Urban Wildlife Stewardship Society (UWSS), who will be leading the program...

Growing Risk Diseased Deer Meat Is Ending Up on Canadians’ Tables, Critics Warn July 15, 2019  Canada, The Tyee

... advocates are charging that the current approach by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is putting the public at risk by allowing deer meat that could be infected with CWD to be sold to unsuspecting customers... a recent public letter signed by scientists and economists demanding stricter controls on CWD ...

Environmental group putting pressure on New Brunswick to ban herbicide spraying July 15, 2019

... “We need to begin to explore ways to manage our Province’s vast forests without the use of these chemicals ...  put pressure on the government to end spraying, citing a decline in the province’s deer population ...

Forestry college cuts ties with former director who defended fired instructor July 4, 2019 New Brunswick, Yahoo News

... Gerald Redmond, the former director of the Maritime College of Forest Technology who was still teaching at the school, was told Thursday his "services were no longer needed."The decision comes less than 24 hours after Redmond publicly criticized the dismissal of a well-known instructor at the Fredericton-based college...

     Fired college instructor's views on glyphosate at root of dismissal, says former colleague July 3, 2019 New Brunswick,

... Gerald Redmond, the college's former executive director who retired in 2017, said he was pressured during his tenure to reprimand Cumberland.  He said Cumberland's outspokenness against glyphosate is probably the "real reason" why he was fired... he began publicly discussing the effects of the herbicide glyphosate on New Brunswick's forests and, in particular, the deer population...

Why did deer meat from an infected herd end up in Canada's food chain? June 22, 2019 Quebec,

... chronic wasting disease (CWD) — was detected in a Quebec deer farm... 3,000 deer in the herd. Eleven tested positive for CWD. The rest  ... tested negative and were released into the food chain... "A negative test result does not guarantee that an individual animal is not infected with CWD." ...

Deer shot with bow and arrow left to suffer in B.C. community June 11, 2019 British Columbia, Vancouver Is Awesome

... “The mule deer was running through someone’s yard and ran through 10 other yards bleeding quite heavily,” ... Conservation officers want to find the suffering deer ...

Ontario Updating CWD Plan as Cases Draw Closer June 10, 2019 WDIO

... CWD was recently found in Quebec near the Ontario border and also in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and other states bordering Ontario. The Ministry of Naural Resouces and Forestry has tested more than 12,000 wild deer and elk for CWD since 2002 ...

Deer populations increasing, harvest allocation may increase June 5, 2019 Alberta, Macleod Gazette Online

... Deer numbers appear to be increasing in the foothills and on the prairie... Both whitetail and mule deer are above goal populations in wildlife management units in the Bow-Crow area of southwest Alberta ...

MNRF hopes to grow moose population June 1, 2019 Ontario,

... Aerial surveys have shown declining calf moose numbers in recent years across Ontario ... potential benefits from changing quota settings and hunting rules can include increasing adult tag quotas by growing the moose population, and by decreasing the harvest of calves...

Calls for Canadian zoo to be shut down after deer die in stampede May 26, 2019 Ontario, The Guardian

... two deer were killed in a stampede allegedly caused by a father and son taunting the animals... has prompted staff to temporarily close the deer park area...

NB lost 20% of deer population during winter, according to estimates May 18, 2019 New Brunswick,

... About 20 per cent of New Brunswick's herd is estimated to have died over the winter. That's about six per cent more than average.  Deer in the north of the province fared the worst, where about 30 per cent died...

Pregnant deer rescued from ice in Lake Rosseau April 23, 2019 Ontario, CTV News Barrie

... a deer standing on thin ice about 100 feet from shore. They stopped their truck for a closer look and said they saw another deer trapped in the ice and fighting to get free...“Somehow she knew he was there to help and allowed him to lead her through the ice and back to shore.” ...

Figueiras Park, Deer belong here April 10, 2019 British Columbia, BC Local News

... We are seniors here, most of us anyway, and animals are calming ... Who are we to take away this beauty? ... The deer belong here and I stand up for their rights, their very existence ...

Declining mule deer numbers prompts study April 4, 2019 British Columbia, BCLocalNews

... Why are some of our Interior mule deer populations declining? How are predators and the recent huge wildfires affecting them? ... B.C.’s largest collaborative mule deer study was launched last year...

Deer cull looks unlikely April 1, 2019 British Columbia, Castanet

... city staff recommending against taking action on the city’s urban deer population... urge council to maintain the status quo and work with the RDOS on public education — stating Penticton’s urban deer problem is not as severe as communities in the Kootenays that have active culls...

Kelowna’s conservation office wants a ban on spiked fences after 10 deer impaled  March 27, 2019 British Columbia, Global News

... a wrought-iron fence with pointed pickets sticking out the top ... since the beginning of 2019, 10 deer have been found dead or needing to be euthanized ...

City of Cranbrook concludes urban deer removal efforts, culls three deer

Kimberley Bulletin

... The city says it targeted specific areas for deer removal based on complaints of deer aggression made last year. Much of the concern over aggression has focused on white-tail deer and not mule deer, according to statistics cited by the city... 

Are Canada’s food banks getting diseased deer? March 22, 2019 Maclean's on

... Most comes from animals seized or harvested by provincial conservation officers, which is tested [for chronic wasting]. Meat from animals received from hunters is ground, then set aside pending assurance from the hunter—on an honour system—that the animal tested negative... Testing is not 100 per cent conclusive ...

Immediate population management needed to save remaining caribou herds, study shows March 12, 2019 Alberta,

... "Four herds in B.C. and Alberta have gone extinct over the last 25 years and there are less than 3,000 woodland caribou in the study area in the two provinces." ... The most dramatic population surge occurred In the Klines-Za population, north of Prince George, BC, where maternal penning and wolf removal strategies were used. In three years, the herd nearly doubled, from 36 to more than 67...

Impaled deer prompts call for fencing changes in Oak Bay March 8, 2019 British Columbia, Sooke News Mirror

...  was impaled all the way through,” says Krekorian. “The spike was coming out and I could see her hind legs — underneath, she was torn from the fall or the struggle, about six to eight inches... She was making these horrible noises ...

Esquimalt considers birth control for its deer population March 7, 2019 British Columbia, Peninsula News Review

... Coun. Ken Armour advocates that the Township seek provincial approval to develop a plan and work with the Urban Wildlife Stewardship Society (UWSS) to create an immuno-contraception strategy to manage and reduce the deer population in Esquimalt...

Missing dog forms friendship with deer March 7, 2019 Manitoba, Winnipeg CTV News

... Koda returned safely, but Howatt said she kept leaving for a several hours every few days...  The game camera caught the husky sleeping, eating, and playing with the buck during the time she was missing...

Wildlife biologist seeking city support for grant funding March 7, 2019 British Columbia, Cranbrook Townsman

... headed up a translocation study of deer in partnership between Cranbrook, Kimberley, Invermere and Elkford ... The funding will allow biologists to complete a full scientific report on comparisons between the translocated urban mule deer and non-urban mule deer...

Forest group readies ambitious new standards for sustainable industry March 3, 2019 Canada, Red Deer Express

... the new FSC standards have specific rules and criteria around preserving woodland caribou ... The latest assessment of woodland caribou suggests 81 per cent of Canada’s herds are in decline...

Cranbrook council approves urban deer cull February 26, 2019 British Columbia, Columbia Valley Pioneer

... It will be the seventh cull since action was first taken in 2011 to address the urban deer population in Cranbrook, which have removed 138 deer in total...

Oak Bay report shows deer only a problem for a few, says scientist February 25, 2019 British Columbia, Victoria News

...  95 percent of an Oak Bay deer’s time is spent within a 0.64 square kilometre range. Half of their time is spent in an even smaller 0.14 square kilometre core home range...  it’s an example of the representative heuristic – a phenomena where humans believe there’s a lot of something because they see it often... the small home ranges mean some residents are seeing the same deer frequently, not an abundance of deer...

Volunteers helping deer survive winter in Sudbury area February 22, 2019 Ontario, Sudbury Star

... volunteers together to go out to the deeryards in the area and provide them with feed and freshly cut cedar browse... a homemade icebreaker that would be used to break through the snow crust so the deer wouldn’t cut themselves...

Deer study using collars, cameras under watchful eyes outside of Victoria  February 21, 2019 British Columbia, BC Local News 

... By using a two-pronged GPS and remote camera approach to study a specific population, the UWSS created deer density maps with a high degree of confidence. The traditional method for such research would be aerial surveys, which are not as accurate Fisher said...

Oak Bay one step closer to deer immunocontraceptive test February 20, 2019 British Columbia, BC Local News

...  the Urban Wildlife Stewardship Society and the municipality have a licence to immunize 40 deer, but that they are in the process of expanding that licence to 80... the next steps for the study will be to look at density and demographic changes during different seasons ...

Wildlife mortality on roads and railways following highway mitigation

PS Gilhooly, SE Nielsen, J Whittington, CC St. Clair - Ecosphere, 2019 [PDF]

...  Our results support and extend previous work demonstrating that exclusion fencing and wildlife crossing structures reduce wildlife mortalities on the highway at this location, and provide limited evidence, for other ungulates alone, that such mitigation may increase mortality on the adjacent railway...

Chronic Wasting Disease may be slowly creeping into Alberta deer populations February 20, 2019 on 

... probably introduced into Canada in Saskatchewan probably sometime in the 1980s ... first detected in Canada on an elk farm in Saskatchewan in 1996... 

The deer are in serious trouble February 14, 2019 Ontario, My Eespanola Now

... The deer are starving and a local game and fish member says deer are dying in droves because of the harsh winter conditions ...  recommends deer be fed a fifty/fifty mix of corn and oats because pure corn is too rich and could kill them...

Chronic Wasting Disease, Fatal brain disease for deer, moose at Ontario's door step, says biologist  February 13, 2019 Ontario,

... Ontario is still clear of the disease ..."Recently a red deer farm located just 15 km across the border with Quebec, tested positive for it, " ...

Injured deer found at Whycocomagh Bay finds new home February 12, 2019 Nova Scotia, Cape Breton Post

...  a yearling on the ice ... a coyote seen out on the ice too ... what looked like a chew mark under this right shoulder... Two Rivers Wildlife Park in Huntington who were willing to take the deer...

Resident angered over B.C. government trapping deer for research February 1, 2019 British Columbia, Cloverdale Reporter 

... When Paul Michel discovered a deer trapped in a cage near Camp Boyle west of Summerland early Thursday morning, he was shocked and outraged...

Deep snow, cold temperatures pose challenge for deer February 1, 2019 February 1, 2019 Ontario, 

... the weather in January of 2019 was particularly harsh, it's still too early to say what the long-term impact will be...  if the cold continues through to early spring, it could be bleak for deer in the wild...

No deer to be translocated from Kimberley this year January 29, 2019 British Columbia, BC Local News

... this year’s annual deer count resulted in 77 deer ... “In prior years, the Managing for the Future document set 125 deer as the threshold for the City to act on reducing mule deer populations. In June of 2018 this threshold was lowered by the deer committee to 30 mule deer within city limits,” [the translocation project has been safe and successful] ...

Kimberley Deer Committee recommends 40 deer be translocated this year January 22, 2019 British Columbia, BC Local News

... “There has been a dramatic decline in the number of bucks ...That is likely because there aren’t as many does around either. Last year there over 35 bucks in town, this year, 13 were counted.” [same result as in the San Jose sterilization project] ...With a couple of years of moving deer out by translocation, Oakley says there have been less deer killed by cars in town and also less complaints..,

Quebec moves to expand animal welfare laws to cover dozens of species January 11, 2019 Vancouver Courier 

... The proposed legislation also outlines care standards that would apply to dozens of other species including bison, deer ... People raising these animals would not need a permit, but they would have to respect rules concerning cleanliness, living space, safety, and access to food and water...

Dundas soccer nets removed after deer euthanized  January 12, 2019 Ontario, The Hamilton Spectator 

... a deer was caught in a Sanctuary Park soccer net and had to euthanized due to injuries...

What to do(e) with deer urbanites January 10, 2019 British Columbia, Columbia Valley Pioneer

... Due to a newer drug combination targeted specifically for ungulates, this trial has had great success in relocating the animals during the initial capture and release (only one mortality was recorded during the actual capture and release)... “The vast majority of deer translocated in 2018 have remained out of the communities ... this seems a reasonable outcome...Translocation gives deer a chance.” ...

  Edmonton, City puts moratorium on custom fences similar to one that impaled two deer January 10, 2019 Alberta,

... Revisions to current fencing regulations to "mitigate conflict with wildlife" will be included in a review of the city's design and construction standards, which is expected to be completed in this spring

‘Made me feel really sick’: Lethbridge woman captures video of officer repeatedly running over injured deer January 9, 2019 Alberta, Global News 

... a car slam into the rear end of a young deer, apparently breaking its back legs... when the Lethbridge officer arrived on the scene she was shocked to see the officer run back and forth over the injured animal twice with his truck...

     Police watchdog investigates Lethbridge cop who ran over deer multiple times January 8, 2019 Alberat, Toronto Star 

... After reviewing the video Lethbridge police Chief Rob Davis says he notified Alberta’s director of law enforcement...

     Online petition calls for firing of Alta. police officer who ran over deer January 10, 2019 Alberta, CTV News

... The petition entitled “Fire Lethbridge police officer that ran over injured fawn with police cruiser” has garnered over 8.500 signatures by Wednesday...

Truro, Watershed bow hunt did little to decrease Truro's deer population January 2, 2019 Nova Scotia, Truro Daily News 

...  the urban deer population was at least double the rest of Deer Management Zone 107, which includes South Colchester and East Hants.  But based on results of a basic survey conducted with the hunters, that over population does not seem to have spread into the watershed area...

Kimberely, Cull and deer trans-location funding approved November 28, 2018 British Columbia, (press release)

... Five councillors voted to proceed with applying to FLNRORD for operational funding to translocate up to 100 mule deer ... The past council was not happy about having to agree with the culling of trans-located deer if they return to an urban area...

CWD, the “Mad Cow Disease” for deer, hits western Québec November 27, 2018 Cantech Letter 

... The Canadian Food Inspection Agency says four more cases have been identified since the first-ever case was found in early September. Since then, the discovery of CWD led to a huge cull of deer in Quebec...

'They're not going to leave on their own:' Penticton neighbourhood requests deer cull November 20, 2018 British Columbia,

... The City of Penticton has not been supportive of calls for deer culls over the past decade, but Iannone is optimistic the new mayor and council will champion the cause...

Conservation officers investigating deer shot and killed with bow and arrow in Kamloops park November 19, 2018 British Columbia,

... shot a week ago in an old golf course area on McArthur Island ... illegal to discharge a bow and arrow within the city limits. It's illegal to hunt mule deer within the city limits in the park and, of course, it's illegal to waste that animal by leaving it behind ...

Oak Bay seeks more provincial funding for deer birth control program November 15, 2018 British Columbia, Oak Bay News

...  UWSS is committed to inoculating and getting this done next summer, so we’re moving forward with that … we need this grant money to do that... The proposed program funding for 2019 is $63,310 ...

  Deer impaled on fence, Edmonton residents call for changes November 15, 2018 Alberta, CTV News

... “This deer was impaled quite deeply into its groin and the damage was fairly substantial,” Dennis Prodan, a district fish and wildlife officer, told CTV Edmonton. “It struggled a little bit in the fence too, so it increased the damage.”  To end the animal’s suffering, an officer with Alberta Fish and Wildlife shot the deer...

Impaled deer prompts calls to fix fence in Cameron Heights neighbourhood November 6, 2018  Alberta, Yahoo News Canada

... Martin wanted to free the animal by lifting it off the fence, but it was too heavy. He also thought about taking a portion of the fence apart, but the deer was kicking, so he couldn't get close enough...

Quebec deer disease means popular Rudolph stand-ins sidelined, for now November 7, 2018 Yahoo News Canada 

...  chronic wasting disease detected this year in three farm-raised deer... the animals, a fixture at Christmas parades and events in the province, need to stay penned as investigations continue  ...

BC town residents attempt to lasso wired deer November 4, 2018 British Columgia, Keremeos Review

... rescued by conservation officers last week...

Deer shot by arrow, put down by BC conservation sparks investigation November 1, 2018 British Columbia, Columbia Valley Pioneer

...  The deer was found but later euthanized after officials ruled it was suffering and would not have survived the injury...

Laws won’t allow moose meat or deer meat to be given to food banks, Newfoundland hunters say October 16, 2018 The Telegram

... in Newfoundland and Labrador due to a restriction in legislation that says raw, wild meat cannot be donated by a third party... A lot of these people who are using the food bank may not have the necessary resources to procure this type of food.” ...

N.S. town permits bow hunting in attempt to reduce urban deer populations October 13, 2018  Nova Scotia, Atlantic CTV News

... in a survey done last year, it was found that half the town’s population considered the deer to be a nuisance, while the other half did not.  Residents like Yolanda Cleaves says she enjoys seeing the deer ...

Chronic Wasting Disease, Quebec officials scramble after first confirmed case of fatal deer disease September 30, 2018 Saskatoon StarPhoenix

... The recent discovery was the first positive case in more than 22,000 samples that have been tested in the province... a plan to cull between 300 and 350 deer in order to test for the disease...

     Deadly wasting disease found in farmed Outaouais deer, hundreds culled September 28, 2018 Quebec, Ottawa Citizen

... One sick deer was identified on a deer farm on Sept. 10, leading Quebec officials to kill all 80 deer on the farm and order a cull of 300 wild deer nearby...

     Quebec's wildlife ministry bans hunting white-tailed deer in Laurentians, Outaouais September 22, 2018 Quebec, 

...Quebec Wildlife officers will scout, bait and kill white-tailed deer to find out if this disease, which is called chronic wasting disease and is similar to mad cow disease, has touched animals outside the livestock farm where the first case was detected....

Oak Bay, Permit to give BC deer birth control on hold until consultation with First Nations September 21 2018 British Columbia, Williams Lake Tribune

... A pilot project to give birth control to deer in the Greater Victoria suburb of Oak Bay is on hold while the mayor consults with local First Nations, a delay that could set the project back a whole year...

Status and Management of Moose in the Parkland and Grassland Natural Regions of Alberta 2018 Biology and Management

...Moose (Alces alces) naturally colonized the Parkland Natural Region of Alberta during

the 1980s and early 1990s, and later colonized the Grassland Natural Region by the early 2000s. We summarize population data during 1996–2016 for these regions ...

Deer with Chronic ­Wasting Disease ­discovered in­ ­Laurentians September 18, 2018 Quebec, The Record 

... The Quebec Ministry of Forests, Wildlife, and Parks is considering establishing hunting restrictions ... case of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) identified in the remains of a livestock deer ...

Clear cut would destroy critical animal habitat, says Nova Scotia hunter September 16, 2018

... fears that a proposed clear cut would destroy critical habitat for endangered mainland moose, deer and other animals ... The public has until Sept. 26 to comment ... it would go against the recommendations put forward in the recent independent review of forest practices in Nova Scotia...

2018 Canadian hunting forecast: top spots for deer, moose, elk and more September 14, 2018 Outdoor Canada

... While deer and elk populations are mostly doing well nationally, moose and caribou are facing challenges... Mule deer have seen some challenges throughout B.C., leading to some significant hunting regulation changes this year to limit the harvest and promote recovery...

Okotoks asks citizens to install deer-counting app to help track local population September 8, 2018 Alberta,

... the NatureLynx app , which was launched by the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI) in July, allows any Albertan to record wildlife sightings in the province... In 2015, volunteers in Okotoks counted deer populations the old-fashioned way, but this year, they're using NatureLynx to make things easier...

Hunters asked to submit deer, elk, and moose heads to monitor for chronic wasting disease September 6, 2018 British Columbia,

... Between 2002 and 2016, biologists examined 805 heads of cervids that were hunted in the B.C. Peace Region, however, the number of submitted heads has decreased in the last few years from a high 221 in 2008 to less than 50 every year since...

A Comparative Health Assessment of Urban and Non-Urban Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in the Kootenay Region, British Columbia, Canada  A Mathieu - 2018

...  a translocation trial from 2015 to 2017 to control the urban mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus; uMD) overpopulation and supplement the declining non-urban mule deer (nuMD) population ...  The aim of this study was to characterize the health risks associated with the translocation ... The number of uMD to translocate under the current conditions should be limited to 344 individuals as to minimize the risk of ADHV transmission and its potential negative effects on the nuMD population...

Kimberley, The ups and downs of deer translocation August 17, 2018 British Columbia, Kimberley Bulletin

... Fifty does and fawns were taken out of Kimberley in five days last March. Oakley says the operation goes quite smoothly and no deer have died from being moved...  One of those issues is the fact that the translocated (collared) deer show up in other communities...  the majority of the animals are staying out of towns. Their predation is rate is slightly higher ...

Deer management in Oak Bay is proceeding according to plan August 16, 2018 British Columbia, Oak Bay News

... In September, an immuno-contraceptive vaccine will be administered to some of the uncollared Oak Bay does, with a booster administered a few weeks later prior to the rutting season... The idea is to reduce and stabilize the deer population by cutting the birth rate, and without opening up space for deer from surrounding populations to simply move in...

Mule Deer, White-Tailed Deer, and Wolves in Jasper National Park, Alberta: 35 Years of Sightings, 1981–2016  D Dekker, MC Drever - Northwestern Naturalist, 2018

... During 722 d of observations conducted in winter over this period, we recorded a decline in Mule Deer and the incursion of White-tailed Deer into the park. Of a total of 429 deer sighted, White-tailed Deer increased from an average of 0.08 sightings/d to 0.73/d, whereas the native Mule Deer declined from 0.42 sightings/d to 0.01/d. Over the same time span, sightings of all deer increased from 0.51/d to 0.74/d...

Online users fawn over celebrity deer on Calgary Capture portal August 9, 2018 Alberta,

... The fan-favourite deer first emerged as part of a city initiative calledCalgary Captured, a citizen-science program that launched in February. It asked citizens to identify wildlife from photos taken by remote cameras in 13 parks across the municipality. Users online quickly named the handsome animal ...

Wildfires cause havoc for humans, but not mule deer July 29, 2018 British Columbia, Surrey Now-Leader

... Animals like deer, moose, and big horn sheep like young regrowth... The wildfires are also not large enough to have a severe impact ... “Fire, when it’s away from people and everyone is safe, belongs on this landscape ... Nutrients from burned plants creates the perfect habitat for regrowth, said David Scott, with the department of earth and environmental sciences at UBCO...

Doe's death leads to desperate adoption drive for 2 fawns  July 24, 2018 Saskatchewan, ·

...The fawns' mother had been hit by a car on Circle Drive. She gave birth either shortly before or shortly after... Shadick, who is also the vice-president of the Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Saskatchewan ... brought it back to the centre to be with it's sibling...

Deer hunting to remain off limits in much of northern New Brunswick July 23, 2018 Canada, 

... The deer population in much of northern New Brunswick continues to be too low to support a hunting season ... "The population declined in the late 1980s and early 1990s … and it hasn't recovered to the point where we believe we can have a sustainable hunting season,"  ...

New study looking into restoring some of BC's declining mule deer populations July 17, 2018 British Columbia,

... We’re not seeing mule deer like we used to... The B.C. Interior Mule Deer Project is the largest project of its kind ever undertaken in the province...

Deer with huge warts July 17, 2017 British Columbia, Castanet

... condition called viral papilloma tolsus ... "The lumps tend to get regressed with time and actually will fall off,"  ...

Caribou and Wolf Behaviour in Relation to Oil and Gas Development July 10, 2018 

K Pigeon, D MacNearney, B Nobert, L Finnegan - 2018 British Columbia

... Woodland caribou in Alberta and British Columbia are federally listed as threatened under the Canadian Species at Risk Act (SARA). Throughout their range, the decline of woodland caribou populations is thought to result from habitat degradation and fragmentation caused by industrial activities. Infrastructure associated with oil and gas development accounts for a significant portion of the disturbance footprint in many boreal caribou ranges ...

Slow down, save a wild life July 4, 2018 Ontario,

...The study [University of Waterloo]  concluded that many of the thousands of wildlife-vehicle collisions occurring each year could be prevented if authorities implemented a few, cost-effective strategies to minimize the occurrences.  Strategies include better signage, wildlife detection systems, fencing and wildlife crossings...

From climate to caribou: How manufactured uncertainty is affecting wildlife management

JJ Boan, JR Malcolm, MD Vanier, DL Euler, FM Moola - Wildlife Society Bulletin, 2018

... Over the past decade, declines of Canadian populations of boreal caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) have received considerable attention ...  Many boreal caribou populations have been shown to be decreasing, in some cases precipitously, and empirical evidence from adult survival and calf recruitment surveys indicates that the cumulative effect of habitat disturbance, including that which results from industrial development, is a key driver in the decline. Yet, as scientific understanding of the decline has become clearer, and agreement among scientists and governments about habitat management requirements has increased ...

Kimberley Urban Deer Committee sets new goal of reducing deer population to 30 June 28, 2018 Canada, Kimberley Bulletin

... translocation will continue to be their number one method for reducing deer populations ... the committee has been conducting an annual deer count ... Translocation, not withstanding some of the minor findings, has been a huge success...

Young deer lived and died on a Toronto street June 27, 2018 Ontario, Toronto Star

... The young doe charmed everyone, despite its fondness for nibbling hostas in gardens ... found the deer laying on its side, foam coming from her muzzle ...

Comparative health assessment of urban and non-urban free-ranging mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in southeastern British Columbia, Canada A Mathieu, M Flint, PM Stent, HM Schwantje, TE Wittum - PeerJ, 2018

... Comparison of BCS, pregnancy rates and pathogen exposure of uMD [urban mule deer]

and nuMD [non-urban mule deer] showed that the health of the two populations did not significantly differ, suggesting uMD translocations do not pose a severe risk of pathogen transmission between mule deer populations and that these selected pathogens do not factor in the decline of the nuMD population...

 Confrontation over injured deer prompts reminder from Campbell River RCMP

Warning June 7, 2018 British ColumbiCTV News

... driving along the Old Island Highway near the Jubilee Parkway when she saw a deer, which didn’t appear to be badly injured, get up and stand on all four legs.  Martin claims she saw two men who had stopped on the highway force the animal back to the ground, then kick it 10 times before taking a saw to its head...

Could forest fire control be hurting B.C. deer? Study aims to find out May 24, 2018, British Columbia,

... Conservationists and researchers say wildfire control efforts in B.C. may be causing mule deer numbers to decline... mule deer are very choosy eaters, and fire creates open canopies, so it opens up the forest and then you get the flush of green growth in the understory ...

Adjacency to a harvest trail increases drought resistance of interior Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca) in partially harvested stands in central British Columbia NP Thompson, KJ Lewis, L Poirier - Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2018

... Trees are often clustered in interior Douglas-fir forests near the grassland interface in central British Columbia due to past harvesting practices or habitat management for mule deer... Edge trees had intermediate growth rates but no differences were found in the long-term climate/growth relationship compared to open growing trees. Both Edge and Open classes showed less relative growth reduction during droughts than Interior trees growing between harvest trails...

Where are the deer going? April 20, 2018 British Columbia, Castanet

... "In the Southern Interior they've been declining for quite some time so we've been trying to put a project together to look at what makes mule deer grow and what's holding them back," ... For more information or how to donate visit the project's website...

Penticton, No action on urban deer April 18, 2018 British Columbia, Castanet

... Penticton will continue to deal with urban deer issues on a case-by-case basis ... Council members voted 5-2 ... Planning manager Blake Laven explained dealing with urban deer used significant resources for those communities, which he said resulted in only minor drops in deer population...

  Dog gets 'arrested' after trying to chase down a deer April 16, 2018 Ontario, TODAY

... Ontario police called Thompson's father. Someone had called them after seeing the dog running after a deer on a nearby road...

Contraceptive vaccine planned for Oak Bay deer April 10, 2018 British Columbia, Times Colonist

... The program is “ground-breaking” and the first time in B.C. and Canada that the immunocontraceptive vaccine, Zonastat-D, would be used in a small, contained urban setting to manage deer ...  working with a laboratory in the hopes of developing a vaccine that is effective for five to seven years ...

Cranbrook to apply for autumn deer cull April 10, 2018 British Columbia, 

... The city is going to explore another option with the province to see if it can apply for both a cull and a translocation, with the ability to perhaps choose which method to use...

City to forward urban deer report to FLNRO, apply for another wildlife permit April 10, 2018 British Columbia, Cranbrook Townsman

... the deer cull that took place over the past winter was the first in which 50 deer were culled ... The deer count in Cranbrook as of January, 2018, was 62 animals, 42 of which were mule deer. This count was lower than in previous years, from a high 137 (2015) to a previous low of 96 (2012)...

Protecting Caribou Is A Way To Protect Us All April 9, 2018 Alberta, HuffPost Canada

... Alberta claims to have spent millions of dollars on [caribou] recovery activities to date. Unfortunately, much of it has been wasted on fruitless wildlife killing experiments that distract the public from ongoing caribou endangerment by means of habitat destruction...

Province 'negligent' in containing cervid disease, says MLA April 2, 2018 Alberta, Edmonton Journal

... In 2002, a lone elk on a game farm became Alberta’s first CWD case. Since then, four other farms have had animals test positive. In 2005, Alberta reported its first cases of wild cervids along the Saskatchewan border...called on the NDP to implement more stringent policies to restrict the movement of animals ..,

Wild deer brings fawn to visit woman sitting in the forest March 30, 2018 Ontario,

... This is a very secluded forest in northern Ontario where the deer are protected and cannot be hunted ... The people in this area feed the deer occasionally, especially during very harsh winters...

Toronto chef butchers, eats deer leg in front of animal rights protesters outside his restaurant March 27, 2018 Ontario, Ottawa Citizen

... carried what appeared to be a leg of raw venison to the front windows facing the sidewalk. As the protesters watched, he took a knife and began separating the meat from the bone...

It's been a tough winter for deer, northwestern Ontario biologist says March 22, 2018

...  "I think deer are having a hard time because the snow is deep, and it's been a long winter." ...  deer used to persevere by eating lichens ... killed off by the spruce budworm...  the lichen hasn't been around now for 15 or so years ...

Radio collars removed from some deer in Saint-Quentin after public concern March 21, 2018 New Brunswick,

...Pictures began appearing on social media March 17 showing a deer with a radio collar that had skin rubbed raw and an abrasion on the neck... Gagnon said it is rare for the radio collars to affect the deer, but it has happened before and the collars were removed...

     Tracking collars on deer causing concern in northern NB March 20, 2018 New Brunswick, CTV News

... “They're shaving their neck at least 12 inches wide all around. What is this doing to the deer?  Do they not have fur for a reason?” ...

Truro mayor seeks consultation on urban deer problem March 19, 2018 British Columbia, Truro Daily News

... “The results of the survey showed strong opposition against lethal measures being used to control the population, leaving non-lethal methods as the much-preferred option for staff to examine,” ... The difficulty ... is determining what non-lethal options are available that will be effective and what the associated costs will be ...

Deep snow stalls caribou maternal pen project March 9, 2018 British Columbia, The Spokesman-Review

... A bounty of snow has snuffed out this year’s maternal pen project in British Columbia to preserve a critically endangered remnant group of mountain caribou that ranges into the United States in the Selkirk Mountains...

Study queries how much science behind government wildlife management March 7, 2018 British Coluimbia, Times Colonist

...  Kyle Artelle, lead author of a paper published Wednesday in the journal Science Advances. "We certainly weren't expecting it to be such a low score." ... Measurable objectives were found in 26 per cent of the plans. Evidence on hunting rates was present about 80 per cent of the time, but about half the programs offered no data on populations...

Video captures rescue of deer trapped in Okanagan Lake's icy waters March 3, 2018 British Columbia,

... Crews were passing by the lake on Wednesday and noticed a deer that fell through the ice and plunged into the water...

Cranbrook violates deer cull permit February 28, 2018 British Columbia, Canada NewsWire

... City of Cranbrook just announced that it completed its cull of 50 deer - 30 Mule and 20 White-tailed Deer (  The Wildlife Act Permit CB 17-276062 authorized the City to "hunt, trap or kill up to a combined total of fifty (50) Mule Deer… or incidental White-tailed Deer…"  "Forty percent of the animals killed were White-tailed Deer which is not an incidental take," said Karen Brown ...

Oak Bay, BC, moves ahead with experimental deer control program February 23, 2018 British Columbia,

... Zonastat-D was approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in July 2017. Huxley said if the project gets provincial approval, Oak Bay will be the first community in Canada to use the drug on deer.  "This immuno-contraception is also being applied to wild horse populations in Alberta," ...

City reduces urban deer population by 50 animals February 22, 2018 British Columbia, Cranbrook Townsman

...  30 mule deer and 20 white-tail deer were killed ... most of the public complaints appear to have been around aggressive white-tail deer, not mule deer ...

Oak Bay, Experts to capture and collar 20 female deer in Oak Bay starting this month February 16, 2018 British Columbia, Goldstream News Gazette

... collars will allow the does to be tracked to gather information on the ecology of urban deer and to develop an understanding of their movement patterns, density and population size...

Chronic Wasting Disease samples, cases up across province February 11, 2018 Saskatchewan, paNOW

... found across a large swath of south and central Saskatchewan ... Around 12 per cent of samples have returned positive testing results. In some Wildlife Management Zones, the ministry found the rate of CWD in deer to be as high as 43 percent — but those zones also saw low testing participation...

Fawn rescue in February February 10, 2018 Alberta, Red Deer Express

... The deer had one leg caught in the fence and was up to its belly in a snowbank... Although the video shows that the leg is badly cut up and the deer holding its injured leg up carefully as it runs, the leg was not broken...

Manitoulin, Trail breaking to allow deer access to food sources encouraged February 9, 2018 Ontario,

...  it has been a good winter for deer on Manitoulin, with less of an overabundance of snow ... “People can break trails for deer to access food and take down cedar trees and bushes for deer to eat.” ...

Urban deer translocation study wraps up February 7, 2018 British Columbia, Columbia Valley Pioneer

... The main stumbling block to continuing on with translocation was the propensity of some individuals, I think it was about 12 of 40 collared deer that showed up in other communities ...  there was also about the same number or more more deer that did revert to what we call natural mule deer habits ...

BC fruit growers calling for deer cull February 7, 2018 British Columbia,

... The BC Fruit Growers are expected to vote for a cull at their annual convention in Kelowna next week...

Laval, Wildlife Quebec manhunt for Laval deer killer February 7, 2018 The Suburban

... was watching deer on the island ... when he saw one of them fall to the ground... Discharging a firearm or powerful crossbows is illegal in Laval ...


Precariously balanced deer saved from log handling facility February 3, 2018 British Columbia, Terrace Standard

... a young deer precariously trapped on floating logs... “Fortunately, the animal did not move very much after being struck with the dart and remained on a fairly sound portion of the floating logs,” ...

Surgery goes well for injured deer January 30, 2018 Ontario, Haliburton Echo

... The arrow had entered just above the eye and came out just above the jaw bone. Her brow bone had sustained a fracture that will leave a lump.  Although the deer did not lose the eye, it is too early to know if there was damage ...

Lake Superior caribou helicoptered to island with no wolves January 16, 2018 Ontario, Duluth News Tribune

... nine caribou, one bull and eight cows, were tranquilized and taken aboard helicopters from Michipicoten Island on Lake Superior to the Slate Islands, according to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry... The Michipicoten herd has been decimated in recent years after wolves crossed an ice bridge from the Ontario mainland ...

Kimberley hopes to continue deer translocation January 15, 2018 British Columbia, Kimberley Bulletin

...  about 20 per cent of the translocated deer are appearing in other human-populated areas... “We are hoping for a research permit for this winter,” he said. “We have the biologist and vet on standby and are hoping to fly at ‘er as soon as we get the permit.” ...

Kelowna City Council responds to requests for a deer management program January 15, 2018 British Columbia, KelownaNow

... The WildSafe BC program is designed to reduce human-wildlife conflict through education. The program does not include practices such as deer culling, which was said to be ineffective in other communities... Council was in agreement that deer management is a provincial government responsibility ...

BC Deer Protection Society asks: Why is Ministry killing deer in east Kootenays municipalities when the population is declining?  January 11, 2018 British Columbia, Canada NewsWire 

... As the mule deer population continues to decline in the Kootenays, the Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations & Rural Development (FLNRO) continues to promote culling as the only deer management option for east Kootenay municipalities. Both Cranbrook and Invermere have been issued cull permits and the culls are underway ...

Deer populations declining January 11, 2018 British Columbia,

... New hunting regulations proposed by the provincial government are aiming to address this by lowering the mule-deer bag limit to one buck across the Okanagan, Thompson, Kootenay, Cariboo, Skeena, Omineca, and Peace combined..,

Kelowna considers what to do about urban deer January 11, 2018 British Columbia, InfoTel News Ltd

... deer culls have always proven controversial, often facing legal challenges and are of unproven efficacy...  Some provincial money for urban deer management is available but would require a local plan, matching funding and a deer population estimate. ...  staff is recommending the Central Okanagan Regional District become a member of WildSafe B.C., described as an education program designed to reduce human-wildlife conflict...

Elk management about more than agricultural conflict: Environment Yukon January 9, 2017 Yukon, Yukon News

... Figures from Environment Yukon’s agriculture branch show a plan to compensate farmers for damage caused by the elk doled out $91,400 over the last three years... The Braeburn and Takhini River herds were originally introduced in 1951 with imported animals in an attempt to take pressure off of other game species in the region, but the population has never grown to levels which can be sufficiently harvested to have have the original desired impact...

Salt Spring Island Deer: Killing to Conserve December 27, 2017 British Columbia, Victoria Animal News

... On November 4, 2017 the conservancy opened the Alvin Indiridson Nature Reserve to a local deer cull... They have invited the local rod and gun club to kill deer on their lands annually since 2010... A scientific count of deer on the island has never been conducted. A survey of residents’ attitudes regarding deer has never taken place...

Broadening protection for the Algonquin wolf might turn out worse than bear and moose management schemes December 27, 2017 Ontario, The North Bay Nugget

... Ontario’s wild canines include the grey wolves or timbers, their slightly smaller eastern cousins, the much smaller coyote, and the mixed hybrids of grey-eastern wolves and coyote, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry recently named Algonquin wolves...

A deer tried to cross Highway 401 and survived, thanks to a group of motorists and police December 23, 2017 Ontario,

... "He was scared and kind of stuck. He didn't know how to get off the highway," ... managed to trap the deer between a wall and the side of vehicle... drove the deer to the Toronto Wildlife Centre ...

More Saskatchewan zones with chronic ... -wasting disease in 2017 December 20, 2017

... Chronic-wasting disease ... has been identified in 32 of the Saskatchewan’s 83 wildlife management areas... new areas are southeast of North Battleford, northwest of Yorkton and in the province’s most southwestern corner..,

Annual deer count in Kimberley December 7, 2017 British Columbia, BCLocalNews

... The current study around translocation of mule deer is not yet final, although preliminary results indicate that translocating the mule deer out of urban areas doesn’t seem to be causing stress to the animals, which was a major concern...


Thunder Bay's deer hunt remains difficult to track November 23, 2017 Ontdario,

... Five years after it was implemented, City of Thunder Bay officials still are unable to document the results of the controlled bow hunt for deer... there is "no way to prove" if the hunt has reduced the number of collisions over the past five years...

Cranbrook, Council approves another deer cull November 21, 2017 British Columbia, 

...  permits for the capture and euthanization of up to 50 mule deer or incidental white-tailed deer... assuming that 50 deer are captured, is $27,500 or $550 per animal...

Cranbrook, Council tired of taking the flack for the province's deer November 20, 2017 British Columbia, Cranbrook Townsman

...City of Cranbrook Communications officer Chris Zettel confirmed the cull permit was the only tool allowed the City by the Province. Deer hazing in other communities (herding the deer out of town using trained dogs) and translocation (sedating, radio-collaring and hauling the deer far away) were done as trial projects...

Oak Bay wants more doe from province November 16, 2017 British Columbia, Victoria News

... “The province is making sure this follows a very, very strong scientific rigour. They are moving away from culling and now supporting other options like trans-location and immunocontraceptives,” said Steve Huxter, project manager of UWSS. “It is new to them so they are demanding a high level of confidence in what we are doing.” ...

Moose and Deer Population Trends in Northwestern Ontario:  A Case History B Ranta, M Lankester - …  A Journal Devoted to the Biology and Management of …, 2017

...  Over the past 100 years, moose and deer have fluctuated through 2 high-low population cycles. Deer numbers were high and moose numbers were low in the 1940s and 50s following a spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana) outbreak. By the early 1960s, deer trended downwards and remained low during an extended period with frequent deep-snow winters; as deer declined, moose recovery was evident. Moose increased through the 1980s and 1990s as did deer, apparently in response to considerable habitat disturbance, including another spruce budworm outbreak and easier winters. However, despite conditions that were favourable for both species, moose declined markedly beginning in the late 1990s, and by 2012 were at very low levels district-wide while deer numbers remained high. Despite the moose decline being coincident

with a short-lived winter tick (Dermacentor albipictus) epizootic in the early 2000s and increasing numbers of wolves (Canis lupus), we argue that the meningeal worm (Parelaphostrongylus tenuis) likely played a major role in this moose decline.

New Brunswick Hunt Numbers, Deer hunt up, preliminary numbers show November 12, 2017

...  recent, relatively warmer winters are the reason for the increase in the overall deer population, after harsh winters in 2013 and 2014..,

Prince Rupert, Deer with hammock festooned in antlers wins raves in northwestern B.C.  November 7, 2017 British Columbia,

... A deer with part of a purple hammock laced around his antlers has inspired a Facebook page, popular line of T-shirts and tremendous public interest ...

  Pender residents, COS help deer in distress November 2, 2017 British Columbia, CoastReporter

... A Pender Harbour resident spotted the young buck in their back yard Oct. 27 and called the COS. The arrow was stuck in the deer’s back just under the spine...

Alberta Province tracks Chronic Wasting Disease in deer October 31, 2017 Alberta, Pincher Creek Echo

...  is on the rise within the province...  we began our surveillance in 1998 ...“It’s coming west and moving up the river valleys,” ... the rate of infection hovers around three to four per cent...

Oak Bay plans apply for provincial cash to further deer contraception plan October 26, 2017 British Columbia, Peninsula News Review

... Oak Bay received similar funding in the spring as it embarked on a project with the Urban Wildlife Stewardship Society for a local project. ... According to the province, there are about 135,000 mule deer, 128,000 black-tail deer and more than 100,000 white-tail deer in B.C..,

Deer season should be a good one, Nova Scotia Deer Population, October 20, 2017 The News

... [for Nova Scotia] deer numbers appear to be growing but the tough winter we experienced in 2014-2015 had a significant impact on the number of young deer that survived the winter and it shows up in a reduced number of older deer in the population... The deer harvest across the province in 2016 was 8,337 animals, a seven per cent increase over 2015..,

Scientific report finds controversial urban deer culls don't work - Tax dollars wasted on costly and ineffective programs October 18, 2017 British Columbia, Canada NewsWire 

... commissioned McCrory Wildlife Services to conduct an independent review of urban deer culls in five BC municipalities ... "We found that culling either through expensive lethal methods or non-lethal translocations of deer from certain communities had some short term benefits but deer numbers rebounded fairly quickly because of their naturally good reproductive rates and from other deer simply moving in from the outside." ...

Fast, slow, and adaptive management of habitat modification–invasion interactions: woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus) EA Wilman, EN Wilman - Ecosphere, 2017

... Woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus) are declining throughout much of their North American range...  Non-linear predation increases the chances of extirpation. Reversing the decline of an individual herd requires some combination of habitat protection, slow habitat restoration, and control of the faster-to-adjust invading ungulates and/or predators...

EHD found in Ontario deer October 15, 2016 Ontario, Bayshore Broadcasting News Centre

... For the first time ever the Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD) has been found in white tailed deer in Ontario.  2 cases of the deadly virus have been confirmed in the London area...

Caribou comeback: Can the species ever return to NB? October 13, 2017 New Brunswick,

... the last wild caribou sighting recorded in the province would be in the early 1930s... early 1800s lumbermen ... opening up the forests ... created grazing for deer... coupled with the almost fanatical slaughter of wolves ... allowed for whitetail deer to push north. Along with them came a deadly parasite that would prove lethal to the remaining caribou herd... "The Last New Brunswick Caribou?"

Kimberley BC, to truck deer out of town rather than cull the animals October 2, 2017 British Columbia, National Post

... A cull was conducted in Kimberley in 2012 but McCormick says because the city relies on tourism, it can’t afford the negative publicity ... will instead consider relocating the animals...

Ontario trying to track infection deadly to deer September 29, 2017 on

... discovery of two dead male deer on a property in London, Ont. on Sept. 12.  These are the first confirmed cases in Ontario of EHD...

Evaluating functional recovery of habitat for threatened woodland caribou  M Dickie, R Serrouya, C DeMars, J Cranston, S Boutin - Ecosphere, 2017

... In western Canada, habitat restoration for the recovery of woodland caribou is focused on linear features (LFs) created by oil and gas exploration...  Most of the movement efficiency afforded to wolves by LFs is mediated when vegetation exceeds 0.50 m, and therefore, active restoration could be focused in areas that have not met this value. Rather than treating this value as a clear threshold equating to functional recovery, multiple metrics across trophic levels must also be evaluated to assess population recovery for caribou...

Province wants your trail camera data September 14, 2017 Nova Scotia,

... The Department of Natural Resources is four years into a project to use trail camera information to help determine the size and health of the province’s deer and bear populations ...  deer herd is currently estimated at between 35,000 and 45,000 ..,

Natural deer pee a no-no for hunters September 7, 2017 Nova Scotia,

... urine can lead to the spread of chronic wasting disease ... estimates the province’s deer population to be between 35,000 and 45,000...,

Experimental moose reduction lowers wolf density and stops decline of endangered caribou 2017 PeerJ

... When the moose harvest was increased, the moose population declined substantially in the treatment area (by 70%) but not the reference area, suggesting that the policy had the desired effect and was not caused by a broader climatic process. Wolf numbers subsequently declined in the treatment area, with wolf dispersal rates 2.5× greater, meaning that dispersal was the likely mechanism behind the wolf numerical response, though reduced recruitment and starvation was also documented in the treatment area. Caribou adult survival increased from 0.78 to 0.88 in the treatment area, but declined in the reference...

Deny DOI a deer cull permit August 30, 2017 British Columbia, Markets Insider

... "The DOI claims to place clover traps in zones that have aggressive deer and human safety related issues.  This is not the case."  DOI Records of Wildlife Hunted, Trapped or Killed for 2016 and 2017 show that of the 26 deer killed, all but two were trapped in DOI's public works yard.  Area 7 where the works yard is located and Area 2 had the lowest deer count of any of the seven survey units...

Supplemental deer feeding on Manitoulin in emergency situations remains in place August 18, 2017 Ontario, Manitoulin Expositor

... A member of the Gore Bay Fish and Game Club (GBFGC) is happy that the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) is not putting in place legislation that would prevent supplemental feeding of deer when severe conditions in the winter put deer in peril...

Stuck with a pail on its head for a week, deer tranquilized by conservation officers August 17, 2017 British Columbia, BC Local News

... Once sedated, the deer was down for 1.5 hours while the pail was cut off its head. Later, the deer awoke and began eating and drinking before running off...

Human disturbance alters the predation rate of moose in the Athabasca oil sands

EW Neilson, S Boutin - Ecosphere, 2017

... Alberta's Athabasca oil sands region (AOSR) is a region of boreal forest characterized by extensive human disturbance and is home to moose  ... We conclude that predation rates of moose have increased near human disturbance in AOSR because the mining footprint has removed habitat causing changes to the intensity of wolf use of areas near the boundary of mines. We discuss possibility of sink habitat near mining features and whether that is expected to reduce moose population density across AOSR.

Kimberley City Council approves funding for deer translocation July 26, 2017 British Columbia, BC Local News

... for the translocation project... a new motion to include $50,000 per year in the next two years... Our last translocation proved it can work ... Council has approved the motion to put in an application for the Urban Mule Deer Translocation ...

Victoria to seek outside funding for deer control  July 22, 2017 British Columbia,  Times Colonist

... Councillors agreed Thursday to have the mayor write to the premier and to the CRD about the issue. However, they stopped short of allocating any funding ...

     Victoria eyes deer population count July 21, 2017 British Columbia, Victoria News

... As part of the 2018 budget, staff will be looking ways to fund a deer count, with help from the Urban Wildlife Stewardship Society, as the first step towards creating a potential deer management strategy ...

Upper Mission residents sign petition in favour of deer population control July 20, 2017 British Columbia, KelownaNow

... Stewart said the City is keeping a close eye on the deer population and besides a few damaged landscapes, they haven't really seen much reason to take concern... [Owen said]: you just can't come in and kill deer and not change behaviour because those deer will be replaced by other deer." ...

CWD Threatens More Than Just Big Game Herds In Manitoba July 17, 2017

...  researchers are now calling CWD [chronic wasting disease] an insidious and dire disease, and the greatest conservation challenge of our future...  estimates are between 10,000-15,000 CWD infected deer are consumed by hunters every year in North America...

Area trees being lost to emerald ash borer beetles July 13, 2017 New Brunswick, Montgomery Newspapers

... permits for this season has increased from last year. Provincewide, 2,100 permits will be allowed, up 300 from the 1,800 available in 2016 [mostly buck only] ...

Truro, Solution fair to both deer and humans needed, says veterinarian July 10, 2017 Nova Scotia, Truro Daily News

... A lot of areas around town that used to be their territory have been developed or cut up into pieces so they can’t travel without crossing roads or lawns...“Wanting to kill them because they eat flowers is horrible...

Deer warning signs to be installed throughout Oak Bay July 5, 2017 British Columbia, Oak Bay News

... BC SPCA Wild Animal Rehabilitation Centre records show that, 20 to 30 per cent of the deer fawns admitted between May and August are hit by cars... Urban Wildlife Stewardship Society, based in Oak Bay, has distributed more than 700 signs that say “Caution – Expect Deer” ...

Recruitment Success for Mast Year Cohorts of Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) Over Three Decades of Heavy Deer Browsing J Macmillan, LW Aarssen - The American Midland Naturalist, 2017

... Our results suggest seed masting in sugar maple can bolster cohort recruitment success that otherwise would virtually (or completely) fail when severe impact from deer browsing is combined with other typical early life-stage mortality risks, e.g., from drought, neighborhood competition, and persistent overhead canopy shade...

Hunting exacerbates the response to human disturbance in large herbivores while migrating through a road network.   Alberta, DG Paton, S Ciuti, M Quinn, MS Boyce - Ecosphere, 2017

... Elk using stopovers in fall displayed different seasonal and diurnal behaviors between sexes in response to the disturbance. Females used steeper terrain during fall-day and males did not use this strategy in fall. Male avoidance of roads was much stronger than females during fall-day and males were less likely to cross a road during fall. Such responses are probably linked to higher hunting pressure on males vs. females. Finally, we found that elk spent more time feeding during spring migration compared to the fall migration and elk vigilance was >3 times higher in the fall hunting season...

Hunter concerned about clear-cut located in Vaughan designated deer wintering area June 29, 2017 Nova Scotia, The Hants Journal

... the plot of crown land, which WestFor, a lumber and mill consortium, has applied for a partial clear cut.. land in question is also a designated deer wintering area... deer have shelter in the harsh winter months because the mature tree canopy provides sufficient cover from the snow...

Wildlife centre pleads: don't kidnap 'abandoned' baby deer June 29, 2017

...  by leaving the fawns for a while and going out to find food, the mother is actually protecting her baby: the mother has a scent that attracts predators and by staying away, she reduces the risk to the baby...

Victoria city council mulls foray into deer management June 25, 2017 British Columbia, Times Colonist

... Victoria city staff say it’s difficult to determine the true extent of the deer situation... tools include population counts, public opinion surveys, public education campaigns, and community advisory committees... 

New Research Sparks Health Canada Warning Deer Plague Might Infect Humans June 24, 2017

... The Health Products and Food Branch of Health Canada now warns that the potential for CWD “to be transmitted to humans cannot be excluded.” ... The advisory ... recommend avoiding consumption of foods from known infected or any diseased animals ...

Kimberley seeking permit to translocate deer from provincial ministries June 20, 2017 British Columbia, Kimberley Bulletin

... The current study around translocation of mule deer is not yet final, although preliminary results indicate that translocating the mule deer out of urban areas doesn’t seem to be causing stress to the animals, which was a major concern...

Truro deer management session draws large crowd June 20, 2017 Nova Scotia, Truro Daily News

... About 1,200 surveys had been completed online by early Tuesday afternoon ... it appears most people don’t want to see the deer killed ... “I live on Brunswick Street and sometimes I see them in my yard ...They’re beautiful and I love seeing them...

     Truro, Nova Scotia town overrun by deer mulling contraceptives June 19, 2017 Metro News

... officials are considering options including contraceptives and a cull in a bid to control the growing urban herd.

     Nova Scotia town mulls shooting its nuisance deer with bows and arrows June 14, 2017

... The animals are a divisive issue, according to Dolter. He said some people in the community desperately want them gone, saying they're a nuisance that carry ticks and eat through gardens.  Others love having deer around... "The hunt is not where we're headed if we can avoid it," ...

Collared deer in Cranbrook after trek June 13, 2017 British Columbia, Cranbrook Townsman

... the deer in question were captured in Kimberley in March, 2017, close to the Civic Centre arena, translocated and released in the Gilbraltor area ... showed up in the yard of the fellow who helped us with the translocation ...

Female elk can learn to avoid hunters with age June 14, 2017 Canada, Science Daily

... As female elk get older, they adopt strategies for avoiding hunters in Canada, according to a study published June 14, 2017 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE ... Once female elk reach the age of about 10 years, they are nearly invulnerable to human hunters. This age-related difference could be driven only by selection by hunters -- or it could also be driven by learning...

Conservation officers on Vancouver Island save deer shot in the head with crossbow June 8, 2017 British Columbia,

... "We are able to track her down in the bushes and successfully get a dart into her with some drugs," said conservation officer Scott Morris. " ... able to pull the arrow from her face...

     Pregnant Vancouver Island deer shot in the head with crossbow June 7, 2017 British Columbia,

... A Vancouver Island resident had become used to a pregnant deer visiting her yard ... "Yesterday, we came home and she had an arrow sticking out of her head ...

The Status and Management of Moose in North America - Circa 2015 [PDF will download] ALCES VOL. 53: 1–22 (2017) H. R. Timmermann1 and Arthur R. Rodgers

... In 2014–2015, the North American moose population was estimated at ~1,000,000 animals distributed in 30 jurisdictions, which is unchanged since the turn of the century. Populations occurred in 12 Canadian provinces or territories, and in at least 18 states. In the past 5 years, moose density is believed to be increasing in 9, relatively stable in 8, and declining in 11 jurisdictions; estimates of change were unavailable in 2 jurisdictions. In

2014–2015, an estimated 425,537 licensed moose hunters harvested 82,096 moose in 23 jurisdictions....

Toronto, Family of deer rescued from Scarborough plaza June 2, 2017 Ontario, CBC

... The deer, a male and a pregnant female, got trapped Tuesday afternoon after coming into contact with a car and running into a gated area ...

Magrath seeking input to control deer population May 30, 2017 Alberta, Lethbridge Herald

... town council is asking the public to be a part of the discussion through an online survey... “Members of the public can help by eliminating ready food sources and by fencing in their yards and gardens,” ...

Williams Lake creates urban deer brochure May 25, 2017 British Columbia, Williams Lake Tribune

... Rather than pursuing a deer management strategy, staff suggested compiling information and developing an education program for residents on deer proofing their properties.  Council approved $3,000 be added to the 2017 operating budget for an education and communication plan ...

Judgement laid in the Kazakoff vs Taft case May 4, 2017 British Columbia, Invermere Valley Echo

...  Mr. Taft commented on an online news site labeling Kazakoff as a “convicted felon.” The comment was made after Kazakoff pleaded guilty in 2015 to tampering with deer traps in Kimberley... Mr. Kazakoff is entitled to receive $50,000 for general damages, $25,000 for aggravated damages, totalling a fee of $75,000 to be paid by Mr. Taft...

UWSS defends deer count May 3, 2017 British Columbia, Oak Bay News 

   According to the City of Cranbrook, Urban Deer Management Annual Report 2015/16, in Nov. 2010 they counted 101 deer and held their first cull in 2011.  After five years of culling the deer, in November 2015, the annual count identified 137 deer, the highest number since their counts began in 2010....

Short Hills deer hunt cost $39,900 May 3, 2017 Ontario, St. Catharines Standard

... The province spent $39,900 to run the 2016 aboriginal deer hunt in Short Hills Provincial Park — almost dollar to dollar the amount of the year before... 46 deer were harvested over three weekends in November and December. That’s up from 39 deer in 2015 and 21 deer in 2014...

BC Wildlife Federation wants citizens to speak out on behalf of wildlife May 3, 2017 British Columbia, The Free Press

... In central B.C., moose populations have recently declined 50 to 70 per cent. Several central and southern caribou populations continue to decline, despite decades long hunting bans...

Fish and Game Club upset with ministry’s position on supplemental deer feeding April 13, 2017 Ontario,

... A member of the Gore Bay Fish and Game Club says he is disappointed with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) position that it will continue to discourage and prevent supplemental feeding of deer even when severe conditions in the winter put deer in peril...

Cranbrook, 15 deer killed in Cranbrook cull provide meat for community March 29, 2017 British Columbia, CTV News

... Thirteen mule deer and two white tail deer were euthanized after being caught in baited boxes known as clover traps...

Efforts underway to assist elk and deer until springtime March 25, 2017 British Columbai, The Free Press

... the province was investing $40,000 to mitigate the drastic impacts of one of the region’s harshest winters ...  to purchase hay to feed elk and deer in strategic locations around the East Kootenay... many ungulate populations are in long-term decline...

Problem deer get GPS collars ahead of Oak Bay birth control plan March 19, 2017 British Columbia,

... "What we hope to do is use an immuno-contraceptive that's a long-term. If we could develop the vaccine properly, it could last for as long as four to five years. This would be a much more efficient way of reducing population levels." ... Steve Huxter of the Urban Wildlife Stewardship Society.

East Kootenay Relocation study tracks local deer, variable results March 17, 2017 British Coliumbia, Columbia Valley Pioneer

... Of the seven with radio collars, two have since been killed by predators (one likely by wolves in Upper Findlay Creek), three went up into the alpine near the release site and then returned to lower winter range in the Findlay Flats-Lavington area in the fall, and the other two each made separate long solo journeys ...

Research project will see deer fitted with GPS collars March 17, 2017 British Columbia, Times Colonist

... The provincial government is giving Oak Bay $20,000 to outfit 20 deer with GPS tracking collars and install 40 motion-sensor cameras to photograph the animals as they wander its trails. This is the beginning of a plan to reduce the number of deer through the use of birth-control drugs...

Oak Bay scores provincial funds to count deer March 16, 2017 British Columbia, Oak Bay News (registration)

... “I’m very pleased with the province providing the funds to assist the Urban Wildlife Stewardship Society to lead a unique approach to managing the deer population and also trying to understand the behaviour of deer in our urban environment,” said Oak Bay Mayor Nils Jensen...

Update provided for East Kootenay Deer Translocation trial February 28, 2017 British Columbia, Kimberley Bulletin

... We had some initial predation, mostly by cougar ... Three deer died in the late autumn of unknown causes, possibly related to poor nutrition... So far the mortality rate for the  collared deer that were released last year is about 50 per cent, while it’s only 20 per cent for collared non-urban mule deer... [this is the first trial, other cases show experience improves survival] 

Elkford council votes against deer cull February 25, 2017 British Columbia, The Free Press

...  a factor in the decision not to pursue a cull was the town's Urban Wildlife Management Advisory Committee’s recommendation to wait until the results of a translocation project are released this year... 60 deer relocated from Cranbrook, Kimberley, Invermere and Elkford in February and March of 2015. Twenty-nine of the deer were fitted with radio collars ...

Stress contributed to deer's death on the Yukon River, conservation officer says February 13, 2017 Yukon, Yukon News

... A dog that chased a mule deer onto the Yukon River ... he female deer may have suffered from exertional myopathy, a condition where physiological changes caused by stress damage muscle tissue. It is almost always fatal...

Capture of Free-Ranging Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) with a Combination of Medetomidine, Azaperone and Alfaxalone A Mathieu, N Caulkett, PM Stent, HM Schwantje - Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 2017

... The major side effects of the combination were hypoxemia and hypercapnia. The combination of medetomidine, azaperone, and alfaxalone proved suitable for the immobilization of urban and nonurban free-ranging MD ...

Cranbrook, Province confirms deer cull underway January 31, 2017 British Columbia, BC Local News

...The last cull occurred a year ago when the city reported 20 deer were killed over a six-week period. Last year's cull cost $10,374 ...

Elkford, Possibility of another deer cull divides mountain town January 30, 2017 British Columbia, The Free Press

...  after having been approved for up to $10,000 in provincial funds to harvest up to 50 mule deer, some residents of the quiet mountain town are fearful that another cull could once again divide the community... “A lot of people don’t want to voice their opinion just because they’re afraid of being ostracized socially here,” ...

Pentiction, Deer cull not likely January 20, 2017 British Columbia, Pentiction Western News

... the cougar family was hunting urban deer in Penticton for a few weeks ...Penticton has attempted to follow the province’s process to be allowed to cull deer, but in the end public opposition and the threat of lawsuits caused city hall to drop the idea...

Elkford turns to residents for urban deer answers January 15, 2017 British Columbia, The Free Press

... During February and March of last year, 60 deer were relocated from Cranbrook, Kimberley, Invermere and Elkford. Twenty-nine of the deer were fitted with radio collars to allow monitoring of their movements and survival rates... early results show the survival rates of the collared animals have been comparable to the general deer population...

Manitoulin, Winter conditions having minimal impacts on Island deer thus far January 13, 2017 Ontario,

... For now people can help out the deer by breaking trails from one food source to another ...  If we have 90 days of 20 or more inches of snow on the ground that is when you see deer losses ... In terms of breaking browse for deer ...  this isn’t needed at this point... [breaking tree and shrub branches down to where deer can eat them is an effective way to provide a quick winter supplemental food source]

Point Pelee National Park to close for deer cull January 11, 2017 Ontario,

... 41 deer were harvested during a cull at the park in 2016 and another 72 in 2015...

Waterford, Deer cams prove popular January 8, 2017 Ontario,

... the Waterford deer park ... Since two webcams were installed at the end of 2015, 40,000 Internet users around the world have clicked on to see what the animals are up to... English fallow deer ... 14 bucks and 13 females... 

Annual deer hunt must be conducted responsibly January 1, 2017 Ontario, Hamilton Spectator

... the DMAC recognized that accurate data was required if the HCA was going to get into deer management. Since that report was issued, one aerial census in 2013 was performed and no system for ground-based counts has been implemented...  The 2013 aerial deer census showed a 40 per cent decline in deer numbers between 2009 and 2013 in the Dundas Valley ...  the HCA continues to tell the public that "the deer are still abundant." ...

Canada Data:  For western Canada in 2020 about 327,000 mule deer and 126,500 blacktails for a total of a total of 453,500 according to the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (estimates in the 2021 report are from a previous year). down from about 397,000 mule deer and 126,500 backtails in 2020That was up from about 460,000 mule and blacktailed deer in 2015, mostly due to a population increase for mule deer in Alberta.  Graphs and data at bottom of column.   A rough estimate for white-tails as described below of around 1.8 to 2 million

British Columbia  The province estimates around 2020 that there were 100,000 - 170,000 mule deer and 98,000 - 155,000 blacktails.  An estimated 363,000 deer in British Columbia in 2017, 135,000 mule deer, 128,000 black-tail deer, and more than 100,000 white-tails.   The harsh winters of 2014 and 2015 reduced many deer populations.

The 1980 deer management plan estimated the population at:  mule, 100,000 + 20%; black-tailed, 310,000 + 20%, and fallow, 500.

Alberta  The 2020 (p. 6) pre-hunting season population estimate of mule deer in Alberta was 188,000.  A 2006 estimate of 270,000 white-tailed deer. Based on the 2020 hunting data, it appears there are at least 500,000 white-tails in the province. The 1995 Alberta White-tailed Deer Management Plan provides a history and estimates the 1992 population at 171,000.   A 1959 estimate of 90,000 (p. 12) and 138,130 in the mid 1970s, and 143,000 in 1987.   Dawe and Boutin (2016) determined that climate change is the primary driver of white-tailed deer range expansion at the northern extent of its range; land use is secondary. 

Saskatchewan  Into 2024 the mule deer population has been declining for a few years due to sever weather and droughts.  A few mild winters into 2020 increased the deer population.  The harsh 2014 winter reduced populations by about 27 percent compared to long term averages after a hard 2013 winter.  A 2011 population estimate of 380,000.  Report poachers at  1-800-667-7561 or online at 

Manitoba The population fell to around 80,000 to 100,000 in Manitoba in 2014 as a result of a hard winter.  The white-tail population was estimated at 200,000 in 1996 and 60,000 in 1974.   White-tailed deer are not native to Manitoba with the earliest report in 1881.

Ontario  The deer population in Ontario peaked in around 2006, deer populations are half or less partially a result of severe winter weather.  In eastern Ontario, deer population densities have dropped to three animals per square kilometre of forest in 2009 from about 12 per square kilometre in 2002.  About 400,000 in 2012 for Ontario.  The harsh winter of 2008-09 killed about 30 percent of the deer.  The 2014 winter was the coldest in 20 years.  A 2011 population estimate of 412,000.  Elk herds stabilized around 2020 after years of decline.  Deer populations were lower in the Thunder By area for 2023 after harsh winters.  No chronic wasting disease detected as of mid-2024.

Quebec  A 2022 population estimate of 250,000.

The Nova Scotia deer population was estimated at 35,000 to 40,000 in 2017 but the area could support 100,000 deer.  The harvest was down 28.4 percent from fall 2014 to 2015, a result of harsh weather, but more mild conditions in 2015-16. The population was estimated at 50,000 in 2011, an all-time high of 119,000 animals in 1986 to a low of 42,000 in 1995.  White tailed deer populations were at their highest in 1954 and 1985.  An estimated population of 55,532 in 2009, 43,605 in 2008, and 45,332 in 2005.

New Brunswick  A 2022 estimate 155,000 deer as a result of mild winters.  A 2023 estimate of a stable population of about 31,000 moose.  An estimated 100,000 deer in 2021.  The 2016 deer population was estimated at 74,338, down from about 270,532 in 1985.  A tough 2018-19 winter took 20 to 30% of the deer in New Brunswick.  DNR numbers show the 2016 deer herd was down 70% in 30 years.  Biologist suggest the deer decline from 2007 to 2016 was partially attributable to the widespread use of glyphosate – the active ingredient in Roundup.  Estimated 2015 deer population was about 65,000 due to starvation from a harsh winter.   Winter mortality in 2014 reduced the herd by about 13,000, putting the population at about 77,000 in 2014.  About 90,000 in 2013 and into early 2014, down from about 110,000 in 2007, but up from 2012.  Antlerless permits in New Brunswick were reduced by about 20 percent in 2014 and another 20 percent in 2015 to help the herd recover.  The deer population in New Brunswick declined by 70 percent from 1986 to 2016.  It fell from about 270,532 in 1985 to 74,338  in 2014.  The winter was average in 2010-11, severe in 2007-08, 2008-09, with several mild winters going into 2007.  A population estimate of 110,000 in 2007 and 75,000 in 2011.


"White-tailed deer are relative newcomers to much of the range they now occupy in Canada. When Europeans first explored the northern half of the continent they found deer in only the most southerly parts of Canada and this situation had not changed much at Confederation" Source.  The modern expansion of deer into Canada is associated with the end of the Little Ice Age.  Wikipedia:  "The time period has been conventionally defined as extending from the 16th to the 19th centuries, but some experts prefer an alternative timespan from about 1300 to about 1850."  White-tailed deer are not native to Manitoba with the earliest report in 1881.  "Historically confined to the Eastern Seaboard, deer have been expanding their territory across the continent since European colonization [source]."

As in the United States,  Canadian deer were severely over hunted in the late 1800's as noted in an article from Castanet "Big game abounds in caribou, white and black-tailed deer [in 1891] ... over the next few years hunters came from far and wide ... " 

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)   A mule deer that died in the Toronto Zoo in 1978 was the first confirmed case of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in Canada. Detected in 8 of 105 animals tested: 7 mule deer and 1 black-tailed deer.  The infected animals came from the Denver, Colorado, zoo.  No mule deer left the Toronto Zoo site, and the last animal with CWD died in 1981. First detected in Canada in Saskatchewan in 1996 among captive elk imported from a farm in South Dakota later found to be infected with CWD. The first case in Canadian wild deer was also in Saskatchewan in 2000.  The first case in Alberta reported in 2002 and first in the wild herd along the Saskatchewan border in 2005.   As of December, 2017, identified in 32 of the Saskatchewan’s 83 wildlife management areas.  Discovered in Quebec in 2018.  

The first case of CWD in Manitoba was detected in November, 2021, with 26 positives by early 2024 and 26 by early 2024By 2023 CWD was detected in 60 of the 83 zones in Saskatchewan.  The first case in British Columbia reported in January, 2024.

Moose   Surveys in Ontario show the moose population down 40 per cent from the previous one completed in 2010 with only 712 moose estimated in the territory compared to 1,179 in 2010.  In British Columbia moose, caribou, and mule deer were in decline into 2016.  Hunting was banned in parts of Manitoba in 2014 to protect the herd.

Caribou  The last wild caribou seen in New Brunswick  was in the 1930s as a result of unregulated hunting.  Research indicates the ultimate cause of the recent decline of caribou in Alberta is believed to be human activity.  A 2014  involving wolf removal had mixed results on the declining caribou population.

Elk  Coastal British Columbia’s Roosevelt Elk (Cervus canadensis roosevelti) decreased greatly from first European settlement to the start of the 1920s.

Mountain Lions  About 4,000 in 2019 with about 3,500 in Canada and 600 to 800 on Vancouver Island.  A 1998 estimate of  5,150 to 7,000.

Report poaching:  call 1-877-TIPS-MNR (847-7667) tollfree

Other Useful Links

- WildSafeBC: designed to reduce human-wildlife conflict through education, innovation and cooperation.

- DeerSafe Victoria: A blog following the urban deer management issue in Victoria.

- British Columbia Deer Management Citizens Advisory Council

- Procyon Wildlife:  Deer rehabilitation in Ontario

Population Estimates for Canadian Mule and Blacktailed Deer.  Source:  Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

Graphs Below:  British Columbia Mule and Blacktailed Deer Population Estimates

Graph below:  Saskatchewan Mule Deer

WAFWA Canada